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Is XMLC a dead project? Is anyone using it?

From an e-mail I received a while back:

I'm interested in hearing your opinion of XMLC? And when will we see it in AppFuse? ;-) Seems to me that with it's base in xml and all the ajax and SOA hubub that it could be primed for a resurgence. And what about BarracudaMVC as an AppFuse option?

My response:

I've seen XMLC come up every so often, but it seems to be a dead project. Is it still being developed? There don't seem to be a whole lot of people using it.

His reponse:

It's not dead yet. It's still a big part of Enhydra and BarracudaMVC both of which have quite a bit of ongoing development but XMLC it's self is mostly one guy, Jacob Kjome. He does put in a lot of work and still actively releases updates, just recently a Xerces2 compatible version with full DOM3 capabilities and lots of bug fixes and such.

Actually, the Enhydra framework now comes with an alternative to XMLC called Jivan - I haven't used it yet but they claim significantly better performance than XMLC.

I used Enhydra/XMLC for my first 6 years as a java web developer. Then I got a new job and for the last 3 years have been working on a home-brewed jsp/servlet nightmare of a presentation framework for a high-volume production system. It's absolutely painful. I would take a pay cut to be able to use XMLC again ;-)

Honestly, I still don't understand why XMLC hasn't become more popular. The pure Java nature of programming with XMLC is really nice.

What do you think? Is XMLC a dead project? Is anyone using it? I'm interested in both positive and negative opinions.

Posted in Java at Nov 15 2006, 10:13:03 PM MST 14 Comments

We use xmlc at work as part of an interanet application. One of the reasons it was chosen for the project (before I was there) is because one of the developers was really keen on the ability to get hard typing in the binding of data to the html page. I really doubt that the way we use xmlc is anything like how it is supposed to be used so take the following with that in mind.

I would say the positives of xmlc is multiplied if you use eclipse or any other ide that does background compiling and error highlighting. If you change html code by removing form fields or something then you end up with broken code which is sort of like a free unit test.

One thing that I really don't like about it is that it doesn't seem to integrate into our build too well. We wrote an ant task to compile it but you have to run it after you make any significant changes to the xml. Another thing that bothers me is that it seems difficult to create nested structures, and dynamically created lists using xmlc. We also end up outputting invalid xml since we use the element id's to reference the objects in the document and they get duplicated when manipulating the pages.

All in all, I feel like it's a pretty reliable tool that gets the job done for us. We probably should invest some time in into figuring out how to use it better but you know how that goes...

Posted by Paul Oswald on November 15, 2006 at 11:59 PM MST #

Ditto what Paul said, particularly regarding nested structures - there's lots of room for improvement there. Richard Kunze's DOMTableRow class is a start, but it should have been incorporated into the XMLC core by now.

What I've also found is that XMLC does a better job of separating presentation (HTML) development from logic (Java) development than virtually anything else out there, because it provides two key features that no other templating language does (at least not together):

  1. templates are pure HTML - no custom tags, no weirdo tag attributes, no scriptlets, no funky custom namespaces - this allows the HTML developer to fully utilise the HTML authoring tools they know and love
  2. templates can contain embedded mockup data that gets stripped automatically by XMLC at build time (so no runtime performance hit)
The combination of these two features is very compelling - it allows XMLC to come very close to realising the dream of cleanly separating presentation development from logic development. In contrast most other templating systems end up requiring one of two things:

  1. the presentation developer prepares mockups which are then painstakingly translated into templates by a logic developer (which introduces the risk of copy 'n' paste errors)
  2. the presentation developer has to learn some of the vagaries of the templating environment (custom tags, weird tag structures, etc. etc.)
IMVHO this is probably the single biggest advantage XMLC has over anything else out there.

On the downside, because XMLC effectively compiles the templates into your Java code (which is nice from a performance perspective, but makes templates build-dependent), it's not really suitable for systems where templates change with greater frequency than the application itself.

Posted by Peter Monks on November 16, 2006 at 11:50 AM MST #

Given the IDEs we have now with such sophisticated refactoring support, coding with XMLC is a pure joy compared to dealing with tag-based templating technologies. Pure HTML and pure Java - simple and developer friendly.

XMLC offers the cleanest separation of view layout and view logic available. This is especially beneficial in cases where the developer is not the graphic designer. It allows them both to fulfill their specialized roles without adversely impacting the other person.

I'm also a big fan of the compile time checking. If there's one thing I hate it's having to start the application and manually check that something works at run-time when you could catch it earlier in the build process. Catching errors at compile time makes my program more robust and makes me more productive.

I somewhat agree with the first 2 posters about the level of inconvenience when creating nested and list structures. However, after doing this a few times, it's not terribly difficult to develop some utilities that make the task less painful.

Removing the id's is also a bit tedious but only necessary if you need a valid DOM. Again, this problem can be addressed easily enough as you do this more and more and extract the painful parts of the process into utility classes.

I don't know why some higher level utilities have not been rolled into XMLC. I suspect they're trying to keep it simple and focused and let people build on top of it instead of rolling it all in.

Posted by Jeremy Ferry on November 17, 2006 at 01:35 PM MST #

I used to agree with Peter a year ago about separating presentation and business logic. In fact, we moved to XMLC primarily because it was impossible to do what had been going on in our application when we were jsp based: crazy business logic in the view. For a while we were supporting two different sets of html for two different look/feel layouts. XMLC would bind to both of them at compile time which eased testing.

However, ever since the rise of CSS layouts I've been moving toward the viewpoint that HTML actually is married to the code. Changing how it's laid out on the page is done in CSS but determining what data goes on the page is more a function of your business objects. Currently my XMLC templates are a bare skeleton of what the page will finally look like when rendered and I almost never bother to look at them in their pre-xmlc form. If I wanted to keep it all in Java, I would actually prefer a framework that let me build the output page from scratch. The templates are just a formality for me now. Something like _why's markaby library in ruby would do.

We've since dropped one of our "themes" and now are styling code with CSS more and more. We build a web application where each developer works on a vertical section of code and the CSS ties it all together. If I were starting a web application from scratch, instead of a programmer and a web developer, I would hire an interface designer who has a good understanding of information design, xhtml and CSS and can lay out the business objects in a sensible manner and a programmer who has a good understanding of Java, the w3c and xhtml.

Posted by Paul Oswald on November 18, 2006 at 04:08 PM MST #

We started using Enhydra for our web development about six years ago and we still use it with great success. Would you realize how simple it is to let XMLC generate parts of the document for AJAX? Few lines of javascript code on client, basically no changes on server and you get AJAX enabled applications. XMLC rocks.

Posted by Petr Stehlik on November 20, 2006 at 02:46 AM MST #


We are now even using XMLC together with XForms implementations (Chiba + Formfaces) which can (as in the case of Chiba) again use AJAX of course !

Alfred Madl

Posted by Alfred Madl on November 20, 2006 at 03:36 AM MST #

We have been using Enhydra/XMLC for around seven years now.

XMLC is great. it's the only product that allows to have a very clean separation of development between the developer and the designer. I love accessing the DOM via Java.

The drawback to XMLC is that the ID/classes can sometimes conflict with our CSS use. Also, the Enhyrda framework can be a bit too much overhead for smaller projects, and the upgrade path for it has become a pain (compared to in the past, when it was run by Lutris).

For smaller/quicker projects, Ruby on Rails makes a lot more sense. It's built in structure for business layer code, and automated database development/test/production upgrades are simply AMAZING to work with.

We still use XMLC, but we rarely start any new projects with it. The problem is Enhydra. The overhead is too large, it lacks many of the newer niceties of projects like Ruby On Rails, the upgrade path always causes us trouble (each new release of Enhydra seems to require coding changes in our 40+ enhydra project environment, which is NOT fun), and usually, with very large projects where Enhydra is well-suited, the client is often demanding ASP.NET.

Posted by Joe Osburn on November 20, 2006 at 11:47 AM MST #

We have used XMLC on several projects also. I love the fact that the HTML is checked at Compile-time. I am currently doing contract work, maintaining a project that uses Velocity. I didn't realize how spoiled I was, coming from an XMLC world. Working with Server interpreted templates is terrible. Many of the velocity templates produce bad html. And it appears much slower then XMLC compiled java. The other problem I see is that the developers have a large temptation to put business logic in the templates. So now if there is a bug, you don't know if it's in the template, or in the java business classes. I'm sure more discipline would have helped in this situation, but with XMLC it's not possible to put logic in your HTML templates (I'm not referring to javascript). It's very clean. We use a bunch of XMLC helper classes to build complex DOM structures, like menus and tables, paginated lists of records etc.

And yes unfortunately there is a learning curve with XMLC. Concerning IDE integration, there is an old project on SourceForge xmlceclipse. Unfortunately it's not being maintained, and I haven't had the time to work on it. It's an XMLC plugin, but it stopped working around Eclipse 3.0 because of the new Plugin API changes. It builds the code in the background as you save the files in Eclipse, immediately flagging HTML errors, or other problems, with indicators next to the lines with problems. No seperate ant builds, wizards etc. are required when using the plugin. Someday if I get time I'd like to try to convert it.

All in all, I think the benefits of XMLC out-weigh the perception that it's too hard to use.

Mike Warne

Posted by Mike Warne on November 20, 2006 at 12:59 PM MST #

I've used XMLC in the past 3 years to build out some ringtone websites with great success. I recommend my XMLC + Spring web framework over all others just because of how you can take a file from a designer and instantly make it work with the code.

Posted by Justin Akehurst on November 20, 2006 at 01:08 PM MST #

We are using XMLC for our internal and client-facing web sites. Echo all the comments above about enabling a separation of view from logic. After a couple of projects in which we coded against the DOM API, we developed an external XML file configured using Spring that stores the mapping from the HTML IDs to the data model using an expression language. The external XML file can specify various widgets that get applied to lists, tables, etc. and what type of formatting to use. This has greatly simplified the construction of web pages to the point where the vast majority require no Java coding at all. Only create the HTML page, add the ID attributes, and create the configuration file mapping the HTML IDs to attributes within the model. We have developed some larger-grained widgets to represent more complex structures such as tabbed pages and nested tables.

XMLC also enables you to do some things very easily, like for security, to remove page elements from the page at page rendering time that the user is not authorized to view

Posted by Robert Blumen on November 20, 2006 at 01:10 PM MST #

I have used XMLC for the past four years and shipped many versions of our production application with it. I am not aware of any cleaner separation between presentation and logic, and very suprised this hasn't either caught on more widely or spawned imitator projects.

I am now at a new position would consider XMLC again, although we do the majority of our rendering in AJAX so the server side rendering framework is less important now. I am also evaluating Spring, and might explore using XMLC as the Spring view.

Posted by david michaels on December 09, 2006 at 03:14 AM MST #

Never heard of it

Posted by Russell Scheerer on June 27, 2008 at 08:12 AM MDT #

I haven't used XMLC in a few years. There might be people still using it. I think most of them have moved to more supported frameworks like Wicket which is based upon some of the same XMLC principles, but admittedly not as clean as XMLC was.

Posted by Justin Akehurst on June 27, 2008 at 08:57 AM MDT #

We use XMLC for We also use Spring and have XMLC do the View. Works great for us.

Posted by david michaels on June 27, 2008 at 02:09 PM MDT #

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