Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Jack's got a bead stuck in his nose!

From Jack's Nose This morning around 9:45 AM, I got a call from Jack's Teacher. She said, "Jack's got a bead stuck in his nose!" I heard a screaming kid in the background, so the first thing I asked was - "Is that Jack?" She said yes, and I was out the door a few seconds later.

Several minutes later, I arrived at his school and picked him up to take him to the Emergency Room. His teacher handed me the bead you see in the picture on the right. This was a replica of the one he jammed into his nose. I figured the ER was the best place to go considering all I saw was blood when I looked in his nostril.

10 minutes later we were in the ER and within a half hour we were talking to a nurse. Julie arrived just as the doctor walked up to talk to Jack. The first thing he suggested was that Julie hold one nostril and give him a CPR-type breath/blow into his mouth. She tipped his head back, plugged the free nostril and "pop!" - it came right out!

I wish I'd known that trick early this morning. How cool would it have been to walk into Jack's class, grab him by the head and blow that sucker out like I knew what I was doing? The good news is now you have this knowledge and you can be the hero in your kid's class someday. ;-)

Posted in General at Feb 28 2008, 11:41:34 PM MST 16 Comments

I heard this same advice just last week from a friend of my wife's.

Posted by Jeremy on February 29, 2008 at 12:39 PM MST #


Just wait.

My boy had to get a rock pulled out of his nose.

We kept it to embarrass him later when he is famous. :-)

He also liked salad at a young age, so he decided to eat grass one day at school. It was green like salad!

After 24 hours of throwing up and a trip to the ER, he PROMISED he would never eat grass again.

Posted by Gary on February 29, 2008 at 02:55 PM MST #

First, I'm glad Jack is ok.... Second, we went through that last summer with my 5 yr old. He stuck a bean in the nose, totally freaked out, and my wife had to massage it out by pushing on it from the outside. She got it out, asked him wht the heck, and said don't stick things up your nose anymore. Luckily, it was traumatic enough to keep him from doing it again.

Posted by erik weibust on February 29, 2008 at 04:11 PM MST #

Just never know what I'll learn by reading your blog! As a father of three, and a Boy Scout Leader, I will file this away under "Cool First Aid Tricks".

Posted by jose on February 29, 2008 at 04:11 PM MST #

Glad, Jack is ok. Mothers i must admit know a lot of first aid tricks like this. My younger one swallowed a ring (not on her own.. my elder one popped up the ring in the younger one and she ate it) and we have to wait a whole day to get it out. It came out the next morning in the diaper ;) Why my elder one popped it in my elders one.. Oh Well that's all kids play and we were glad no harm done at the end.

Posted by Muthu Ramadoss on February 29, 2008 at 06:12 PM MST #

Be very careful not to blow too hard, especially with young children, and very very especially with children under 2.

Posted by Will on March 06, 2008 at 09:54 PM MST #

For us it was Philip and a popcorn kernel in the ear. They vacuumed it out with this noisy sucking tube and they had to put him out because the noise was so violent to him. He wouldn't let the doctor get near his ear because the suction was so noisy.

Before we went to the ER, the doctor is asking, "did you put something in your ear?" ... "no.", Philip said. "Are you sure?" ... "well, maybe". It looks like brown aquarium gravel.". Philip said, "it might have been a popcorn seed."

It's just beginning LOL. 6 boys standing in front of a broken sliding glass door at our house, and I asked, "why would you put rocks in the snowballs?". The answer, "because they hurt more that way."

Posted by David Whitehurst on March 07, 2008 at 02:07 AM MST #

Thank you for this post!! Today my 2-year-old grandson stuck a bead up his nose... the biggest bead that would fit up his nose, mind you... and I watched him so he didn't shove it up farther while his mommy ran to google 'bead in the nose children' and this was the magic answer!! Just exactly what we were hoping for at that exact moment!! It worked like a charm!! Thanks again. Patti

Posted by Patti on April 19, 2008 at 02:56 AM MDT #

Thanks for posting the tip. Just finished using the technique on my 2 & 1/2 year old. He had pushed the bead way up the nose. I couldn't get him to blow himself, thought I was heading off to the doctor's, then I read your post & attempted, out it popped! Crisis over...

Posted by Jody Fay on August 26, 2008 at 02:40 PM MDT #

Might be nice to add the warning to be careful with mouth to mouth. Apply too much pressure and you'll hurt someone (especially kids). Great trick though, just don't keep trying if it doesn't work.

Posted by Iwein on August 27, 2008 at 05:56 PM MDT #

It worked i was going to take my three year old to Er it was a small bead and she told me which side i did it while she was standing and blew very gentally and it came right out. you barley have to blow. Thank YOU!!!

Posted by jennifer on October 09, 2008 at 05:56 PM MDT #

I just performed a "dual extraction" of corn kernels. That's right -- my 2-1/2 year old son had shoved a kernel of corn up each nostril. My wife and I were about to head to the ER. I said, "Let me try something..." and blew (CPR style) into his mouth before he knew what was coming. The corn came out of both nostrils! I quickly wiped them away with a damp cloth. I don't know of the dangers associated with blowing too hard or other possible complications, so I can't endorse this method other than saying that it worked for us.

David Kimmel
Memphis, TN

Posted by David Kimmel on February 09, 2009 at 02:03 AM MST #

Darn! I wish I had googled BEFORE our trip to the ER, not after. This is exactly what they had me do in the ER, and now I get to pay for it. And the dr. never touched my daughter! Nice to know I'm not alone!

Posted by T Draxler on September 06, 2009 at 01:26 AM MDT #

I did the same thing to my 2 year daughter and it work. But before we try a lot of things and nothing work and after trying everything I check the internet and I saw this and we tried it and we re glad it work. we were so relief. Thanks!

Posted by gladis on February 27, 2010 at 08:51 PM MST #

Last night my 3 year old put a bead up her nose. I googled child with bead in nose and this was the 3rd thing listed. I did it and it totally worked! Thank you so much you saved us a DR/ER visit! Hope this helps many more!

Posted by Beth James on December 08, 2010 at 12:58 PM MST #

This saved us a trip to the local hospital when our 3 year old girl poked a bead up her nose. Thanks, this is tip I will remember and pass on in the future.

Posted by Barker Family on March 26, 2011 at 05:41 PM MDT #

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