Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Jetty and Resin closing in on Tomcat's popularity

From Greg Wilkin's Jetty Improves in Netcraft survey (again):

As with most open source projects, it's very hard to get a measure of who/how/where/why Jetty is being used a deployed. Downloads long ago became meaningless with the advent of many available bundling and distribution channels. The Netcraft Web Survey is one good measure, as it scans the internet and identifies which server sites run. In the results released April 2008, Jetty is identified for 278,501 public server, which is 80% of the market share of our closest "competitor" tomcat (identified as coyote in the survey). Jetty is currently 12th in the league table of identified servers of all types and will be top 10 in 6 months if the current trajectory continues.

If you look at the Netcraft numbers, you might also notice that Resin isn't far behind Jetty. If you look at the Indeed Job Trends graphs for the three, there seems to be some interesting information there too. The first graph is absolute and the second is relative.

If you're using Spring Dynamic Modules to deploy a web application, which server do you think is better? Both Tomcat 6 and Jetty 6 seem to work just fine in Equinox.

Posted in Java at Apr 11 2008, 08:42:48 AM MDT 4 Comments

The truth is that I don't need/want JSP anymore. Most modern Web Frameworks doesn't use JSP. And it's a big load on Tomcat. So, 3 simple jars (with AJP) for Jetty and roll. What I mean is that the success of Jetty is due to the Web Frameworks taking the templating issue on themselves, and most queries are Ajax/REST based. Tomcat becomes and overkill.

Posted by Frederic Simon on April 11, 2008 at 07:29 PM MDT #

I've found Jetty to work more smoothly in Equinox (and other OSGi frameworks). For one, Jetty has always been more focussed on ease of embedding. Second, Jetty provides the OSGi manifest out of the box. Third, it's already used by default in a number of Equinox projects such as RAP (Rich AJAX Platform) and Eclipse SDK (for the Help system).

Of course with SpringSource's acquisition of Covalent I'd expect to see some work being done in Tomcat to make it work nicely with OSGi. However, I wasn't aware that that work had been completed, so I'm surprised to see your statement that it already "works fine" in Equinox. Pleasantly surprised, that is! Have you tried this yourself?

Thanks, Neil

Posted by Neil Bartlett on April 11, 2008 at 08:38 PM MDT #

I haven't used Resin recently, but I have many fond recollections of using it. One of those "it just works" products, it was fast, and the company was very responsive when I emailed questions or suggestions. The company I'm at is a large one, and they (a subset of the large IT group managers) felt they needed an "enterprise" J2EE server, so we have WebLogic running about 50 webapps and maybe 3 or 4 EJBs. A bit of a waste, but not my choice to make. If it were up to me I'd use Resin or Jetty -- for some reason things always seem difficult with Tomcat, but that may have just been the unique project experiences I'd had.

Posted by gerryg on April 14, 2008 at 09:13 PM MDT #

Interesting statistics, however not surprising for me. As more projects are developed using POJO approach there is no need for fully compatible J2EE application server for them. Tomcat is very good for it and it's free and quite stable.

Posted by software on April 24, 2008 at 04:07 AM MDT #

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