Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

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The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

[DJUG] JUG Central and BPEL

Last night, I attended Denver's JUG meeting. Below are my notes from the event.

I'm at DJUG listening to Christian and Kris (from Adigio) talk about their experience with using Spring, WebWork, Hibernate, Lucene and SiteMesh to develop JUG Central (I wonder if they knew this name and concept already exists?). JSPs are for the view and MySQL powers the data. This presentation is designed to explain a bit about each framework, and also tips/tricks and pitfalls they experienced when developing the site. They started working on the application in August of last year and deployed it into production in December.

Christian said they weren't going to go into the how for each framework, but Kris has had quite a few slides on SiteMesh so far. I don't blame him - it's a great tool and only a handful of folks (of about 50-60) have heard of it.

SiteMesh Pitfalls: Poor integration with Velocity and some other frameworks. BTW, if you're using Tapestry - Erik Hatcher recently created a JIRA patch with a Tapestry Decorator.

Now Kris is talking about WebWork and since he's a framework junkie, apparently this is going to be the largest part of the presentation. I think one of the nicest parts of WebWork is its auto-type conversion. The only other frameworks I've seen that have this is are JSF and Tapestry. For those that like WebWork and don't like JSF - you might find it disturbing that the WebWork actions (and their tests) in AppFuse are very similar to the JSF managed beans. I would take it as a compliment if I were a WebWork developer.

One nice thing about XWork's action configuration is you can specify a "method" parameter for a particular action. Struts recently added this with its MappingDispatchAction. I'm using this on my current project and it works quite well. Kris really likes WebWork's front-page controller pattern - where you use the <ww:action> tag to execute the action when the page is loaded. Personally, I don't have a problem with going through actions to get to my view templates. Kris finished up his WebWork piece with a plug for AppFuse (thanks!) and WebWork in Action. Congrats to all the authors - wonder if it'll be published before WebWork Live?

Now Christian is talking about Hibernate and its mapping files - and how you can generate your database schema from them - or generate your mapping files from a database. They used XDoclet to generate the mapping files in this particular project.

Hibernate Pitfalls: Think about lazy-loading early. Problems arise when you try to share Hibernate-managed objects across (Hibernate) sessions transparently. Christian mentions that Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter is a nice way to solve the problem.

Hibernate Tips: Spring simplifies using Hibernate and makes declarative transactions easy. Read Hibernate in Action before starting development. Plan to spend some time learning how to express your data model with Hibernate relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, etc.).

Christian is now talking about Spring and how it works. After thinking and writing about Spring so much in the last year, I'll just skip over regurgitating this part. ;-) His main recommendation: use real injection instead of appContext.getBean("beanName").

Other tools used: Lucene for searching and POI for indexing Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. Velocity used for templating e-mail messages.

Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) with Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
Presented by Kevin Geminiuc and Owen Newnan from Policy Studies

This point of this presentation is to communicate what it's like to implement BPEL in a J2EE Container. BPEL is a layer on top of web services. BPEL is a programming language that you can use to program business processes. Allows you to divorce your business process from being human-centric to being document-centric. At Policy Studies, they're using iLog JRules rules engine and Oracle's BPEL implementation.


  • Process Visiblity
  • Process Agility
  • Powerful Language
  • Open
  • Backed by "the Big Boys" (BEA, Microsoft, IBM)

History: Formerly knows as BPEL4WS, WSBPEL. Open standards based. Orchestrates web services with SOA.

Where we are today: Emerging technology (prepare to bang your head against the wall). .NET and Java products exist, as well as J2EE container integration.

BPEL is: BPEL is not:
  • A programming language for business processes
  • A language for specifying e-business transactions
  • XML-based layer atop WSDL
  • A declarative and procedural language
  • Designed for human workflow
  • A JSR spec (207 and 208 are related though)
  • Mature Technology
  • Your typical web services application
    • asynchrony as well as synchrony
    • callbacks
    • composite synchronous services

BPEL & WS Standards: BPEL, XPath, WSDL, WS-Addressing, SOAP, XML-Schema, WSIF (Axis), TBD (WS-ReliableMessaging and JSRs 207/208). Note that since BPEL depends on web services (which is not a truly reliable service). Because of this, there are some proprietary extensions available.

At this point, I became bored with the presentation and quit taking notes. While the speakers had good intentions with their knowledge sharing, their delivery needed some work. The code walkthrough and demos were presented with a monotonous and unexcited tone, and a handful of folks left during this part. In summary, BPEL looks like a good way to orchestrate your various business processes. It allows you to call web services, EJBs and whatnot simply by defining their locations and methods in XML.

In his demo, Kevin used Oracle's BPEL Designer, which is an Eclipse plugin that has a nice drag-n-drop editor for managing your BPEL XML files. He also used Oracle's BPEL Process Manager, which seemed to be a lot like Jetspeed - you just drop in the .ear and then deploy your processes to it. The only bad part about the Process Manager is it's administration/deployment interface only runs in IE.

If you're using BPEL in your projects, I'd be interested to hear the tools you're using. As far as open-source BPEL process engines, they mentioned Twister and ActiveBPEL.

Posted in Java at Feb 10 2005, 07:05:39 AM MST 5 Comments

Hey Matt, working in the financial services industry I've heard a good amount of BPEL related hype. But I've yet to see a compelling reason to use it. All the demos are "call this web service then if that returns false call that web service", we already have plenty of languages with control flow statements, if-then-else isn't a problem. Did the demo cover anything beyond that?

Posted by Michael Koziarski on February 10, 2005 at 02:43 PM MST #

<em>> Did the demo cover anything beyond that?</em>

Not really. The demo was cool only because of the tools they used. There was nothing that awe-inspiring that I saw except that you could specify which objects to call from an XML file.

Posted by Matt Raible on February 10, 2005 at 11:18 PM MST #

> SiteMesh Pitfalls: Poor integration with Velocity and some other frameworks.

Personally I think Velocity is really bad code and should not be used. For example the main methods may throw null valued Exception instances without any pointer to what went wrong. And the API is unnecessarily complicated too.

Here's some more info:

Velocity versus FreeMarker

...and much much better template engine as a bonus :)

Posted by on February 11, 2005 at 03:17 PM MST #

[Trackback] Matt asked if anybody had done any projects with BPEL. Well here are some experiences. I recently did a project where I had to present a couple of technologies that would be the basis for a new provisioning system for a large company. The company al...

Posted by A Couple of Dutch Rants on February 13, 2005 at 05:45 PM MST #

Hi Matt, have a look at my blog for some comments on ActiveBPEL which I've been using a project lately. There's also some comments on BPEL in general. cheers, Alef

Posted by Alef Arendsen on February 13, 2005 at 05:46 PM MST #

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