Pinning Elements to your pages with CSS
I found this great example of how to pin elements of a page so they stay fixed at a certain location in a browser window. The bad part? It doesn't work in IE 5.5/6.0 on Windows. Since this is the most popular browser, it kinda makes me lose hope. The reason I'm intrigued by this CSS is because I have a requirement right now that I need to keep the footer of my page "pinned" to the bottom of the browser window. I suppose I could use frames, but I'd rather not. A workaround for IE might be to use a floating layer, but all the scripts I found seemed to fail when I added an XHTML DOCENGINE. That is why I curse IE today.
Update: I recieved a solution for my Experts-Exchange posting on this topic. It looks like I'll be able to use CSS expressions in IE to make this happen. Sweet! My latest code works in IE 6, Mozilla and Opera 7 - I hope it works in IE 5.5 and Opera 6.