Proposed Tomcat Enhancement: Add flag to escape JSP's EL by default
I posted the following to the Tomcat Developers mailing list. Unfortunately, it didn't get any responses, which means (to me) that no one cares about this feature. I guess the good thing is they didn't veto it.
Hello all,
I'm working for a client that's using a proprietary Servlet/JSP-based framework that runs on Tomcat. They have their own custom JSP compiler and they're looking to move to a standard JSP compiler. One of the things their compiler supports is automatic escaping of XML in expressions. For example, ${foo} would be escaped so <body> -> <body>. JSP EL does not do this. It *doesn't* escape by default and instead requires you to wrap your expressions with <c:out/> if you want escaping.
I'd like to ask what developers think about adding a flag (similar to trimSpaces in conf/web.xml) that allows users to change the escaping behavior from false to true?
I think this is a good option to have as it allows security-conscious organizations to paranoid and escape all content by default.
What do you think? Is there anything wrong with adding this (optional) feature to Tomcat? Enhancing security is a good thing - right?
Update: I've entered an enhancement request for this feature and attached a patch.
My understanding was that if you want text escaped you should use <c:out/> if you don't want it escaped you should use the el expression.
I can think of two reasons for not escaping:
A tomcat specific extension sounds dangerous, you develop your app on tomcat and everything is secure. Then for some reason you switch containers (to say resin or jetty), your application is instantly no longer secure. I would prefer my applications to work securely in any container.
Posted by Richard on September 19, 2007 at 11:03 PM MDT #
> A tomcat specific extension sounds dangerous, you develop your app on tomcat and everything is secure. Then for some reason you switch containers (to say resin or jetty), your application is instantly no longer secure.
I agree, but I think it's easier to pursue this as an enhancement to Tomcat rather than as an addition to a JSR that takes 2 years to get approved and implemented. My logic is based on the fact that Tomcat had trim spaces quite a bit before it was part of a spec. Also, if it's optional and is only turned on by companies that know what they're doing - what harm is there?
I agree that <c:out> could be used, but this particular client is paranoid that developers will forget to use it all the time and some regular ${...} expressions will slip through the cracks. The only other options I can think of are 1) write some tool that parses JSPs and looks for standalone expressions and fails the build when they're found 2) use something like FreeMarker, which doesn't have very IDE tools and code completion.
The implementation I'm hoping to see/write would not affect the behavior of <c:out> - only standalone EL expressions.
Posted by Matt Raible on September 20, 2007 at 05:08 AM MDT #
We've had a similar problem with JSP and XML. Since we run the output of our JSPs through an XSL transformation the output must of course be 100% XML. We didn't want to use c:out all over the place and since we're using the XML syntax for our JSPs we cannot use c:out in attributes.
Our somewhat hacky solution is to preprocess all JSP files the first time they are used. This is done using a Filter which intercepts all includes/forwards for *.jsp files. The original JSP file is run through an XSL which modifies EL expressions in the JSP. ${foo} becomes ${escapeXml(foo)}.
I know it ain't pretty but at least it works! :-) Obviously this won't work if you aren't using the JSP XML syntax.
Posted by Niklas Therning on September 20, 2007 at 09:46 AM MDT #
Posted by Matt Raible on September 20, 2007 at 01:55 PM MDT #
Posted by Niklas Therning on September 20, 2007 at 03:37 PM MDT #
Posted by Trenton on September 21, 2007 at 05:29 AM MDT #
Posted by Matt Raible on September 24, 2007 at 06:21 PM MDT #
Posted by John Paul on March 26, 2009 at 06:25 PM MDT #
Posted by Matt Raible on March 26, 2009 at 06:41 PM MDT #
Posted by Marat on December 10, 2009 at 07:21 AM MST #
So I realize I'm very late to this party, but I thought I'd add my two bits anyhow. I created a simple EL function to replace c:out. So I've replaced <c:out value='${}'/> with ${s:esc(}. While not a proper solution, it is at least less verbose and more friendly to use in HTML attributes.
Code can be found here.
I'd still agree that escape-by-default would be better (and then have a tag or function for the rarer scenarios where you _don't_ want escaping.) Secure by default, right? But I didn't really want to patch libraries, so I thought this band-aid is better than nothing.
Posted by Thom Nichols on March 19, 2010 at 08:03 PM MDT #
Posted by Raible Designs on February 28, 2011 at 09:14 PM MST #