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RE: AppFuse (Getting started with...)

Rick Hightower has started using AppFuse. It looks like he had a couple of issues, so I figured I'd post some solutions here for all to see (also because typing in comments w/o HTML on JRoller sucks).

Rick - I don't know why you're getting the first error with CATALINA_HOME. I just tried removing that as an environment variable on my PowerBook and I'm able to run "ant setup-db" just fine. If you've setup the MySQL database with the default settings, you should end up with a "root" user and a blank password. These settings are both specified in properties.xml, where database.admin.username=root and database.admin.username=(nothing). Of course, you can change these properties values by editing properties.xml, or by specifying them in your file. From the following error on your site:


C:\source\appfuse\build.xml:931: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid authorization sp
ecification,  message from server: "Access denied for user: 'rick@localhost' (Us
ing password: YES)"

It looks like you have an administrator named "rick", but that your password was incorrect. YES is not the password you provided - that's just MySQL saying that you did provide a password.

The database creation script is at metadata/sql/mysql-create.sql and it simply creates an "appfuse" database and gives a user named "test" access to it.

create database if not exists appfuse;
grant all privileges on appfuse.* to test@"%" identified by "test";
grant all privileges on appfuse.* to test@localhost identified by "test";

The next error about j2ee.jar should be self explanatory and it looks like you figured that one out. I wish I didn't have to include the entire j2ee.jar in the classpath, but XDoclet requires javax.ejb.* JARs be in the classpath for generating Struts ActionForms from POJOs.

The last thing you did - ant - was to merely run the "package-web" target. It's the default target in build.xml. It simply compiles everything and packages into an appfuse-1.3.war file. In this scenario, the and mean nothing. If you want to create a new AppFuse project, you need to specify the new target. This will create a new project.

foxxy:~/dev/appfuse mraible$ ant new
Buildfile: build.xml

     [echo] Cleaning build and distribution directories
   [delete] Deleting directory /Users/mraible/workspace/appfuse/build
   [delete] Deleting directory /Users/mraible/workspace/appfuse/dist
   [delete] Deleting: /Users/mraible/workspace/appfuse/

     [echo] Creating new application named 'test'...
     [copy] Copying 318 files to /Users/mraible/workspace/test
     [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/mraible/workspace/test

Total time: 21 seconds

I just tried this, followed by the commands specified below and all seems to be working just fine (BUILD SUCCESSFUL - Total time: 5 minutes 13 seconds).

cd ../test
ant setup-db
ant setup-tomcat
ant test-all

Just to be clear, here's a breakdown of what the above targets do:

  • setup-db: creates a database for the project, assigns users, creates all the tables and populates it with test data.
  • setup-tomcat: copies a context.xml file to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps and copies the database driver to CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
  • test-all: runs all the tests to verify the functionality of the app. These include test-ejb for the DAO layer, test-canoo for all the JSPs and test-web for all the StrutsTestCase/Cactus tests and business layer tests (*ManagerTest).

The first steps after creating a new AppFuse project are probably to rename the packages to fit your company's naming convention - i.e. org.appfuse -> In Eclipse (and propably IDEA), this is fairly easy. Just make sure to do it in the "src" and "test" directories, as well as search for it - it might be specified in a few XML files (i.e. hibernate.cfg.xml). You'll also need to modify the "javadoc" target to ensure that it looks for the write package names. Currently, it's set to "org.*".

Hope this helps!

Posted in Java at Jan 19 2004, 05:55:25 AM MST 1 Comment

Thanks for your help. I didn't think the problem was with your build script. I thought it was something I did to MySQL. I set MySQL back to the defaults. I need to do a brush up on MySQL. BTW I ran :
ant setup-db
and it ran fine!

Posted by Rick Hightower on January 19, 2004 at 10:48 AM MST #

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