Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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RE: .Mac Bookmarks

.Mac Bookmarks seems like a good idea. I tried it, and it is cool, but it's not what I'm looking for. I have enough open windows as it is - another one only makes it more difficult. I need my bookmarks to be a part of my browser, like they currently are. That's what I like. What I want is the ability to specify a URL to my bookmarks.html file. My favorite browsers, Firebird and Camino both use a local bookmarks.html file, so this would work perfectly. I don't need bookmarks when I'm not on the net, so there would be no issues (for me) with connectivity.

I got the tip off for .Mac Bookmarks from Erik.

Posted in The Web at Jul 09 2003, 03:30:47 PM MDT 1 Comment

So, I haven't found the ideal solution yet, but in terms of sync'ing bookmarks across all my machines, here's what I did... First, I standardized on Firebird on all machines (including Mac!). Second, I use CVS with my bookmarks.html file, and I use the standard location for bookmarks.html on any given machine/install as the location of my CVS checkout/sandbox for it. Anytime I update my bookmarks I just do a commit and then an update on the other machines. So, it's still sorta manual, but it automates a lot of it, and it works pretty well. I'm currently looking at possibly doing an XSLT for Mozilla <-> Safari for bookmarks, but there are a few items that I'm unclear on in order to do this properly. I like some things about Phoenix/Firebird better on the Mac, but some things about Safari, so we'll see. Note, I also looked at doing an XUL plugin to hook in directly and to then behind the scenes save off updates and do sync's to a server copy. But, at least when I looked at it, there weren't sufficient hooks to be called when the user added a bookmark.

Posted by Chris on July 10, 2003 at 12:12 AM MDT #

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