Updated Tomcat+Apache and Apache+SSL HOWTO
I spent the last couple of days struggling with setting up Apache 2.0.42 and Tomcat 4.0.5 on both Windows and Linux. I've updated an article I found on this matter and published it (with permission from the original author) at:
I also setup SSL on Apache with the above configuration and learned a lot in that process too. Once again, I found an article, updated it and have published it (with permission from the original author) at:
I hope by updating these articles I've made it easier for anyone else to do the same. My Configuration? Windows XP (SP1) / Red Hat Linux 7.3 with J2SE 1.4.1, Apache 2.0.42 and Tomcat 4.0.5.
I attempted to set these up on Mac OS X, but found no binary version of mod_jk.so on Jakarta's site. I also tried to build it from source, but no dice there either. Enjoy!
Posted by Unknown on July 03, 2003 at 05:22 PM MDT #