Upgrade to 0.9.9 Complete
I upgraded to the latest Roller CVS snapshot this morning. Let me know if you see any issues. It was a very smooth upgrade since I tested everything locally first.
The Angular Mini-Book is a
guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and
deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.
Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.
For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.
The JHipster Mini-Book is a
guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring
Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.
This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.
For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.
I upgraded to the latest Roller CVS snapshot this morning. Let me know if you see any issues. It was a very smooth upgrade since I tested everything locally first.
NetNewsWire listed everything as unread ...
Not sure if that's an issue with NetNewsWire or your upgrade, but it is a coincidence. No hassle though; ctrl-click "Mark All As Read" does the job!
<em>PS: NetNewsWire is great, isn't it! ;o)</em>
Posted by Carl on May 30, 2004 at 03:49 PM MDT #
Posted by Matt Raible on May 30, 2004 at 04:30 PM MDT #
Posted by Simon Brown on May 30, 2004 at 08:11 PM MDT #
Posted by Niklas on May 30, 2004 at 09:37 PM MDT #
Posted by Steven Citron-Pousty on May 31, 2004 at 02:47 AM MDT #