Upgrading to Struts 1.1?
My opinion is "of course!" But that's party due to the fact that I'm an upgrade-happy developer. I'll upgrade just to be on the bleeding edge and know that I'm not missing anything. However, I do end up "backing out" of some upgrades. It's fun though, how else are you going to learn? TheServerSide.com has a new article discussing if you should upgrade to Struts 1.1 - check it out. I'm on the nightly build.
Java Server Faces Public Draft and EA download is available. I saw this last night, but Rick Salsa beat me to the punch on weblogging it. I was hoping to download and play around with it today, and give my opinion, but alas, the release I'm doing is taking a bit longer than expected.
Web Builder Conference 2002. Is anyone else going? We're having a Annual Shareholders Meeting in Vegas the weekend before, and I'm going to attend the conference the following week (Sept. 9 - 11). It'll be my first "reporting" experience, so watch this site for updates/reviews. I was one of the first to register so I'll have wireless internet access throughout the conference. My 3 goals for the experience are (1) win, (2) have fun, and (3) get some roller development done. Of course, if I'm accomplishing #1, then #2 is taken care of and #3 might slip a little.
Update on Netscape 7. It sucks worse than I originally thought - it installed on my WinXP box, but won't run - similar to OS X 10.2. The one successfull install? On Red Hat 7.3.