Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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What do you get a 1 year old for their birthday?

Abbie in September Abbie turns 1 year old next Wednesday - a birthday so good that they've decided to release The Matrix: Revolutions on the same day! We're having a party this weekend (yes, a keg will be there for the papas) and I don't know what to get her for her birthday. So I'm asking all you Dads out there - what was the coolest gift you got your kid(s) for their 1st birthday? When I say cool - I mean to say that they thought it was cool. Of course, if Mom thought it was cool - that counts too (esp. since it seems to be just as much for her as for Abbie).

Posted in General at Oct 29 2003, 07:32:43 AM MST 10 Comments

1 year olds are remarkably easy, and incredibly difficult, to please. I would suggest any thing small enough for her to manipulate and *makes noise*. I have 3 kids older than Abbie and I cannot recall any of their one-year presents, if that says anything.

Posted by Lance on October 29, 2003 at 09:32 AM MST #

Dude, they are 1 year old!!! Get yourself something you like that won't pull you away from the child. At that age they don't care to much what it is, a simple cardboard box or the wrapping paper that you wrap whatever you buy the kid is all they really need. Quality time with the child is what the kid really needs so don't waste you money on them, go buy yourself something because a happier you hopefully = better quality time with child and that = a happier healthier kid. Also friends and family will take care of buying the gifts so you don't have to.

Posted by Kris Thompson on October 29, 2003 at 09:57 AM MST #

I know what I'm getting for my two boys on their first birthday: It's never to early to start teaching good hand-eye-remote control coordination

Posted by Pratik Patel on October 29, 2003 at 10:10 AM MST #

We ended up getting our daughter a rocking horse (it is actually a blue plasticrocking " dog"). She still has it and loves to sit on it and watch her videos, they have the exact one in her daycare as well. She actually stands on it and balances more than anything, she is a daredevil that way, loves to climb. Especially if she is going to daycare, she will have lots of those types of toys to push, pull, sit and rock on. So a toy like tha at home will keep her active when she comes home from daycare.

Posted by dsuspense on October 29, 2003 at 11:07 AM MST #

We've ended up giving wooden toys to all the little kids in our lives. We knew a Swiss trained toymaker that made wooden planes, boats, trains and cars, each designed to last forty or fifty years of child's play. He painted each child's name and birth date on the side of the toy.

While the children are young, these are favourite toys. I suppose the toys will go into the closet during the teenage years, but we hope they will come out again to be used by our grand children and great nieces and nephews.

Posted by Alan Green on October 29, 2003 at 03:35 PM MST #

Doesn't matter what you get her, because she will probably enjoy the carton that it came in more than anything. Our son had an affinity for music, and still does, so we got him several toy instruments to make music with which he really enjoyed. Now they are long forgotten except for the toy sax and the drums. Just whatever it is you don't have to spend a lot as you might end up disappointed yourself. But probably the best gift you can give is your time and keeping her engaged and involved in your activities.

Posted by Harold Neiper on October 29, 2003 at 10:51 PM MST #

Happy Birthday to Abbie..

My son Nathan turns 1 on November 8th. We've also wrestling with what to get him. We know that he likes toys that he can push or walk behind (he isn't walking by himself yet.. but he is walking with assistance from furniture.. push toys, etc.). Also things that make noise (drums, etc.) are good.

You might consider this toy. Everyone we know that has one loves it (We don't have one, but are considering getting it for Nathan's birthday):

Music Blocks Mozart Set

With boys, trains are always a good choice. Thomas trains are good. With girls.. Maybe a Fisher Price kitchen set. I hate to help to reinforce stereotypes, but girls do love playing with the kitchen sets. (My 3 year old Zach loves them too!).

Posted by John Townsend on October 30, 2003 at 03:09 PM MST #

For her, Something that makes noise is always popular. Something to build and take apart. Something mom will like for her, Something that does not make noise.

Posted by Nick Chalko on October 30, 2003 at 04:28 PM MST #

I had the same problem just one month ago :) and from all the presents my son got it, this one is the real ONE He spends hours playing with his mushroom... My son has a 14 moths old friend and she is also delighted with this toy... (I think whe will get it for christmas), so, from my experience, the best present for an 1 year old monster is a mushroom ;)

Posted by Ivan on November 01, 2003 at 05:14 AM MST #

my daughter is turning 1 next month on Dec 8th. I want to get her something she's really going to like. she isnt really picky but dosent last playing with one toy. i just want her to have a great birthday!!! she mostly likes playin with toys that play music an she always loves doll's just like a typical girl.

Posted by angela lopez on November 27, 2006 at 01:31 PM MST #

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