Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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What's New in Spring 3.0

This morning, I attended Rod Johnson's What's New in Spring 3.0 keynote at TSSJS. Rod ditched his slides for the talk and mentioned that this might be risky. Especially since he was pretty jetlagged (flew in from Paris at 11pm last night). Below are my notes from his talk.

The most important thing for the future of Java is productivity and cloud computing. The focus at SpringSource is heavily on productivity and not just on improving the Spring codebase. If you look at the comparisons out there between Rails and Spring, it's not an apples-to-apples comparison. The philosophy with Spring has always been the developer is always right. However, if you look at something like Rails, you'll see it's far more prescriptive. That layer of opinionated frameworks is important in that it improves your productivity greatly.

SpringSource is putting a lot of emphasis on improving developer productivity with two opinionated frameworks: Grails and Spring Roo. To show how productive developers can be, Rod started to build a web app with Spring Roo. As part of this demo, he mentioned we'd see many of the new features of Spring 3: RestTemplate, @Value and Spring EL.

Rod used STS to write the application and built a Twitter client. After creating a new project using File -> New Roo Project, a Roo Shell tab shows up at the bottom. Typing "hint" tells you what you should do write away. The initial message is "Roo requires the installation of a JPA provider and associated database." The initial command is "persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY". After running this, a bunch of log messages are shown on the console, most of them indicating that pom.xml has been modified.

The first file that Rod shows is src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml. It's the only XML file you'll need in your application and includes a PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer, a context:component-scan for finding annotations and a transaction manager.

After typing "hint" again, Roo indicates that Rod should create entities. He does this by running "ent --class ~.domain.Term --testAutomatically". A Term class (with a bunch of annotations) is created, as well as a number of *.aj files and an integration test. Most of the files don't have anything in them but annotations. The integration test uses @RooIntegrationTest(entity=Term.class) on its class to fire up a Spring container in the test and do dependency injection (if necessary). From there, Rod demonstrated that he could easily modify the test to verify the database existed.

private SimpleJdbcTemplate jt;

public void init(DataSource ds) {
    this.jt = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(ds);

public void testDb() {
    jt.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM TERM");

Interestingly, after running the test, you could see a whole bunch of tests being run, not just the one that was in the class itself. From there, he modified the Term class to add two new properties: name and searchTerms. He also used JSR 303's @NotNull annotation to make the fields required.

public class Term {

    private String name;

    private String searchTerms;

Next, Rod added a new test and showed that the setters for these properties were automatically created and he never had to write getters and setters. This is done by aspects that are generated beside your Java files. Roo is smart enough that if you write toString() methods in your Java code, it will delete the aspect that normally generates the toString() method.

To add fields to an entity from the command lie, you can run commands like "field string --fieldName text --notNull" and "field number --type java.lang.Long --fieldName twitterId --notNull". The Roo Shell is also capable of establishing relationships between entities.

After successfully modifying his Entities, Rod started creating code to talk to Twitter's API. He used RestTemplate to do this and spent a good 5 minutes trying to get Eclipse to import the class properly. The best part of this demo was watching him do what most developers do: searching Google for RestTemplate to get the package name to import.

After awkward silence and some fumbling, he opened an existing project (that had the dependencies properly configured) and used Java Config to configure beans for the project. This was done with a @Configuration annotation on the class, @Value annotations on properties (that read from a properties file) and @Bean annotations for the beans to expose. The first time Rod tried to run the test it failed because a file didn't exist. After creating it, he successfully ran the test and successfully searched Twitter's API.

The nice thing about @Configuration is the classes are automatically picked up and you don't need to configure any XML to recognize them. Also, in your Java classes, you don't have to use @Autowired to get @Bean references injected.

After this, Rod attempted to show a web interface of the application. He started the built-in SpringSource tc Server and proceeded to show us Tomcat's 404 page. Unfortunately, Tomcat seemed to startup OK (no errors in the logs), but obviously something didn't work well. For the next few silent moments, we watched him try to delete web.xml from Eclipse. Unfortunately, this didn't work and we weren't able to see the scaffolding the entities that Rod created.

At this point, Rod opened a completed version of the app and was able to show it to us in a browser. You could hear the murmur of the crowd as everyone realized he was about to show the the Twitter search results for #tssjs. Most of the tweets displayed were from folks commenting about how some things didn't work in the demo.

In summary, there's some really cool things in Spring 3: @Configuration, @Value, task scheduling with @Scheduled and one-way methods with @Async.

Final points of SpringSource and VMWare: they're committed to Java and middleware. Their big focus is providing an integrated experience from productivity to cloud. There's other languages that are further along than Java and SpringSource is trying to fix that. One thing they're working on is a private Java cloud that companies can use and leverage as a VMWare appliance.

I think there's a lot of great things in Spring 3 and most users of Roo seem to be happy with it. It's unfortunate that the Demo Gods frowned upon Rod, but it was cool to see him do the "no presentation" approach.

Posted in Java at Mar 19 2010, 11:46:25 AM MDT 2 Comments

So it seems to be about time to give Spring another look... Didn't know about Roo interesting concept - and as we all are comand line junkies suits me about right. Thanks for that!

Posted by Burkhard Vogel on March 19, 2010 at 06:45 PM MDT #

[Trackback] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mraible: What's New in Spring 3.0 (my notes from Rod Johnson's keynote at #TSSJS):

Posted by uberVU - social comments on March 19, 2010 at 10:50 PM MDT #

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