What's your site's content size?
site is 29.18% text context. Apparently, the rest is markup. Found via web-graphics.com.
The tool (wittingly called getContentSize) apparently does
not include images or attached CSS, or javascript in it's analysis. I believe
that considering it measures my total page size as 51131 bytes, where Phoenix
tells me it's 55270 bytes. What it doesn't tell you is that I have around 250
(yes 250!) links on this site, and since it doesn't count those as text (<a
href> is markup), I think I've done pretty well. Here are some interesting
statistics for other sites (and lots of markup with little text):
URL | total page size (bytes) | text content (bytes) | % text |
russellbeattie.com/notebook | 87074 | 46296 | 53.17 |
zeldman.com | 22734 | 10408 | 45.78 |
webstandards.org | 10021 | 4541 | 45.31 |
raibledesigns.com | 51131 | 14918 | 29.18 |
theserverside.com | 54030 | 14056 | 26.02 |
scripting.com | 79463 | 18869 | 23.75 |
google.com | 2532 | 362 | 14.30 |
cnn.com | 50755 | 4502 | 8.87 |
microsoft.com | 31180 | 2603 | 8.35 |
sun.com | 13443 | 1087 | 8.09 |
apple.com | 17512 | 840 | 4.8 |