XML Encryption/Decryption
Erik gives us the heads up on a new W3C Proposal: an XML Encryption, Decription Standards. Just after I finished my first draft of my chapter on Security!! Arghh! Oh well, I'm sure there will be a 2nd and 3rd draft. I'll have to read this article and see if it's relevant. The first draft was due Sunday, I turned it in yesterday. It is supposed to include a sample application, and I'm still working on it.
I was up until 5 a.m. this morning working on it. I got Hibernate working nicely, and I can generate my Hibernate persistence layer and my Struts (validator) forms using xdoclet. Cool stuff, I did have to write the business tier to talk to hibernate, and I did have to write a Hibernate class (DAO) to talk to the persistence layer. Not as easy and clean as I'd hoped for, but now that the groundwork is laid, it'll probably be easier to move forward. It's pretty sweet that I can add a getter/setter to my POJO (actually it's an entity bean since that's the only way to generate struts forms using xdoclet) and I get a new column in the database and in both my VO (hibernate uses this) and my Form.