Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Making Code Generation Smarter with Maven

As you might've read in my last entry, I recently started a new gig with On my first day, I was quickly immersed into the development process by joining the Conversion Team. The Conversion Team is responsible for developing the checkout UI and handling payments from customers. I quickly discovered Overstock was mostly a Linux + Eclipse Shop and did my best to get my favorite Mac + IntelliJ + JRebel installed and configured. Thanks to my new Team Lead, I was able to get everything up and running the first day, as well as checkin my first contribution: making mvn jetty:run work so I didn't have to use my IDE to deploy to Tomcat.

In setting up my environment, I couldn't help but notice running jetty:run took quite a while to run each time. Specifically, the build process took 45 seconds to start executing the Jetty plugin, then another 23 seconds to startup after that. The first suspicious thing I noticed was that the UI templates were being re-generated and compiled on each execution. The UI Templating Framework at Overstock is Jamon, and is described as follows:

Jamon is a text template engine for Java, useful for generating dynamic HTML, XML, or any text-based content. In a typical Model-View-Controller architecture, Jamon clearly is aimed at the View (or presentation) layer.

Because it is compiled to non-reflective Java code, and statically type-checked, Jamon is ideally suited to support refactoring of template-based UI applications. Using mock objects -like functionality, Jamon also facilitates unit testing of the controller and view.

To generate .java files from .jamon templates, we use the Jamon Plugin for Maven. Remembering that the Maven Compiler Plugin has an incremental-compile feature, I turned to its source code to find out how to implement this in the Jamon plugin. I was pleasantly surprised to find the StaleSourceScanner. This class allows you to easily compare two files to see if the source needs to re-examined for generation or compilation.

I noticed the Jamon Plugin had the following code to figure out which files it should generate into .java files:

private List<File> accumulateSources(File p_templateSourceDir)
  final List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
  if (p_templateSourceDir == null)
    return result;
  for (File f : p_templateSourceDir.listFiles())
    if (f.isDirectory())
    else if (f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".jamon"))
      String filePath = f.getPath();
       // FIXME !?
      String basePath = templateSourceDir().getAbsoluteFile().toString();
      result.add(new File(filePath.substring(basePath.length() + 1)));
  return result;

I changed it to be smarter and only generate changed templates with the following code:

private List<File> accumulateSources(File p_templateSourceDir) throws MojoExecutionException
  final List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
  if (p_templateSourceDir == null)
    return result;
  SourceInclusionScanner scanner = getSourceInclusionScanner( staleMillis );
  SourceMapping mapping = new SuffixMapping( ".jamon", ".java");

  scanner.addSourceMapping( mapping );

  final Set<File> staleFiles = new LinkedHashSet<File>();

  for (File f : p_templateSourceDir.listFiles())
    if (!f.isDirectory())

      staleFiles.addAll( scanner.getIncludedSources(f.getParentFile(), templateOutputDir()));
    catch ( InclusionScanException e )
      throw new MojoExecutionException(
        "Error scanning source root: \'" + p_templateSourceDir.getPath()
          + "\' " + "for stale files to recompile.", e );

  // Trim root path from file paths
  for (File file : staleFiles) {
    String filePath = file.getPath();
    String basePath = templateSourceDir().getAbsoluteFile().toString();
    result.add(new File(filePath.substring(basePath.length() + 1)));

This method references a getSourceInclusionScanner() method, which is implemented as follows:

protected SourceInclusionScanner getSourceInclusionScanner( int staleMillis )
  SourceInclusionScanner scanner;

  if ( includes.isEmpty() && excludes.isEmpty() )
      scanner = new StaleSourceScanner( staleMillis );
      if ( includes.isEmpty() )
          includes.add( "**/*.jamon" );
      scanner = new StaleSourceScanner( staleMillis, includes, excludes );

  return scanner;

If you're using Jamon and its Maven Plugin, you can view my patch at SourceForge. If you're looking to include this functionality in your project, I invite you to look at the code I learned from in the Maven Compiler's AbstractCompilerMojo class.

After making this change, I was able to reduce the build execution time by over 50%. Now it takes 20 seconds to hit the Jetty plugin and 42 seconds to finishing starting. Of course, in an ideal world, I'd like to get this down to 20 seconds or less. Strangely enough, the easiest way to do this seems to be simple: use Linux.

On the Linux desktop they provided me, it takes 12 seconds to hit the Jetty plugin and 23 seconds to finish starting. I'd like to think this is a hardware thing, but it only get 20% faster on OS X when using an 8GB RAM + SSD machine (vs. a 4GB + 5400 drive). Since Overstock has provided me with a 4GB MacBook Pro, I'm considering installing Ubuntu on it, just to see what the difference is.

Sun over the Snowbird In related news, is looking to hire a whole bunch of Java Developers this year. The pictures of the new Provo office look pretty sweet. Of course, you can also work at HQ, which is a mere 25 minutes from some of the best skiing in the world. Personally, I think Colorado's powder is better, but I can't argue with the convenience of no traffic. In addition to full-time gigs, they've started hiring more remote contractors like myself, so they pretty much have something for everyone. So if you love Java, like to get some turns in before work, and aren't an asshole - you should and I'll try to hook you up.

Update: After writing this post, I received an email from Neil Hartner questioning these numbers. Basically, he was able to get his MacBook Pro to run just as fast as Linux. Turns out, the reason my Mac was so much slower was because JRebel was configured in my MAVEN_OPTS. JRebel's FAQ does state the following:

Does JRebel make the server start up slower?
JRebel needs to do more work on startup (search more places for classes and resources, instrument classes, etc), so some slowdown can be expected. If it's larger than 50% please contact [email protected].

Since it's right around 50% slower, I guess there's no reason to call them. My guess is the best thing to do is remove JRebel from MAVEN_OPTS, but have an alias that can enable it, or simply run it from your IDE.

Posted in Java at Jan 21 2011, 03:26:43 PM MST 7 Comments

How I Calculated Ratings for My JVM Web Frameworks Comparison

When I re-wrote my Comparing JVM Web Frameworks presentation from scratch, I decided to add a matrix that allows you to rate a framework based on 20 different criteria. The reason I did this was because I'd used this method when choosing an Ajax framework for Evite last year. The matrix seemed to work well for selecting the top 5 frameworks, but it also inspired a lot of discussion in the community that my ratings were wrong.

I expected this, as I certainly don't know every framework as well as I'd like. The mistake I made was asking for the community to provide feedback on my ratings without describing how I arrived at them. From Peter Thomas's blog:

What you are doing is adjusting ratings based on who in the community shouts the loudest. I can't help saying that this approach comes across as highly arrogant and condescending, you seem to expect framework developers and proponents to rush over and fawn over you to get better ratings, like waiters in a restaurant trying to impress a food-critic for Michelin stars.

I apologize for giving this impression. It certainly wasn't my intent. By having simple numbers (1.0 == framework does well, 0.5 == framework is OK and 0 == framework not good at criteria) with no rationalization, I can see how the matrix can be interpreted as useless (or to put it bluntly, as something you should wipe your ass with). I don't blame folks for getting angry.

For my Rich Web Experience presentation, I documented why I gave each framework the rating I did. Hopefully this will allow folks to critique my ratings more constructively and I can make the numbers more accurate. You can view this document below or on Google Docs.

In the end, what I was hoping to do with this matrix was to simply highlight a technique for choosing a web framework. Furthermore, I think adding a "weight" to each criteria is important because things like books often aren't as important as REST support. To show how this might be done, I added a second sheet to the matrix and made up some weighting numbers. I'd expect anyone that wants to use this to downloaded the matrix, verify the ratings are accurate for your beliefs and weight the criteria accordingly.

Of course, as I and many others have said, the best way to choose a web framework is to try them yourself. I emphasized this at the end of my presentation with the following two slides.

Slide #77 from Comparing JVM Web Frameworks Talk at RWX2010

Slide #76 from Comparing JVM Web Frameworks Talk at RWX2010

Posted in Java at Dec 06 2010, 11:55:18 AM MST 10 Comments

An Awesome Trip to Amsterdam and Antwerp for Devoxx 2010

I've often heard that Devoxx (formerly Javapolis) is one of the best Java-related conferences in the world. I've also heard it has the best speaking and viewing facilities (a movie theater) of any conference. When I was invited to speak earlier this year, I jumped at the opportunity. When I met Trish last summer, I even used it in a pickup line: "Wanna go to Belgium with me in November?"

I bet "chug your beer" for every touchdown with these 3 Last week was one of the most memorable weeks of my life. It all started with a tremendously fun Broncos vs. Chiefs game at Invesco Field in Denver. Trish's company, FishNet Security, was hosting a tailgate party and had rented a suite for the game. I was irrationally confident that the Broncos would win, so proceeded to place bets with many of her co-workers. Since FishNet is headquartered out of Kansas City, most of the folks in the suite were Kansas City fans. You can imagine my excitement when the CEO's wife agreed to chug a beer every time the Broncos scored. I talked a couple of other folks into the same bet and proceeded to giggle and grin for the duration of the 49-29 routing.

I tell this story because it put us in the perfect mood to begin our trip to Devoxx the next day.

Trish and I left Denver at noon on Monday, stopped in Chicago for a 2-hour layover and continued to Amsterdam on an overnight flight. In Chicago, we journeyed into the Red Carpet Club, where I performed a long overdue release of AppFuse. We'd both started to come down with my kids' cold, so we popped some NyQuil a couple hours into the flight and slept through the night.

We arrived in Amsterdam on Tuesday morning and proceeded on a walkabout of the city. We stumbled into Dam Square, found some breakfast and checked our bags into a nearby hotel. Our first stop was the Van Gogh Museum, where we proceeded to enjoy the audio tour and learn about the life and works of Van Gogh. From there, we headed to the Heineken Brewery for a tour and some extra cold beers. While walking back to Amsterdam Central Station to catch a train to Antwerp, we stopped in at the Ice Bar to experience drinks in sub-zero temperatures. All the brochures said it was the #1 attraction in Amsterdam, but that was obviously just good marketing. Regardless, we enjoyed the "4D" experience and cool bartender tricks.

Beautiful day in Amsterdam Best. Travel Partner. Ever. Bikes Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Heineken Brewery Be The Beer Extra Cold

Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities in the world, offering some of the best scenes and photo opportunities I've ever seen. We marveled at a gorgeous sunset over a canal on our walk back to the train station.

Sunset in Amsterdam

On the train to Antwerp, we scarfed down delicious bread and cheese, chased it with wine and watched a movie on my iPad. Upon arrival, we were instantly mesmerized by the architecture and beauty of the Antwerpen Centraal Station. We hailed a taxi and proceeded to our accommodations at the Holiday Inn Express.

I knew that Devoxx was a great conference and I could learn a lot by attending. However, it was also my first time in Belgium and I knew there was a lot to learn by exploring too. Much to my delight, while lying in bed on Wednesday morning, I quickly realized I could get all the key highlights via Twitter. I also learned that, as a speaker, I'd get full access to all the sessions via So Wednesday was spent registering for the conference and traveling to Antwerp's shopping district to explore and drink a few delicious Belgium beers.

Hey Baby - wanna go to Devoxx with me? Shopping District with Antwerpen Centraal in the background Delicious Beer Always Time for a Guinness

That evening, we attended the Open Source Dinner at Zuiderterras with Mathias Bogaert, Tom Baeyens, a couple ZeroTurnaround guys, a few Struts 2 Developers and many other fun folks. We walked to Pelgrom after dinner and savored a few Kwaks in the coolest beer-drinking establishment I've ever been to.

Open Source Dinner Open Source Dinner Open Source Dinner Kwak!

On Thursday, we woke up early and walked the 35 minute journey to the conference to catch The Future Roadmap of Java EE talk. The session was so packed that many overflow rooms were created and we nestled ourselves into the front row of one across the hall. My talk on Comparing JVM Web Frameworks was next and I fought the crowd to get into the keynote room to deliver it. I don't know how many people attended (est. 500), but it was definitely the largest audience I'd ever spoken in front of. Based on Twitter mentions, the majority of people seemed to enjoy it and that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

Since Trish and I didn't have time for breakfast, we walked back to the hotel, dropped off my laptop and headed downtown to find some grub. We found Madre Tierra, had a delicious breakfast and continued on to Cathedral of Our Lady. The artwork inside was amazing, as demonstrated by the pictures below.

Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp

That evening, we joined the Java Posse dinner at Pelgrom. This was a fun dinner where we got to sit with Dick Wall and Carl Quinn on one side and Mark Reinhold, Chet Haase and Romain Guy on the other. Good food, great beer and excellent conversation. From there, we met up with James Ward and other Adobe folks before attending the Devoxx party to close the night.

Partying with the Adobe Crew Devoxx Party with the Norway Crew

Friday, we slept in and tracked down some delicious Belgium Waffles at Désiré de Lille before catching a train to Ghent. We arrived at sunset, but that didn't stop Trish's Nikon D300 from capturing many spectacular shots throughout the night.

Waffles at Désiré de Lille

The Canal in Ghent Ghent Ghent

On Saturday, we began our journey back to the US, starting with taking the fast train from Antwerp to Amsterdam. We checked into a fancy hotel and snuggled in for a cozy dinner at Tibet Restaurant. We spent most of the night walking around, taking sweet photos and making our Irish heritage proud.

Amsterdam by Night Shooting the Swans Car Bombs in Amsterdam

Traveling to Belgium and speaking at Devoxx was definitely a highlight of my life. Not only were the sites fantastic, but the conference attendees were super nice and I had the best travel partner in the world. The beers were delicious, the food was excellent and I can't wait to return in the future. Thanks to the Devoxx Crew for having me!

To see all the pictures I took on this trip, check out my Devoxx 2010 set on Flickr.

Posted in Java at Nov 25 2010, 12:36:10 PM MST 5 Comments

My Comparing JVM Web Frameworks Presentation from Devoxx 2010

This week, I've been having a great time in Antwerp, Belgium at the Devoxx Conference. This morning, I had the pleasure of delivering my Comparing JVM Web Frameworks talk. I thoroughly enjoyed giving this presentation, especially to such a large audience. You can view the presentation below (if you have Flash installed) or download it here.

Unlike previous years, I chose to come up with a spreadsheet matrix that shows why I chose the 5 I did. This spreadsheet and rankings given to each framework are likely to be debated, as I don't know all the frameworks as well as I'd like to. Also, the missing column on this spreadsheet is a "weighting" column where you can prioritize certain criteria like I've done in the past when Comparing Ajax Frameworks. If you believe there are incorrect numbers, please let me know and I'll try to get those fixed before I do this talk again at The Rich Web Experience.

One thing that doesn't come across in this presentation is that I believe anyone can use this matrix, and weightings, to make any of these frameworks come out on top. I also believe web frameworks are like spaghetti sauce in The Ketchup Conundrum. That is, the only way to make more happy spaghetti sauce lovers was to make more types of spaghetti sauce. You can read more about this in my There is no "best" web framework article.

Update: If you disagree with the various ratings I gave to web frameworks in this presentation, please provide your opinions by filling out this survey. Thanks to Sebastien Arbogast for setting this up.

Update: Sebastien has posted his survey results at JVM Web Framework Survey, First Results.

Update 12/6: A video of this presentation is now available on

P.S. My current gig is ending in mid-December. If you're looking for a UI Architect with a passion for open source frameworks, please let me know.

Posted in Java at Nov 18 2010, 05:23:10 AM MST 39 Comments

AppFuse 2.1 Milestone 2 Released

I'm pleased to announce the 2nd milestone release of AppFuse 2.1. This release includes upgrades to all dependencies to bring them up-to-date with their latest releases. Most notable are Spring 3 and Struts 2.1. This release fixes many issues with archetypes and contains many improvements to support Maven 3. For more details on specific changes see the 2.1.0 M2 release notes.

What is AppFuse?
AppFuse is an open source project and application that uses open source frameworks to help you develop Web applications quickly and efficiently. It was originally developed to eliminate the ramp-up time when building new web applications. At its core, AppFuse is a project skeleton, similar to the one that's created by your IDE when you click through a wizard to create a new web project. If you use JRebel with AppFuse, you can achieve zero-turnaround in your project and develop features without restarting the server.

Release Details
Archetypes now include all the source for the web modules so using jetty:run and your IDE will work much smoother now. The backend is still embedded in JARs, enabling you to choose with persistence framework (Hibernate, iBATIS or JPA) you'd like to use. If you want to modify the source for that, add the core classes to your project or run "appfuse:full-source".

AppFuse comes in a number of different flavors. It offers "light", "basic" and "modular" and archetypes. Light archetypes use an embedded H2 database and contain a simple CRUD example. In the final 2.1.0 release, the light archetypes will allow code generation like the basic and modular archetypes. Basic archetypes have web services using CXF, authentication from Spring Security and features including signup, login, file upload and CSS theming. Modular archetypes are similar to basic archetypes, except they have multiple modules which allows you to separate your services from your web project.

AppFuse provides archetypes for JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry 5. The light archetypes are available for these frameworks, as well as for Spring MVC + FreeMarker, Stripes and Wicket.

Please note that this release does not contain updates to the documentation. Code generation will work, but it's likely that some content in the tutorials won't match. For example, you can use annotations (vs. XML) for Spring MVC and Tapestry is a whole new framework. I'll be working on documentation over the next several weeks in preparation for the 2.1 final release.

For information on creating a new project, please see the QuickStart Guide.

If you have questions about AppFuse, please read the FAQ or join the user mailing list. If you find bugs, please create an issue in JIRA.

Thanks to everyone for their help contributing patches, writing documentation and participating on the mailing lists.

Posted in Java at Nov 15 2010, 03:28:57 PM MST 2 Comments

How's the ol' Team Doing?

Back in March, I wrote about How We Hired a Team of 10 in 2 Months:

This week, we on-boarded 3 of our final 4 developers. I breathed a big sigh of relief that the hiring was over and we could get back to slinging code and making things happen. As luck would have it, I received an e-mail from my boss on Tuesday that the hiring engine is starting up again and we need to hire 6 more developers. While I'm not anxious to start the Hiring Engine again, I am glad to know it works well and it has helped us build a great team.

We never ended up hiring those additional 6 developers, but we've had quite a ride since March. One of the first commenters on my original post wrote:

I hope that whirlwind of hiring works out for you Matt. But, don't you think it's a bit early to be declaring success?

At that time, we still had a lot of work to do to become a successful team. However, by the end of March, we'd finished our first deliverable - converting a somewhat slow ColdFusion/jQuery/Video webapp into a fast Java/jQuery/Video webapp. The slowness wasn't due to ColdFusion, but mostly performance, caching and YSlow-type optimizations. At that time, we surprised the folks that were in charge of our app. They didn't think we'd finish so fast and it took them awhile to decide what to do with our work.

While we were waiting for the product folks to launch our app in April/May, we decided to experiment with developing some new clients. So we wrote an iPhone app, an Android App, an iPhone/Android/iPad/HTML5 version of our webapp and a Blu-ray client. All of these applications used our webapp's backend RESTful services and we were able to learn the SDKs and implement all the apps in a matter of weeks. In May, we demoed all our clients and got rave reviews from executives. We celebrated that afternoon with a big sigh of relief.

The glowing from our many-clients demo was short-lived. A week later, we were asked to enhance our iPad app to include TV-Remote type features, namely channel-changing and DVR functionality. After freaking out and trying to figure out how to deliver such an app in a week, the demo was rescheduled and we were afforded 2 weeks to build the app. After much frantic development, we were able to complete the app in time and the demo was published to YouTube a couple months later.

In June, if you asked me if we were a successful team, I would've definitely said "Yes!" We'd been asked to develop apps for 3 different demos and we delivered on-time.

The remainder of June and July we slipped into a bit of limbo where we weren't asked to develop anything, but simply maintain and enhance the stuff we'd already developed. After a few weeks of doing this, several of us began to wonder if the apps we'd developed would ever see the light of day. We expressed this concern to our VP and a new idea was hatched: The 60-Day Push.

The 60-Day Push was designed to eliminate politics and meetings and allow us to develop a 3-screen (PC, iPad, TV) experience for our video content. We decided to aim high and try to complete most of the work in 30-days, so we could do executive demos of our progress. We started all our applications from scratch, split into Services, Portal, TV and iPad teams and worked with Method to implement a slick design for all our apps. I'm proud to say we delivered yet again and there were many proud moments as we demoed to the top executives of the company.

In early September, after doing several demos, we were approved to launch and we've been working towards that goal ever since. We feel we have several weeks of work to coax our DemoWare into RealWorldWare, but the momentum is there and the end of the tunnel is in sight.

As a further sign of our success, we're moving into a new office in LoDo next week. This also means the End of an Era, where the Raible Designs' office across from Forest Room 5 will cease to exist. We (Goodwill, Scotty, Country Bry and I) first moved into this office while working for Evite in April 2009. It's been a fantastic location, a facilitator of extensive collaboration and host to many dart games, FACs, bird-dog spottings and way too many Mom Jokes.

As part of our transition, I'll be looking for renters to fill out the rest of my lease (through March 2010). If you're looking for a sweet location for 5-6 people in Denver's Highlands (near the REI store downtown), please let me know.

Also, there's a good chance my team will continue to grow as we move our apps into production and start ramping up for millions of users. If you're a strong Web or Java developer with social skills and a Ditchdigger attitude, I'd love to hear from you. We probably won't be hiring until January, but that doesn't mean we can't start talking now.

Posted in Java at Oct 21 2010, 09:00:41 AM MDT 5 Comments

RE: Moving from Spring to Java EE 6: The Age of Frameworks is Over

Last Tuesday, Cameron McKenzie wrote an interesting article on TheServerSide titled Moving from Spring to Java EE 6: The Age of Frameworks is Over. In this article, Cameron says the following:

J2EE represents the past, and Java EE 6 represents the future. Java EE 6 promises us the ability to go beyond frameworks. Frameworks like Spring are really just a bridge between the mistakes of the J2EE past and the success of the Java EE 6 future. Frameworks are out, and extensions to the Java EE 6 platform are in. Now is the time to start looking past Spring, and looking forward to Seam and Weld and CDI technologies.

He then links to an article titled Spring to Java EE - A Migration Experience, an article written by JBoss's Lincoln Baxter. In this article, Lincoln talks about many of the technologies in Java EE 6, namely JPA, EJB, JSF, CDI and JAX-RS. He highlights all the various XML files you'll need to know about and the wide variety of Java EE 6 application servers: JBoss AS 6 and GlassFish v3.

I don't have a problem with Lincoln's article, in fact I think it's very informative and some of the best documentation I've seen for Java EE 6.

I do have some issues with Cameron's statements that frameworks are mistakes of the J2EE past and that Java EE 6 represents the future. Open source frameworks made J2EE successful. Struts and Hibernate came out in the early days of J2EE and still exist today. Spring came out shortly after and has turned into the do-everything J2EE implementation it was trying to fix. Java EE 6 might be a better foundation to build upon, but it's certainly not going to replace frameworks.

To prove my point, let's start by looking at the persistence layer. We used to have Hibernate based on JDBC, now we have JPA implementations built on top of the JPA API. Is JPA a replacement for all persistence frameworks? I've worked with it and think it's a good API, but the 2.0 version isn't available in a Maven repo and Alfresco recently moved away from Hibernate (which == JPA IMO) to iBATIS for greater data access layer control and scalability. Looks like the age of frameworks isn't over for persistence frameworks.

The other areas that Java EE 6 covers that I believe frameworks will continue to excel in: EJB, CDI, JSF and JAX-RS. Personally, I don't have a problem with EJB 3 and think it's a vast improvement on EJB 2.x. I don't have an issue with CDI either, and as long as it resembles Guice for dependency injection, it works for me. However, when you get into the space I've been living in for the last couple years (high-traffic public internet sites), EJB and things like the "conversation-scope" feature of CDI don't buy you much. The way to make web application scale is to eliminate state and cache as much as possible, both of which Java EE doesn't provide much help for. In fact, to disable sessions in a servlet-container, you have to write a Filter like the following:

public class DisabledSessionFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

     * Filters requests to disable URL-based session identifiers.
    protected void doFilterInternal(final HttpServletRequest request,
                                    final HttpServletResponse response,
                                    final FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {

        HttpServletRequestWrapper wrappedRequest = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request) {

            public HttpSession getSession(final boolean create) {
                if (create) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Session support disabled");
                return null;

            public HttpSession getSession() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Session support disabled");

        // process next request in chain
        chain.doFilter(wrappedRequest, response);

What about JAX-RS? Does it replace the need for frameworks? I like the idea of having a REST API in Java. However, its reference implementation is Jersey, which seems more like a framework than just Java EE. If you choose to use JAX-RS in your application, you still have to choose between CXF, Jersey, RESTEasy and Restlet. I compared these frameworks last year and found the Java EE implementation lacking in the features I needed.

Finally, let's talk about my-least-framework-web-framework: JSF. The main reason I don't like JSF is because of its 1.x version. JSF 1.0 was released a year before the Ajax term was coined (see timeline below). Not only did it take forever to develop as a spec, but it tried to be a client-component framework that was very stateful by default.

History of Web Frameworks

Now that JSF 2.0 is out, it has Ajax integrated and allows you to use GET instead of POST-for-everything. However, the only people that like Ajax integrated into their web frameworks are programmers scared of JavaScript (who probably shouldn't be developing your UI). Also, the best component development platform for the web is JavaScript. I recommend using an Ajax framework for your components if you really want a rich UI.

Sure you can use the likes of Tapestry and Wicket if you like POJO-based web development, but if you're looking to develop a webapp that's easy to maintain and understand, chances are that you'll do much better with traditional MVC frameworks like Spring MVC and Struts 2. The simplicity and popularity of Rails and Grails further emphasize that developers prefer these types of web frameworks.

Another reason I don't like JSF: there's very few developers in the wild happy with it. The major promoters of JSF are book authors, trainers, Java EE Vendors and MyFaces developers. Whenever I speak at conferences, I ask folks to raise their hands for the various web frameworks they're using. I always ask the JSF users to keep their hands up if they like it. Rarely do they stay up.

So it looks like we still need web frameworks.

Eberhard Wolff has an interesting post where he defends Spring and talks about the productivity comparisons between Spring and Java EE. He recommends using Grails or Spring Roo if you want the level of productivity that Ruby on Rails provides. That's a valid recommendation if you're building CRUD-based webapps, but I haven't developed those in quite some time. Nowadays, the apps I develop are true SOFEA apps, where the backend serves up XML or JSON and the frontend client is HTML/JavaScript/CSS, Android, iPad or Sony Blu-Ray players. On my current project, our services don't even talk to a database, they talk to a CMS via RESTful APIs. We use Spring's RestTemplate for this and HttpClient when it doesn't have the features we need. Not much in Java EE 6 for this type of communication. Sure, Jersey has a client, but it's certainly not part of the Java EE spec.

As far as getting Ruby on Rails' zero-turnaround productivity, I don't need Grails or Spring Roo, I simply use IDEA and JRebel.

I don't see how new features in Java EE 6 can mean the age of frameworks is over. Java SE and J2EE have always been foundations for frameworks. The Java EE 6 features are often frameworks in themselves that can be used outside of a Java EE container. Furthermore, Java EE 6 doesn't provide all the features you need to build a high-scale web app today. There's no caching, no stateless web framework that can serve up JSON and HTML and no hot-reload productivity enhancements like JRebel. Furthermore, there's real excitement in Javaland for languages like Scala, Groovy and JRuby. All of these languages have web frameworks that've made many developers happy.

Here's to the Age of Frameworks - may it live as long as the JVM!

P.S. If you'd like to hear me talk about web frameworks on the JVM, I'll be speaking at The Colorado Springs Open Source Meetup and Devoxx 2010 in the near future.

Posted in Java at Oct 16 2010, 03:19:07 PM MDT 37 Comments

My Incredible Trip to Ireland

If you ever get a chance to travel to Ireland, take it! I don't know when I heard these words, or how they came into my head, but I remembered them clearly when I was first introduced to Barry Alistair by Jeff Genender. Soon after, I was able to negotiate my way into being a speaker at The 2010 Irish Software Show.

The show was last week and I had a blast traveling to Dublin to speak and explore. My sister came me on this trip, but missed a connection in Seattle and had to join me a day late. I left Denver at noon on Monday and arrived at Dublin Airport at 7 am. I was on the same flight as Josh Long and thoroughly enjoyed my iPad as a travel companion. When I got off the plane, my battery life was at 60% and I'd been watching movies and listening to music for 6 hours.

I took a cab through the misty, cool morning to my hotel. I grabbed a coffee, cleaned up, and walked a few blocks to Trinity College for the conference. I made it in time for the opening keynote by Chris Horn. It was an interesting talk, focusing on what needed to happen to make Ireland the Innovation Hub of Europe. After that, I attended Tim Berglund's session on Complexity Theory and Software Development. After lunch and a few more talks, I teamed up with Andres Almiray and Josh Long for a pint at the hotel bar.

That evening, we attended Jeff Genender's talk on Getting into Open Source. The free drinks loosened everyone up and Jeff did a great job with a humorous presentation on how to get Committer Status. After Jeff's talk, about 10 of us headed to a Moroccan restaurant for a late dinner. I was in bed around midnight.

Andres Almiray and Josh Long The Genenders Heading for Indian After Jeff's Talk Streets of Dublin in the early morning

Wednesday morning, my sister arrived in my hotel room at 8 and promptly fell into bed. I set my alarm to sleep an hour and closed the Vegas-style, no-light-allowed curtains. We awoke much later (12:30) than we'd planned (9:00). We quickly got up and headed for some sight-seeing in Dublin. First off, we hit Dublinia and Christ Church Cathedral. Both sites were spectacular and we both learned a lot about the history of Dublin. From there, we skipped across the bridge to The Old Jameson Distillery for a tour and a bit of whiskey.

Runes Exhibit in Dublinia Christ Church Cathedral and Dublinia Tasting Whiskey The 18 Year

The picture below was taken on the Ha'penny Bridge as we were heading back from Jameson. The expression of the girl on the left is priceless.

Kalin on the Half Penny

A couple hours later and I was delivering my talk on The Future of Web Frameworks. The crowd was lively; the Guinness I drank while talking was lovely. My session was followed by a Web Framework Experts Panel with Peter Ledbrook (Grails), Jamie van Dyke (Rails), Shay Friedman (ASP.NET MVC), Julian Fitzell (Seaside) and myself (Java Frameworks). The debate was good and there was much discussion about the right apps for each framework and how important statelessness is for scalable applications. After 3 hours of talking, my sister and I headed back to the hotel. I was particularly happy about the evening since it was the first time a family member of mine had seen me speak.

Correction from my Dad: This wasn't the first time a family member saw me speak. He attended my talk at ApacheCon EU 2007.

A block from the hotel, we spotted a nice looking pub (Doyles) and stopped in for a pint. As we bellied up to the end of the bar, we recognized Jamie (from the panel) and got introduced to his friend Rob. We quickly got lost in conversation, stories and laughter and were surprised when we discovered it was 2:30am. Since I had a talk first thing in the morning, we ducked out shortly after.

Web Framework Experts Panel Barry on Evangelist Night The Night we met Jamie and Rob

Thursday started with my talk Comparing Kick-Ass Web Frameworks. Then my sister and I did some more site-seeing, starting at the Guinness Storehouse. We met Josh and John Willis as they were leaving and they advised we go straight to The Gravity Bar at the top. We took there advise and were getting great views of Dublin and savoring sweet pints of Guinness moments later. The tour facility was freakin' awesome and I loved how it was shaped like a pint glass.

Straight to the top! Mmmmm, Guinness The Storehouse is shaped like a pint glass Brainwave

We grabbed some gear from the gift shopped and landed (by accident) at The Brazen Head (Ireland's Oldest Pub, Est. 1198) for a pint of cider and Guinness. Since my sister used to be in the cider business, she was particularly happy there was so much on tap in Ireland.

From the pub, we headed to John Willis's session on The Cambrian Cloud Explosion. Following John's session, we headed to the Speaker's Dinner for a very fun evening with the hosts and speakers of the conference.

John Willis and Barry Alistair Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010 Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010 Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010

Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010 Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010 Speaker's Dinner at Irish Software Show 2010

On Friday, we woke up in the early afternoon and quickly decided the Book of Kells was our best chance of getting some site seeing in. After visiting the Book of Kells, my favorite quote of the conference happened in the courtyard.

Josh looked at Jamie (with his bad hangover) and exclaimed, "My God Man. Your skin is so white it's hurting my eyes!". You probably had to be there (or know Josh) to enjoy the humor, but I wanted to capture the memory in this post so I could laugh whenever I read this in the future. After that, Jamie, Josh, Kalin and I enjoyed a Starbuck's patio talking about living in the South of France for a couple hours. Then we walked 2 blocks to the Porterhouse Brewing Co. to watch the World Cup and enjoy more interesting conversations.

The Book of Kells Jamie with the Wenches Lovely Wenches Jamie and his Lady Drink

Jamie left the conference that evening and we joined a whole slew of other speakers for dinner at an excellent Lebanese restaurant near Temple Bar. Good times where had afterwards at a nearby Silent Disco.

Kalin and Craig Post Absinthe

Saturday, we woke up early to catch a tour bus out to Glendalough with Josh and John. The bus ride was not pleasant, but the destination was spectacular. We hung out there for several hours, exploring the buildings, walking to the lake and humoring each other.

Glendalough Beautiful Views at Glendalough Glendalough Lower Lake at Glendalough

Our last night in Dublin was an early, relaxing one. As you can tell, I really enjoyed this trip, particularly hanging out with my sister and all the cool people we met. I can easily say that this trip registers as one of my favorite conference experiences to date.

To see all the pictures I took on this trip, check out my Irish Software Show 2010 set on Flickr.

Posted in Java at Jun 14 2010, 11:42:55 PM MDT Add a Comment

My Presentations from The Irish Software Show 2010

This week I've been enjoying Dublin, Ireland thanks to the 2nd Annual Irish Software Show. On Wednesday night, I spoke about The Future of Web Frameworks and participated in a panel with Grails, Rails, ASP.NET MVC and Seaside developers. It was a fun night with lots of lively discussion. Below is my presentation from this event.

This morning, I delivered my Comparing Kick-Ass Web Frameworks talk. This presentation contains updated statistics for various metrics comparing Rails vs. Grails and Flex vs. GWT.

Thanks to all who attended my talks this week!

P.S. I believe audio was recorded on Wednesday night, but I'm unsure how it turned out. I'm pretty sure no recordings were done on this morning's session.

Posted in Java at Jun 10 2010, 07:11:35 AM MDT 9 Comments

Running Selenium Tests on Sauce Labs

Recently I embarked on a mission to configure my team's Selenium testing process to support multiple browsers. We use Hudson for our continuous integration server. Since our Hudson instance runs on Solaris, testing with Firefox on Solaris didn't seem like a good representation of our clients. Our browser support matrix currently looks as follows:

Platform Browser
Windows IE7.x and 8.x, Firefox 2.x and 3.x
Mac Safari 3.x, 4.x
Best Effort
Windows and Mac Chrome 4.x

At first, I attempted to use Windows VMs to run Selenium tests on IE. This was a solution that didn't work too well. The major reasons it didn't work:

  1. I had issues getting the Selenium Plugin for Hudson working. Upgrading the plugin to use Selenium RC 1.0.5 may solve this issue.
  2. We had some unit tests that failed on Windows. I tried using the Cygpath Plugin for Hudson (which allows you to emulate a Unix environment on Windows), but failed to get it to work.
  3. We quickly realized it might become a maintenance nightmare to keep all the different VMs up-to-date.

Frustrated by these issues, I turned to Sauce Labs. They have a cloud-based model that runs Selenium tests on VMs that point back to your application. They also support many different browser/OS combinations. We asked them about support for OS X and various Windows versions and they indicated that their experience shows browsers are the same across OSes.

I'm writing this article to show you how we've configured our build process to support 1) testing locally and 2) testing on Sauce Labs. In a future post, I hope to write about how to run Selenium tests concurrently for faster execution.

Running Selenium Tests Locally
We use Maven to build our project and run our Selenium tests. Our configuration is very similar to the poms referenced in Integrating Selenium with Maven 2. Basically, we have an "itest" profile that gets invoked when we pass in -Pitest. It downloads/starts Tomcat (using Cargo), deploys our WAR, starts Selenium RC (using the selenium-maven-plugin) and executes JUnit-based tests using the maven-surefire-plugin. All of this configuration is pretty standard and something I've used on many projects over the past several years.

Beyond that, we have a custom BlockJUnit4ClassRunner class that takes screenshots and captures the HTML source for tests that fail.

public class SeleniumJUnitRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {
    public SeleniumJUnitRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {

    protected Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test) {
        if (!(test instanceof AbstractSeleniumTestCase)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Only works with AbstractSeleniumTestCase");

        final AbstractSeleniumTestCase stc = ((AbstractSeleniumTestCase) test);

        return new InvokeMethod(method, test) {
            public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                    throw throwable;

To use the functionality SeleniumJUnitRunner provides, we have a parent class for all our tests. This class uses the @RunWith annotation as follows:

public abstract class AbstractSeleniumTestCase {
    // convenience methods

This class looks up the Selenium RC Server, the app location and what browser to use based on system properties. If system properties are not set, it has defaults for running locally.

public static String SERVER = System.getProperty("selenium.server");
public static String APP = System.getProperty("selenium.application");
public static String BROWSER = System.getProperty("selenium.browser");

protected Selenium selenium;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    if (SERVER == null) {
        SERVER = "localhost";

    if (BROWSER == null) {
        BROWSER = "*firefox3";

    if (APP == null) {
        APP = "http://localhost:9000";

    selenium = new DefaultSelenium(SERVER, 4444, BROWSER, APP);
    selenium.getEval("window.moveTo(1,1); window.resizeTo(1021,737);");

The system properties are specified as part of the surefire-plugin's configuration. The reason we default them in the above code is so tests can be run from IDEA as well.


Running Selenium Tests in the Cloud
To run tests in the cloud, you have to do a bit of setup first. If you're behind a firewall, you'll need to setup SSH tunneling so Sauce Labs can see your machine. You'll also need to setup SSH Tunneling on your Hudson server, but installing/configuring/running locally is usually a good first step. Below are the steps I used to configure Sauce Labs' SSH Tunneling on OS X.

1. Install the Python version in /opt/tools/saucelabs. If you get an error (No local packages or download links found for install) download the egg and run it with:

sudo sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg

NOTE: If you get an error (unable to execute gcc-4.2: No such file or directory) when installing pycrypto on OS X, you'll need to install the OS X Developer Tools.

2. Create a /opt/tools/saucelabs/ script with the following in it. You should change the last parameter to use your username (instead of mraible) since Sauce Labs uses unique tunnel names.

python {sauce.username} {sauce.key} localhost 9000:80 mraible.local

3. Start the tunnel by executing You should see output similar to the following.

$ sh 
/System/../Python.framework/../2.6/../twisted/internet/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
 import itertools, md5
/System/../Python.framework/../2.6/../twisted/conch/ssh/ DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
 import sha, md5
Launching tunnel ... 
Status: new
Status: booting
Status: running
Tunnel host:
Tunnel ID: 70f15fb59d2e7ebde55a6274ddfa54dd
<sshtunnel.TunnelTransport instance at 0x10217ad88> created
requesting remote forwarding for tunnel 70f15fb59d2e7ebde55a6274ddfa54dd 80=>localhost:9000
accepted remote forwarding for tunnel 70f15fb59d2e7ebde55a6274ddfa54dd 80=>localhost:9000

After setting up the SSH Tunnel, I modified AbstractSeleniumTestCase's setUp() method to allow running tests on Sauce Labs.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    if (SERVER == null) {
        SERVER = "localhost";

    if (BROWSER == null) {
        BROWSER = "*firefox3";
    } else if (BROWSER.split(":").length == 3) {
        String[] platform = BROWSER.split(":");

        String os = platform[0];
        String browser = platform[1];

        // if Google Chrome, don't use a version #
        String version = (platform[1].equals("googlechrome") ? "" : platform[2]);
        String printableVersion = ((version.length() > 0) ? " " + platform[2].charAt(0) : "");

        String jobName = description.getMethodName() + " [" + browser + printableVersion + "]";

        BROWSER = "{\"username\":\"{your-username}\",\"access-key\":\"{your-access-key}\"," +
                "\"os\":\"" + platform[0] + "\",\"browser\": \"" + platform[1] + "\"," +
                "\"browser-version\":\"" + version + "\"," +
                "\"job-name\":\"" + jobName + "\"}";

        log.debug("Testing with " + browser + printableVersion + " on " + os);

    if (APP == null) {
        APP = "http://localhost:9000";

    selenium = new DefaultSelenium(SERVER, 4444, BROWSER, APP);
    selenium.getEval("window.moveTo(1,1); window.resizeTo(1021,737);");

After making this change, I was able to run Selenium tests from IDEA using the following steps:

  1. Start Jetty on port 9000 (since that's what the tunnel points to). In IDEA's Maven panel, create a run/debug configuration for jetty:run, click the "Runner" tab and enter "-Djetty.port=9000" in the VM Parameters box.
  2. Right-click on the test to run and create a run/debug configuration. Enter the following in the VM Parameters box. The last two parameters allow skipping the xvfb and Selenium RC startup process.
    -Dselenium.browser="Windows 2003:iexplore:8." -Dselenium.application=mraible.local -Dxvfb.skip=true -Dselenium.server.skip=true

These same parameters can be used if you want to run all tests from the command line:

mvn install -Pitest -Dselenium.browser="Windows 2003:iexplore:8." -Dselenium.application=mraible.local -Dxvfb.skip=true -Dselenium.server.skip=true -Dcargo.port=9000

To simplify things, we create profiles for the various browsers. For example, below are profiles for IE8 and Firefox 3.6.

        <selenium.browser>Windows 2003:firefox:3.6.</selenium.browser>
        <selenium.browser>Windows 2003:iexplore:8.</selenium.browser>

Since we've started using Sauce Labs, we've run into a number of issues. Some of these are Selenium-related and some are simply things we learned since we started testing on multiple browsers.

  • SSH Tunnels Keep Restarting This happens on our Hudson server that runs the tunnels as a service. This seems to happen daily and screws up our Hudson results because builds fail.
  • XPath vs. CSS Selectors One of the first things we noticed was that our IE tests were 2-3 times slower than the same tests on Firefox. We discovered this is because Internet Explorer has a very slow XPath engine. To fix this issue, it's recommended that ids or CSS Selectors be used whenever trying to locate elements. For more information on CSS Selectors and Selenium, see CSS Selectors in Selenium Demystified. To test CSS Selectors, I found Firefinder to be a very useful Firefox plugin. Note that many pseudo elements won't work in IE.
  • IE7 fails to initialize on Sauce Labs There's no errors in our JUnit reports, so we're not sure what's causing this. It could very well be bugs in our code/configuration, but IE8 works fine.
  • The Job Names on Sauce Labs don't get set correctly and often results in duplicate job names. This could certainly be related to my code. Finding videos that show failed tests is difficult when the job names aren't set correctly.
  • It would be slick if you could download the video of a failed test, similar to what we do by taking screenshots.
  • Google Chrome works on Sauce Labs, but I'm unable to get it working locally (on Windows or OS X). This seems to be a Selenium issue.
  • Safari 4 works, but when it fails, the screenshot shows a Safari can't find the file error. Since there's no real error to debug, it's difficult to figure out why the test fails. Since Safari 4 is not listed on platforms supported by Selenium, I'm unsure how to fix this.

Overall, Sauce Labs seems to work pretty well. However, in the process of messing with Hudson, build agents and Selenium infrastructure, it's become readily apparent that we need a team member to devote their full-attention to it. Having a developer or two work on it every now-and-then is inefficient, especially when we're still in the process of ironing everything out and making it all stable.

If you have any tips on how you've solved issues with Sauce Labs (ssh tunnels, IE7) or Selenium (Safari 4, Google Chrome), I'd love to hear them. I'm also interested to hear from anyone with experience running Selenium tests concurrently (locally or in the cloud).

Update: I discovered a bug in my AbstractSeleniumTest's setUp() method where job names weren't being set correctly. I've since changed the code in this class to the following:

private static String browser, printableVersion;

public static void parseBrowser() {

    if (BROWSER == null) {
        BROWSER = "*firefox3";
    } else if (BROWSER.split(":").length == 3) {
        String[] platform = BROWSER.split(":");

        String os = platform[0];
        browser = platform[1];

        // if Google Chrome, don't use a version #
        String version = (platform[1].equals("googlechrome") ? "" : platform[2]);
        printableVersion = ((version.length() > 0) ? " " + platform[2].charAt(0) : "");

        BROWSER = "{\"username\":\"{your-username}\",\"access-key\":\"{your-access-key}\"," +
                "\"os\":\"" + os + "\",\"browser\": \"" + browser + "\"," +
                "\"browser-version\":\"" + version + "\", " +
                "\"job-name\": \"jobName\"}";

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    if (SERVER == null) {
        SERVER = "localhost";

    if (APP == null) {
        APP = "http://localhost:9000";

    String seleniumBrowser = BROWSER;
    if (BROWSER.startsWith("{")) { // sauce labs
        String jobName = description.getMethodName() + " [" + browser + printableVersion + "]";
        log.debug("=> Running job: " + jobName);

        seleniumBrowser = BROWSER.replace("jobName", jobName);

    selenium = new DefaultSelenium(SERVER, 4444, seleniumBrowser, APP);
    selenium.getEval("window.moveTo(1,1); window.resizeTo(1021,737);");

Posted in Java at Jun 06 2010, 07:50:20 PM MDT 4 Comments