Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

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The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Configuring Tomcat for Production

From The Atlassian Developer Blog:

You appear to be running Tomcat in development mode. (

This means that source of every JSP is held in memory to provide detailed messages in the event of an error. If you have large JSPs this will hurt. It looks like this accounts for 50MB+

From Tomcat's Production Configuration documentation:

The main JSP optimization which can be done is precompilation of JSPs. However, this might not be possible (for example, when using the jsp-property-group feature) or practical, in which case the configuration of the Jasper servlet becomes critical.

When using Jasper 2 in a production Tomcat server you should consider making the following changes from the default configuration.

  • development - To disable on access checks for JSP pages compilation set this to false.
  • genStringAsCharArray - To generate slightly more efficient char arrays, set this to true.
  • modificationTestInterval - If development has to be set to true for any reason (such as dynamic generation of JSPs), setting this to a high value will improve performance a lot.
  • trimSpaces - To remove useless bytes from the response, set this to true.

Seems like good information to know.

Posted in Java at Apr 16 2007, 04:05:03 PM MDT 1 Comment

JSF still sucks?

Granted, this post about how painful JSF is is almost 6 months old, but I think it's still mostly true.

Want to compare times? More than three man-weeks have been spent fixing silly JSF navigation problems. A full CRUD AJAX interface with Spring MVC and prototype in the same project took four days, and there was no previous experience with Spring MVC.

If you're going to use JSF, I highly recommend Facelets or Shale/Seam. However, those are mentioned as well:

The default view technology is JSP, even when no one in the real world would recommend it; instead, use Facelets, or Clay, or some other non-standard framework. Not trying to be sarcastic here, since Facelets is pretty good, but this complicates the hiring and education of the team and in fact invalidates the selling point of Faces 'being a standard'.

IMO, Facelets is very easy to learn. If you know how to program JSPs with JSF, you should be able to use Facelets in under an hour. When we converted AppFuse's JSF flavor from JSP to Facelets, rarely did the body have to change - we just had to change from taglibs to XML namespaces.

When you are not working with persistent data (if you are living in a cave or developing wizard interfaces) there are two scopes to store model state: the session context, which raises concurrency issues and is not recommended by the Faces community, and the conversation/process/whatever context, which is not standard and imply installing shale or seam to put even more lipstick on the pig.

There's two problems with Shale and Facelets - the activity on these projects is very low. Shale still has its creators around, so even while its seldom used, you can probably still get your questions answered. However, Facelets seems to be suffering from "developer abandonment".

Conclusion: don't use JSF simply because it's a "standard". Use other frameworks that are more actively developed and designed for the web. For component-based frameworks, the most popular are Tapestry and Wicket. Less popular ones are RIFE and Click.

If you still want to use JSF, you should probably use Seam, but don't simply use JSF because it's a standard. If it was a de-facto standard, that'd be another story.

Of course, you could also help improve JSF 2.0. But that's not scheduled for release until late 2008. I'm sure 2 or 3 commentors will claim we'll all be using Rails or Grails by then. ;-)

Posted in Java at Apr 16 2007, 12:40:45 PM MDT 14 Comments

Mixing Apache HTTP Server, mod_rewrite and mod_jk

I'm trying to configure Apache and Tomcat to work with a desired architecture for doing A/B Testing on my current project. Our basic idea is that we'll deploy entirely new WAR files when we have a test, then use the magic of Apache's mod_rewrite, mod_jk and possible the UrlRewriteFilter to keep the URLs somewhat consistent between version A and version B. Here's some questions I have for those folks who might've done this before:

  1. Is it possible to use Apache's mod_rewrite to map to (this allows us to have two different applications/wars served up to the same domain).
  2. If #1 is possible, what's the RewriteRule for allowing the parameter to be anywhere in the query string, but still allowing the target to use it as the context name?
  3. Is it possible to use something in the WAR (likely the UrlRewriteFilter) to produce HTML that has rewritten links (i.e. in the WAR whose context is 1)?

In other words, can Apache forward to the correct app going in, and can that app rewrite its URLs so those same URLs are used when going out?

I believe this is all possible. However, I am having difficulty getting mod_jk to allow mod_rewrite to be processed first. If I have the following in httpd.conf, it seems like htdocs/.htaccess gets bypassed.

JkMount /* loadbalancer

Is it possible to configure Apache/mod_jk so WARs can hang off the root, but still use mod_rewrite? If not, the only solution I can think of is to use UrlRewriteFilter in the WAR to forward to another context when a "v" parameter is in the URL. Currently, the UrlRewriteFilter doesn't allow forwarding to another context. The good news is the Servlet API allows it. I got it working in Tomcat (with crossContext enabled) and wrote a patch for the UrlRewriteFilter.

Anyone out there have experience doing A/B Testing in a Java webapp? If so, did you try to disguise the URLs for the different versions?

Update: I've got a bit of this working. The magic formula seems to be don't try to hang things off the root - use mod_rewrite to make things appear to hang off the root.

First of all, I posted a message similar to this post to the tomcat-user mailing list. Before I did so, I discovered mod_proxy_ajp, which happens to look like the successor to mod_jk. AFAICT, it doesn't allow fine-grained rules (i.e. only serve up *.jsp and *.do from Tomcat), so I'll stick with mod_jk for now.

Rather than proxying all root-level requests to Tomcat, I changed my JkMount to expect all Tomcat applications to have a common prefix. For example, "app".

JkMount /app* loadbalancer

This allows me to create RewriteRules in htdocs/.htaccess to detect the "v" parameter and forward to Tomcat.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond     %{QUERY_STRING}     ^v=(.*)$
RewriteRule     ^(.*)$              /app%1/ [L]

This isn't that robust as adding another parameter causes the forward to fail. However, it does successfully forward http://localhost/?v=1 to /app1 on Tomcat and http://localhost/?v=2 to /app2 on Tomcat.

What about when ?v=3 is passed in? There's no /app3 installed on Tomcat, so Tomcat's ROOT application will be hit. Using the UrlRewriteFilter, I installed a root application (which we'll likely need anyway) with the following rule:

        <to type="forward">/</to>

So I've solved problem #1: Using URL parameters to serve up different web applications. To solve the second issue (webapps should rewrite their URLs to delete their context path), I found two solutions:

  1. Use mod_proxy_html. Sounds reasonable, but requires the use of mod_proxy.
  2. Use the UrlRewriteFilter and outbound-rules.

Since I'm using mod_jk, #2 is the reasonable choice. I added the following link in my /app1/index.jsp:

<a href="<c:url value="/products.jsp"/>">link to products</a>

By default, this gets written out as http://localhost/app1/products.jsp. To change it to http://localhost/products.jsp?v=1, I added the following to urlrewrite.xml:


This produces the desired effect, except that when I click on the link, a new session is created every time. AFAICT, I probably need to do something with cookies so the jsessionid cookie is set for the proper path.

Not bad for a day's work. Only 2 questions remain:

  1. What's a more robust RewriteRule that doesn't care about other parameters being passed in?
  2. What do I need to do so new sessions aren't created when using an outbound-rule?

It's entirely possible that mod_proxy_ajp with mod_rewrite_html is best tool for this. Can mod_proxy handle wildcards like JkMount can? I've heard it's faster than mod_jk, so it probably warrants further investigation.

Update 2: I achieved the desired result using mod_rewrite, mod_jk and the UrlRewriteFilter (for outgoing links). Here's what I put in htdocs/.htaccess (on Apache):

RewriteEngine On

# http://domain/?v=1 --> http://domain/app1/?v=1
RewriteCond     %{QUERY_STRING}     v=([^&]+)
RewriteRule     ^(.*)$              /app%1/$1 [L]

# http://domain --> http://domain/app (default ROOT in Tomcat)
RewriteRule     ^$                  /app/ [L]

And in the urlrewrite.xml of each webapp:



Next I'll try to see if I can get it all working with mod_proxy_ajp and mod_proxy_html. Anyone know the equivalent of "JkMount /app*" when using LocationMatch with mod_proxy?

Posted in Java at Apr 16 2007, 12:07:10 PM MDT 11 Comments

Ant vs. Maven

I found a good post from Steve Loughran on what's wrong with Maven's repositories. I agree with most of his points, but would like to point out This site seems to provide good XML Feeds for what's been uploaded to Maven's Central Repository. If you're using Maven, you should probably subscribe to its Atom Feed.

In related news, Timothy M. O'Brien has an entry about Steve's upcoming book: Ant in Action. This book is the 2nd edition of Java Development with Ant. I have a hard time believing Erik Hatcher is helping Steve write Ant in Action - AFAIK, he's off in Rails-land enjoying himself. Regardless, I'm sure Ant in Action will be an excellent book. Java Development with Ant is one of my favorite technical books of all time and is largely responsible for inspiring me to write AppFuse. I read JDwA way back in October 2002 and used a lot of its code to develop AppFuse 1.x's Ant-based build system.

Like Tim, I still like Ant. However, AppFuse 2.x uses Maven 2 and most of the projects I work on these days use Maven 2. It may surprise some folks, but I actually like Maven 2 (not Maven 1). Sure it has issues, but after a year of using it in anger, I know how to solve most of its quirks. AppFuse 2.x users will benefit from this greatly and I'm thinking of changing its tagline to "We make Maven work." ;-)

One of the most interesting things about moving to Maven is we were easily able to make AppFuse more like a framework than a project starter kit. We thought this is what most folks wanted - especially the ability to upgrade a project to the latest version of AppFuse. While some folks wanted this, it seems like most folks liked the full-source version that was a pain-in-the-ass to upgrade. I don't blame them. On the project I'm on, I'll likely be converting to a full-source version before the project is over. That's why APF-675 exists. I doubt we'll make it happen for the 2.0 final release, but it is on our radar of things to do shortly after. With any luck, we'll create a way to migrate projects using embedded AppFuse to full-source AppFuse.

I'd also like to point out something ironic. With AppFuse 1.x, there were a lot of folks that advocated we move to Maven. Their primary reasoning - the Ant build scripts were too long and complicated. How about a good ol' lines of XML comparison for those folks:

  • Lines of Ant-related XML in AppFuse 1.x: 1655
  • Lines of Maven-related XML in AppFuse 2.x: 2847

Oh wait, that's not a fair comparison. The above number is for AppFuse in SVN, which end users won't deal with. A new project created with AppFuse 2.x will likely have a pom.xml with 634 lines. That's about 1/3 of the amount needed for Ant in AppFuse 1.x. Maven hasn't exactly gotten us away from XML hell though. How about a LOC count for archetypes vs. installers:

  • Lines of Ant-related XML for AppFuse 1.x framework installers: 2786
  • Lines of Maven-related XML for AppFuse 2.x archetypes (including archetype's pom.xml files): Too much to count. Creating archetypes is waayyyy too complicated IMO. Basic archetypes seem to be around 740 lines (pom.xml for archetype project, archetype.xml and archetype's pom.xml), modular archetypes are around 870. 740 x 4 + 870 x 4 = 6440. I'm guessing the full-source archetypes will add another 5000 lines of XML. Ugh.

This XML-for-archetypes comparison might be unfair as well. With 1.x, you could only create a webapp, with 2.x, you can create a modular application and chop off the web-portion if you so choose.

Of course, the real benefits of moving to Maven are elsewhere. We've seen quite an uptick on the mailing list in the last few months. There's tools cropping up and I've gotten quite a few inquiries about training (yes, I do have a 3-day course on Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, Maven and AppFuse). To me, AppFuse 2.x seems more complicated than 1.x, but it seems the community thinks otherwise. Judging from the increased amount of developer activity on the project, developers seem more interested in a Maven-based system too. Then again, we are making Maven work!

Posted in Java at Apr 16 2007, 11:26:13 AM MDT 25 Comments

Candy for AppFuse

Candy for AppFuse tries to easy the adoption and usage of AppFuse 2.0 by adding some eye candy in the form of Eclipse Plug-ins. If you want the power of an integrated set of excellent J2EE tools and frameworks managed from the comfort of your IDE, give Candy for AppFuse a try.

Yeah, I know it's huge, but layering the images didn't look right. If you want to shrink this baby down - I'll be happy to replace it

I downloaded and tried out this plugin yesterday. Seems to work quite nicely. See Abel MuiƱo's blog for more details. Well done Abel!

Posted in Java at Apr 04 2007, 05:04:28 PM MDT 3 Comments

Apache Struts 2 from Square One

Ted Husted has put together an impressive training course together for Struts 2 called Apache Struts 2 from Square One. He's released an initial version of the 127-page PDF on SourceForge.

Thanks Ted! The fact that you're contributing this hard work to the community (for free!) is amazing.

I'm teaching a 3-day training course in May that covers Spring, Hibernate, Maven 2, Ajax and AppFuse. I'm not sure if the client wants Struts 2 or Spring MVC for their web framework. If they want Struts 2, you can be sure I'll checkout Ted's course as a starting point.

Posted in Java at Mar 24 2007, 08:48:44 PM MDT Add a Comment

AppFuse 2.0 M4 Released

The AppFuse Team is pleased to announce the release of AppFuse 2.0 M4! This release marks a milestone in the usability of AppFuse 2.x. A lot of folks (including myself) have been using AppFuse 2.0 on projects and have fixed quite a few issues. In addition to polishing the tutorials, we've fixed a fair amount of i18n bugs and packaging issues with modular archetypes.

We were hoping to get AMP's code generation and XFire integrated in M4, but were it's going to have to wait until M5.

AppFuse 2.0 is available as a Maven archetype. For information on creating a new project using this release, please see the QuickStart Guide.

If you've used AppFuse 1.x, but not 2.x, you'll want to read the FAQ and join the user mailing list if you have any questions. The Maven Reference Guide has a map of Ant » Maven commands.

The 2.0 series of AppFuse has a minumum requirement of the following specification versions:

  • Java Servlet 2.4 and JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0
  • Java 5 for Development (Java 1.4 for deployment using the Retrotranslator Plugin)

For more information, please see the 2.0 M4 Release Notes. To see how AppFuse 2.x works, please see the video demos.

Comments and issues should be sent to the mailing list.

We appreciate the time and effort everyone has put toward contributing code and documentation, posting to the mailing lists, and logging issues. We also greatly appreciate the help from our sponsors, particularly Atlassian, Cenqua, Contegix, JetBrains, and KGBInternet. Without them, working on this project wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

Posted in Java at Mar 24 2007, 04:33:21 PM MDT 5 Comments

Comparing IDEs and Issue Trackers

A couple of good comparison articles came out today:

Issue Tracking Systems Conclusion
These products reviewed are among the most widely used in the Java community. Bugzilla, with an uninspiring user interface, is rich in features, but undeniably cumbersome to install and to maintain. Trac is a good, lightweight solution that should be seriously considered by any development team using Subversion. JIRA is a solid, powerful solution, providing almost all of the features of Bugzilla, and more, in an eminently more usable (and more productive) form ? but at a cost.

I agree with John's conclusion - Bugzilla was cool 5 years ago, but there's much better systems now. If you're running an open source project, it's a no-brainer to use JIRA. If you're working at a company and want to use an open-source solution, Trac works well.

IDE Wars Conclusion
For enterprise development, I'd say IDEA wins out with its rich support for both J2EE and Java EE 5, followed closely by NetBeans (which also does an impressive job here), and last is Eclipse/MyEclipse (mostly due to their current lack of support for Java EE 5).

I agree with Jacek as well. I've been using IDEA almost exclusively for the last 6 months - ever since I started to convert AppFuse to use Maven 2. Eclipse's support for sub-projects has been pretty pitiful and IDEA has *much* better support for web development - particularly JavaScript and CSS.

Lately, I've found myself advocating IDEA and JIRA to clients more and more. A few years ago it was Bugzilla and Eclipse. However, these IDEA and JIRA (as well as Confluence and FishEye) are so cheap in the relative scheme of things - I think they actually pay for themselves these days.

Disclaimer: I use IDEA, Confluence and JIRA on a daily basis. I use Trac and Eclipse on a weekly basis. I paid for my original IDEA license out of my own pocket, but I received my most recent license for speaking at Denver's JUG. Confluence and JIRA are provided free of charge by Atlassian for AppFuse.

Posted in Java at Mar 15 2007, 05:56:02 PM MDT 5 Comments

Integrating Selenium with Maven 2

I spent some time this past week integrating Selenium with Maven 2. This post is designed to show you how to do this in your Maven 2 projects.

First of all, there were two types of testing scenarios I wanted to make possible. The first was to allow HTML-based tests that web designers could create and run with Selenium IDE. As far as I know, Selenium IDE is capable of recording and exporting Java-based tests (powered by TestNG or JUnit), but I don't believe it's capable of playing them back. So for Java Developers, I wanted to allow them to write their tests in Java.

To get Maven to run HTML-based tests, the easiest way seems to be using the <selenese> Ant task. I tried Mavenium as well, but it 1) doesn't use the latest version of Selenium RC and 2) reports success when tests fail. Below is a Maven profile that I'm using in an AppFuse-based project to run HTML tests.

                                    <taskdef resource="">
                                        <classpath refid="maven.plugin.classpath"/>
                                    <selenese suite="src/test/resources/selenium/TestSuite.html"
                                              browser="*firefox" timeoutInSeconds="180" port="5555"
                                    <taskdef resource="">
                                        <classpath refid="maven.plugin.classpath"/>
                                    <selenese suite="src/test/resources/selenium/TestSuite.html"
                                              browser="*firefox" timeoutInSeconds="180" port="5555"
                                    <selenese suite="src/test/resources/selenium/TestSuite.html"
                                              browser="*iexplore" timeoutInSeconds="180" port="5555"

The above setup will allow you to run Selenium tests in Firefox, and in IE as well when you're on Windows. I tried to get Safari to work on the Mac, but it just opens Safari and hangs.

HTML tests are great for non-programmers, but what about developers that prefer Java and want test reports to be included in the surefire-plugin's reports? That's easy enough. First of all, put your tests in a particular package so they can be excluded from the normal testing cycle. I used a webapp.selenium package. I configured the surefire-plugin to exclude these tests:


Then I added the newly released selenium-maven-plugin to my "integration-test" profile and configured surefire to run the Selenium Java tests.


Yeah, Maven can be quite verbose when configuring profiles. I contacted the Maven list to see if it's possible to simplify all this XML, but so far haven't found a solution.

If you'd like to see a pom.xml with the Selenium bits and a profile that runs both HTML and Java-based tests, click here (JavaScript needs to be enabled for this to work).

NOTE: I used 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT of Selenium Server because it solves issues with the latest version of Firefox.

This brings up a related question I asked on the AppFuse mailing list a couple of days ago:

Do you use the Canoo WebTests? If not, how do you do UI testing? If so, would you prefer Selenium?

If you've tried AppFuse 2.x and have an opinion, please add a comment. Personally, I like Selenium, but I like how Canoo WebTest can be somewhat friendly to designers and allow i18n testing with Ant's property file support. With Selenium, you have to use parse/replace or Java tests to do i18n testing. Then again, if you need to test a lot of Ajax functionality, it's likely that Selenium will work much better for you.

Posted in Java at Mar 09 2007, 10:35:04 AM MST 17 Comments

Java CMS Systems

Michael Levin is at the JavaPosse Roundup this week. Today, they're discussing Java CMS Systems. I recently had an e-mail discussion with a reader regarding Java-based CMS Systems. In hopes of getting these questions answered by Michael today, here's that thread:

Original E-Mail:
OpenCMS, Magnolia CE/EE, Atleap, Alfresco, Liferay.

Magnolia EE, Day Communique, Hannon Hill, Refresh, Vertical Site.

We are leaning towards Magnolia EE since we have a load balancer and two production server, but I bet we could hack in support in the community edition.

Any comments/recommendations?
-------- My response:
I'd check out Alfresco's new 2.0 WCM - just released last week. I haven't looked at many of the CMSes in a year or so, but I'm willing to bet that OpenCMS still has issues installing. I still like Drupal too and recommend it for folks just wanting a website they can edit.

In reality, my experience with CMS systems is outdated and you shouldn't consider me an authority. ;-)
-------- Thanks for the lead. We actually eliminated Alfresco, b/c I thought they were more of a portal.

The reason we were leaning towards Magnolia and Vertical Site was b/c of JSR 170 (which Alfesco claims to support).

I wonder about the scalability of JCR, do have an opinion?
-------- I don't have an opinion because I don't have much experience with it. It's supposed to be the JDBC of CMSs, so I imagine it's pretty scalable. However, it's pretty new, so I'm sure there will be growing pains. I know that uses Magnolia as their backend (and WebWork as their frontend), so obviously it scales well for them.

What are your thoughts on Java-based CMS Systems? Comments from experienced developers appreciated more than vendor pitches. ;-)

Posted in Java at Mar 08 2007, 08:45:50 AM MST 14 Comments