OK, it might a bit of a foolish experiment, but it sounded easy enough on my way back from lunch. I figured since I could use my PowerBook as a Firewire Drive on my other PowerBook, doing the same on Windows XP should be a breeze. It seems that's not the case. I "initialized" the disk on Windows XP and it didn't show up as a drive letter - so I tried to back out. Now my PowerBook won't boot. I tried resetting the PRAM, running Disk Utility from the Panther CD, and even running DiskWarrior from my iPod - all with no luck.
The good news is that when I boot from my iPod, I can see my hard drive and access its files - it just seems like the Master Boot Record got overwritten by Windows. Here's my post on Apple's Discussion Board.
If nothing else, this is a nice way to get me off the computer for the weekend. Rather than spending all night trying to fix it, I'll wait until Sunday and take it to the Apple Store (pending an easy solution). If all else fails: backup, archive and install should work. This is my primary dev machine at my client, so I will need it for Monday morning.
Shucks, and it sounded like it would be sooooo easy... ;-)
I found
a very nice plugin for JSPWiki this morning: the Java to HTML converter
- This tool converts Java source code (files and snipplets) to HTML, RTF, TeX and XHTML with syntax highlighting. It is Open source under the GPL.
I've found that it works for Java, XML and HTML. Here's a couple of examples (I've hooked it into Roller's JSPWiki support):
* @return Returns the id.
* @hibernate.id column="id"
* generator-class="native" unsaved-value="null"
public Long getId() {
return this.id;
<title>HTML Test</title>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCENGINE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<generator class="native">
The one thing I don't like is that it centers the code using <center>, adding "center table {width: 100%}" to your stylesheet fixes the issue. I also tried to upgrade Roller's JSPWiki.jar to 2.1.86-alpha (to get XHTML support), but I was getting all kinds of stacktraces from OSCache and it just didn't work. Java2Html also has an Ant Task
to convert Java source to HTML. Java2HTML
has the same thing, but this new one supports different styles
NOTE: The above syntax coloring produces invalid XHTML, so this site won't validate for awhile.