Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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[JavaOne] What's new and cool in the J2ME Wireless ToolKit

I'm continuing my theme to only attend sessions I know little about. I'm sitting in a session on the J2ME Wireless ToolKit. So far it's fairly boring. This guy's been rambling on for a while about all the JSRs that the toolkit implements. Now he's doing a demo and using the Network Monitor to demonstrate looking at the HTTP requests when making soap calls.

This is only my 4th session of JavaOne, and I haven't been to any BOFs. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Most of my time in Moscone is spent sitting in the main lobby, hacking away at my e-mail and talking with folks. I never imagined I'd meet so many people. It's pretty damn cool to meet all the bloggers.

The tools and demo that this guy is showing look like good monitoring and emulating tools. The WTK doesn't appear to have an IDE, just a way to run midlets and see the results. It doesn't appear to have an IDE. If I was to compare this to the web world, I'd say that the WTK is really just a web browser. Of course, it's much more than that since it can emulate HTTP requests, and well as bluetooth. From what I can tell, a midlet is really just a Java application that can run on a mobile device. After googling a bit, it looks like I was right. How easy is it to unit test midlets? Do you have to constantly use an emulator to test stuff? I'd like to write an AppFuse client for my phone, but I also want to use TDD to do it.

I missed the rest of the presentation b/c I got lost in reading blogs. Attending these sessions with an open laptop is not a good idea. I hope I can make one more session today - my goal was 5 for the week. As Dion said, this conference is all about networking.

Posted in JavaOne at Jun 30 2004, 03:57:53 PM MDT 2 Comments

The toolkit is designed to be simple. It does however connect with both Sun one studio (Netbeans/Forte etc...) and with JBuilder (possibly others). It also provides a standard API so anyone can both implement additional emulators/skins and connect to the WTK and "drive" its functionality. Check out the Sun One Mobility which is based on the same technology as the toolkit but is already highly integrated with Netbeans 4.0.

Posted by Shai Almog on July 01, 2004 at 09:44 AM MDT #

Midlets are just java applications, so if you break out your business objects, you should be able to test those via junit just like any other business objects. You also may be interested in the antenna set of Ant tasks ( I have not used them, but have heard good things.

Posted by Dan Moore on July 01, 2004 at 03:28 PM MDT #

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