Is it possible to lock files with CVS?
I don't think this is possible, but since a co-worker asked - I'm relaying the question to you, the experts. Using CVS, it is possible to "checkout" a file for editing, and to lock it on the CVS server, so no one else can check it in. If this feature exists, I'd love to use it. Also, if anyone knows how to hookup sending e-mails for commits on a barebones CVS install, enlighten me. SourceForge makes it easy using synchmail, but Google doesn't even know about this tool - must be a SF script.
Update: Anthony has given me some good tips in the comments of this post. I've had some success in getting e-mail notification setup, but I'm still having some issues. To configure it, I checked out CVSROOT, and edited the loginfo file, adding the following line:
^project /usr/bin/mailx -c $USER -s "[cvs-commit] %{sVv}"
When I get in a file, I get:
Checking in; /export/home/cvsr/project/,v <-- new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6 done 1.6... User unknown 1.7... User unknown User unknown /export/home/mattra/dead.letter... Saved message in /export/home/mattra/dead.letter
I do receive the e-mail, but it's addressed to 1.6@cvsserver, 1.7@cvsserver, and I'm sure it's an easy fix, comments are appreciated.
Update 2: Our SysAdmin solved the e-mail issue with the following lines in loginfo:
^project /usr/bin/mailx -s '[cvs-commit] %{sVv}' ^server_config /usr/bin/mailx -r -s '[cvs-commit] %{sVv}'
I'm no UNIX expert, so that's why I'm posting this here - that way I can use it the next time I need to set this up. Alternative approaches are welcome and encouraged!
Posted by Anthony Eden on February 07, 2003 at 02:41 PM MST #
Posted by Anthony Eden on February 07, 2003 at 02:45 PM MST #
Posted by Jano on February 07, 2003 at 04:31 PM MST #
Posted by Anthony Eden on February 08, 2003 at 07:51 PM MST #
Posted by Jano on February 09, 2003 at 03:18 PM MST #
Posted by on November 21, 2007 at 02:52 PM MST #