Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

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The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

The Future of Web Frameworks at TSSJS

Caesars Palace For TSSJS Vegas 2010, I submitted two proposals for talks: GWT vs. Flex Smackdown and The Future of Web Frameworks. As of today, the 2nd is the only one that shows up on the conference agenda, but hopefully the former will get accepted too. Here's a description of this talk:

With rich Ajax applications and HTML5 on the horizon, are web frameworks still relevant? Java web frameworks like Struts and Spring MVC were all the rage 5 years ago. Component-based frameworks like Tapestry, JSF and Wicket made it easier to create re-usable applications. But what about the Mobile Web and offline applications?

Are Titanium, Adobe Air and Gears the future? If you're embracing the RESTfulness of the web, do you even need a web framework, or can you use use JAX-RS with an Ajax toolkit?

These questions and many more are examined, answered and debated in this lively session. Bring your opinions and experiences to this session to learn about what's dead, what's rising and what's here to stay. If you're a web framework fan, this session is sure to please.

I believe this talk will be a lot of fun to create and deliver. To create it, I'd like to make it a collaborative effort with the web framework community (users and developers). To kick things off, below is an initial rough outline/agenda:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Problem/Purpose
  • Agenda
    • How did we get here?
    • Where are we going?
    • How do we get there?
    • Q and A
  • History of Web Frameworks
    • Deep History (CGI, etc.)
    • Java's Rise
    • PHP
    • Rails -> Grails
    • Ajax Frameworks
    • RESTify!
    • SOFEA, APIs, etc.
  • The Future
    • HTML5
    • GWT, Cappucino and Spoutcore (compare to Java and compilers)
    • The Binary Players (Flex, JavaFX and Silverlight)
    • Getting Rich
    • Speed (is it a problem? YES!)
    • IE 6 will die.
    • Chrome OS
    • The Mobile Web
    • Desktop Webapps (Titanium, AIR, etc.)
    • Or is this the present? Future is bleeding edge.
  • Getting There: It's all about the APIs
    • Allows for any client
    • Web Framework skills transfer to desktop - and phone!
    • Speed will continue to be *very* important
    • Innovation, something we haven't thought of
  • Fallout
    • Interest in server-side frameworks will continue, but frameworks will become unmaintained
    • Ajax Frameworks will continue to innovate
    • HTML5 Frameworks?
    • IE 6 (hopefully!)
    • Desktop and Mobile with Web Technologies
    • Watch out for the next big thing! (or What do you think is the next big thing?)
  • Conclusion
  • Q and A

Is there anything I'm missing that's important for the future of web frameworks? Are there items that should be removed? Any advice is most welcome.

Reminder: I'll be speaking at tomorrow's DJUG if you'd like to discuss your thoughts in person.

Posted in Java at Nov 10 2009, 01:24:39 PM MST 11 Comments

This sounds like a great talk. I hope I can make it. I am even more interested in the GWT vs. Flex smackdown!

Then someone can follow up with a Pyjamas vs. GWT cage match!

Posted by Rick Hightower on November 10, 2009 at 08:34 PM MST #

Do you think there is no more place for the Component-based frameworks in the future? Why wouldn't they compete with Flex, JavaFX, Silverlight or other technologies from 'future stack'?

Posted by Alex Objelean on November 10, 2009 at 08:44 PM MST #

[Trackback] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mraible: The Future of Web Frameworks at TSSJS

Posted by uberVU - social comments on November 10, 2009 at 09:18 PM MST #


I'm interested in participating in this presentation. I already made some presentations myself on the subject for university students and customers, but much less extensive. I can send them to you (but I think they are in French so tell me if you need translation).

Posted by Nicolas Frankel on November 11, 2009 at 09:00 AM MST #

Speaking for the Restlet Framework, a RESTful Web framework for Java supporting both JAX-RS and its own powerful Restlet API, I would be happy if you could cover our project in your presentation.

We provide Restlet editions for GWT (AJAX, desktop webapps), Android (mobile Web), GAE/J (cloud computing) in addition to Java SE, Java EE and OSGi. We are also embracing the semantic Web which we find very complementary with REST and Web 2.0/AJAX applications.

Posted by Jerome Louvel on November 11, 2009 at 09:12 AM MST #

Personally, I would focus on the future, rather than the past. As more software migrates to the browser (even MS Office!) it becomes increasingly important to examine the extent to which desktop-like software can be implemented in the browser.

In this context, it seems clear to me that we must drop the multi-page (website) metaphor and focus on complex single-page apps. It is just not possible to provide the fluidity and flexibility of a standard desktop app in a multi-page environment (for, example how can you drag and drop between pages?)

Sproutcore and Cappuccino represent interesting early steps in this direction, but I don't think we'll be seeing Photoshop re-implemented with either of these two frameworks soon.

Since this is the direction the market is taking us, I believe these should be key topics for discussion.

Posted by David Semeria on November 11, 2009 at 10:15 PM MST #

Hi Matt, Concerning web frameworks what are your thoughts on Scala Lift web framework?

Posted by Ransford on January 06, 2010 at 05:50 AM MST #

@Ransford - I'm aware of Lift, but haven't had a chance to try it myself. AFAICT, it doesn't contain anything spectacular, apart from that fact that it's in Scala. I'd love to hear about unique features it offers.

I think the Play framework offers some unique ideas, and it allows you to use Scala too.

Posted by Matt Raible on January 06, 2010 at 05:54 AM MST #

"lift's advanced support for Comet-enabled web applications" (

Posted by nils Petersohn on January 13, 2010 at 03:30 AM MST #

Well, Air looks like is really the future, especially with the latest news of having it running on smartphones (iPhone still not included, no flash support by Apple)...

Posted by Wac?aw Adamczewski on February 16, 2010 at 03:29 PM MST #

You should really include WebObjects in your history. Released in 1996, it was hugely successful at the time, and the ideas it introduced (component-based web frameworks and object-relational mapping) heavily influenced lated products such as Tapestry, Wicket, ASP.NET, JSF, Hibernate, etc.

Posted by Bruce Fancher on March 01, 2010 at 08:40 PM MST #

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