Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

AppFuse News: GitHub, Hibernate Search and The Future

It's been a while since I've written anything about AppFuse, but since the project has had quite a bit of activity lately, now seems like a good time.

First of all, we moved the source code from to GitHub way back in June. Thanks to Serge for helping with this process and making it quick and painless. For some reason, shortly after moving, we started having quite a few build issues with Bamboo. I was able to diagnose the problem as not enough memory on our server. Thankfully, Contegix was able to add another 2GB of RAM to our box and get everything back up-to-snuff.

New Committer: J. Garcia
J. Garcia has been a regular voice on the users and developers mailing list for several months. He's recently started contributing a lot of patches in JIRA and seems genuinely interested in the success of AppFuse. That's why we voted and added him as a committer. To prove this was a smart move, he recently replaced Compass with Hibernate Search and upgraded to Hibernate 4. As part of this work, he removed iBATIS support, which brings me to my next point.

The Future
In mid-August, I sent an email to the community, asking them "Anyone using iBATIS?"

I'm thinking of replacing AppFuse's Data Tier with Spring Data, especially because it has NoSQL and REST support. There's a good intro on InfoQ today:

Does anyone see an issue with this? The lack of iBATIS support could be an issue, but I doubt it since if we wanted to continue supporting it, we should move to MyBATIS.

Everyone agreed this was a good idea and it seemed like a logical time to remove iBATIS support. In addition, I posted a roadmap I jotted down in early May. Since we've missed all the dates so far, I've removed them from the listing below. We hope to get 1-2 releases done by the end of this year, with 2.2 in the next 2-3 weeks.

Hibernate 4
Hibernate Search

AMP for all light modules

JSR 303 (might require removing or developing client-side support)
Mockito instead of jMock/EasyMock

AMP one-to-many
Spring Data
MyBatis (if there's interest in adding it back in)

wro4j for concatenation and minimizing JS and CSS
pjax -

Scala example
Gradle example
Article about examples


Maven Central Statistics
To prove there's still a fair amount of folks using AppFuse, here's some statistic from Sonatype's OSS Repository Hosting Service.

AppFuse Downloads

From this screenshot, you can see that AppFuse artifacts are downloaded around 7,000 times per month. The following graph is even more interesting. Apparently, around 3,000 new projects are created with AppFuse archetypes each month.

AppFuse Archetype Downloads

The AppFuse Name
Finally, I recently discovered that ShoreTel decided to name a new product AppFuse. I guess this signifies two things: 1) it's a good name for a product and 2) someone didn't do their research before naming it. At this point, I'm not too concerned, but it is an interesting development.

Posted in Java at Sep 25 2012, 10:42:14 AM MDT 5 Comments

Refreshing AppFuse's UI with Twitter Bootstrap

The last time AppFuse had an update done to its look and feel was in way back in 2006. I've done a lot of consulting since then, which has included a fair bit of page speed optimization, HTML5 development and integrating smarter CSS. It was way back in '05 when we first started looking at adding a CSS Framework to AppFuse. It was Mike Stenhouse's CSS Framework that provided the inspiration and my CSS Framework Design Contest that provided its current themes (puzzlewithstyle, andreas01 and simplicity).

Since then, a lot of CSS Frameworks have been invented, including Blueprint in 2007 and Compass in 2008. However, neither has taken the world by storm like Twitter Bootstrap. From Building Twitter Bootstrap:

A year-and-a-half ago, a small group of Twitter employees set out to improve our team’s internal analytical and administrative tools. After some early meetings around this one product, we set out with a higher ambition to create a toolkit for anyone to use within Twitter, and beyond. Thus, we set out to build a system that would help folks like us build new projects on top of it, and Bootstrap was conceived.
Today, it has grown to include dozens of components and has become the most popular project on GitHub with more than 13,000 watchers and 2,000 forks.

The fact that Bootstrap has become the most popular project on GitHub says a lot. For, I'd like to integrate a lot of my learnings over the past few years, as well as support HTML5 and modern browsers as best we can. This means page speed optimizations, getting rid of Prototype and Scriptaculous in favor of jQuery, adding wro4j for resource optimization and integrating HTML5 Boilerplate. I've used Twitter Bootstrap for my Play More! app, as well as some recent client projects. Its excellent documentation has made it easy to use and I love the way you can simply add classes to elements to make them transform into something beautiful.

Last week, I spent a couple late nights integrating Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 into the Struts 2 and Spring MVC versions of AppFuse. The layout was pretty straightforward thanks to Scaffolding. Creating the Struts Menu Velocity template to produce dropdowns wasn't too difficult. I added class="table table-condensed" to the list screen tables, class="well form-horizontal" to forms and class="btn primary" to buttons.

I also added validation errors with the "help-inline" class. This is also where things got tricky with Struts and Spring MVC. For the form elements in Bootstrap, they recommend you use a "control-group" element that contains your label and a "controls" element. The control contains the input/select/textarea and also the error message if there is one. Here's a sample element waiting for data:

<div class="control-group">
    <label for="name" class="control-label">Name</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name">

Below is what that element should look like to display a validation error:

<div class="control-group error">
    <label for="name" class="control-label">Name</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="">
        <span class="help-inline">Please enter your name.</span>

You can see this markup is pretty easy, you just need to add an "error" class to control-group and span to show the error message. With Struts 2, this was pretty easy thanks to its customizable templates for its tags. All I had to do was create a "template/css_xhtml" directory in src/main/webapp and modify checkbox.ftl, controlfooter.ftl, controlheader-core.ftl and controlheader.ftl to match Bootstrap's conventions.

Spring MVC was a bit trickier. Since its tags don't have the concept of writing an entire control (label and field), I had to do a bit of finagling to get things to work. In the current implementation, Struts 2 forms have a single line for a control-group and its control-label and controls.

<s:textfield key="user.firstName" required="true"/>

With Spring MVC, it's a bit more complex:

<spring:bind path="user.firstName">
<fieldset class="control-group${(not empty status.errorMessage) ? ' error' : ''}">
    <appfuse:label styleClass="control-label" key="user.firstName"/>
    <div class="controls">
        <form:input path="firstName" id="firstName" maxlength="50"/>
        <form:errors path="firstName" cssClass="help-inline"/>

You could probably overcome this verbosity with Tag Files.

Figuring out if a control-group needed an error class before the input tag was rendered was probably the hardest part of this exercise. This was mostly due to Bootstrap's great documentation and useful examples (viewed by inspecting the markup). Below are some screenshots of the old screens and new ones.

Old UI - Login Old UI - Users Old UI - Edit Profile

New UI - Login New UI - Users New UI - Edit Profile

Check out the full set on Flickr if you'd like a closer look.

Even though I like the look of the old UI, I can't help but think a lot of the themes are designed for blogs and content sites, not webapps. The old Wufoo forms were a lot better looking though. And if you're going to develop kick-ass webapps, you need to make them look good. Bootstrap goes a long way in doing this, but it certainly doesn't replace a good UX Designer. Bootstap simply helps you get into HTML5-land, start using CSS3 and it takes the pain out of making things work cross-browser. Its fluid layouts and responsive web design seems to work great for business applications, which I'm guessing AppFuse is used for the most.

I can't thank the Bootstrap developers enough for helping me make this all look good. With Bootstrap 2 dropping this week, I can see myself using this more and more on projects. In the near future, I'll be helping integrate Bootstrap into AppFuse's Tapestry 5 and JSF versions.

What do you think of this CSS change? Do you change your CSS and layout a fair bit when starting with AppFuse archetypes? What can we do to make AppFuse apps look better out-of-the-box?

Update: I updated AppFuse to the final Bootstrap 2.0 release. Also, Johannes Geppert wrote a Struts 2 Bootstrap Plugin. I hope to integrate this into AppFuse in the near future.

Posted in Java at Jan 31 2012, 05:12:17 PM MST 10 Comments

Upgrading AppFuse to Spring Security 3.1 and Spring 3.1

Before the holiday break, I spent some time upgrading AppFuse to use the latest releases of Spring and Spring Security. I started with Spring Security in early December and quickly discovered its 3.1 XSD required some changes. After changing to the 3.1 XSD in my security.xml, I had to change its <http> element to use security="none" instead of filters="none". With Spring Security 3.0.5, I had:

<http auto-config="true" lowercase-comparisons="false">
    <intercept-url pattern="/images/**" filters="none"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/styles/**" filters="none"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/scripts/**" filters="none"/>
After upgrading to 3.1, I had to change this to:
<http pattern="/images/**" security="none"/>
<http pattern="/styles/**" security="none"/>
<http pattern="/scripts/**" security="none"/>

<http auto-config="true">

The next thing I had to change was Instead of using Collection<GrantedAuthority> for Authentication's getAuthority() method, I had to change it to use Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority>.

Authentication auth = ctx.getAuthentication();
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> roles = auth.getAuthorities();

Lastly, I discovered that SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY moved to HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository. Click here to see the changelog for this upgrade in AppFuse's FishEye.

You can read more about what's new in Spring Security 3.1 on InfoQ. I'm especially pumped to see http-only cookie support for Servlet 3.0. I discovered Spring Security didn't support this when Pen-Testing with Zed Attack Proxy.

Upgrading to Spring Framework 3.1
Compared to the Spring Security upgrade, upgrading to Spring 3.1 was a breeze. The first thing I discovered after changing my pom.xml's version was that Spring Security required some additional exclusions in order to get the latest Spring versions. Of course, this was communicated to me through the following cryptic error.

Test set: org.appfuse.dao.LookupDaoTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 sec <<< FAILURE!
testGetRoles(org.appfuse.dao.LookupDaoTest)  Time elapsed: 0.001 sec  <<< ERROR!
	at org.springframework.test.context.TestContext.loadApplicationContext(
	at org.springframework.test.context.TestContext.getApplicationContext(

Without these additional exclusions, Spring Security pulled in Spring 3.0.6. I had to exclude spring-expression, spring-context and spring-web from spring-security-taglibs to get the 3.1.0.RELEASE version of Spring.


I also had to exclude spring-context from spring-security-config and spring-context and spring-expression from spring-security-core. Isn't Maven wonderful?


After making these changes, I got a bit further, but ended up being blocked by a bug in Tapestry 5's Spring support. Basically, after upgrading to Spring 3.1, I started seeing the following error:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Service id 'environment' has already been defined by 

Luckily, I was able to easily fix this with advice I found on Tapestry's mailing list. Unfortunately, even though I submitted a fix on December 15th, it didn't make it into Tapestry's 5.3.1 release on December 21st. As soon as Tapestry 5.3.2 is released, I hope to get the AppFuse's build passing again (it's currently failing).

I hope this article helps you upgrade your AppFuse-started applications to the latest versions of Spring and Spring Security. Over the next few weeks, I'll be exploring many of Spring 3.1's new features and implementing them as I see fit. Right now, I'm thinking environments/profiles, Servlet 3 / Java 7 support and Hibernate 4 support. These seem to be the best new features to learn about for my talk in a few weeks.

Posted in Java at Jan 05 2012, 08:58:21 AM MST 7 Comments

Integrating OAuth with AppFuse and its REST API

One of the new features in AppFuse 2.1 is an appfuse-ws archetype. This archetype leverages Enunciate and CXF to create a project with a REST API and generated HTML documentation. Enunciate is a very useful tool, allowing you to develop web services with JAX-RS and JAX-WS annotations and have all types of client libraries generated. For me, it seems very useful for developing the backend of SOFEA (a.k.a. modern) applications.

Back in March, Ryan Heaton published a nice article on Securing Web Services in an Enunciate application. I decided to take his tutorial a step further and not only secure my web services, but also to integrate with OAuth 2. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a new application with AppFuse WS, secure it, add OAuth support, and then use a client app to authenticate and retrieve data.

Create a New AppFuse WS Project
To begin, I visited the Create AppFuse Archetypes page and created a new application using the "Web Services Only" option in the Web Framework dropdown. Below is the command I used to create the "appfuse-oauth" project.

mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-ws-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.1.0 \
-DgroupId=org.appfuse.example -DartifactId=appfuse-oauth 

After doing this, I started the app using mvn jetty:run and confirmed it started OK. At this point, I was able to view the generated documentation for the application at http://localhost:8080. The screenshot below shows what the app looks like at this point.

AppFuse WS Homepage

NOTE: You might notice the REST endpoint of /{username}. This is a bug in AppFuse 2.1.0 and has been fixed in SVN. It does not affect this tutorial.

Integrate Spring Security and OAuth
I originally tried to integrate Spring Security with Enunciate's Securing Web Services Tutorial. However, it only secures endpoints and doesn't do enough filtering for OAuth support, so I ended up using a custom web.xml. I put this file in src/main/resources and loaded it in my enunciate.xml file. I also upgraded Spring Security and imported my security.xml file.

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <enunciate xmlns:xsi=""
      <webapp mergeWebXML="src/main/resources/web.xml"/>
          <spring-app disabled="false" springVersion="3.0.5.RELEASE">
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-resources.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-dao.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-service.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/security.xml"/>

Then I created src/main/resources/web.xml with a filter for Spring Security and a DispatcherServlet for OAuth support.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""





Next, I created a src/main/resources/security.xml and used it to secure my API, specify a login page, supply the users and integrate OAuth (see the last 4 beans below).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""

    <http auto-config="true">
        <intercept-url pattern="/api/**" access="ROLE_USER"/>
        <intercept-url pattern="/oauth/**" access="ROLE_USER"/>
        <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY"/>
        <form-login login-page="/login.jsp" authentication-failure-url="/login.jsp?error=true"

                <user name="admin" password="admin" authorities="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN"/>
                <user name="user" password="user" authorities="ROLE_USER"/>

    <!--hook up the spring security filter chain-->
    <beans:alias name="springSecurityFilterChain" alias="securityFilter"/>

    <beans:bean id="tokenServices"
        <beans:property name="supportRefreshToken" value="true"/>

    <oauth:provider client-details-service-ref="clientDetails" token-services-ref="tokenServices">
        <oauth:verification-code user-approval-page="/oauth/confirm_access"/>

    <oauth:client-details-service id="clientDetails">
        <!--<oauth:client clientId="my-trusted-client" authorizedGrantTypes="password,authorization_code,refresh_token"/>
        <oauth:client clientId="my-trusted-client-with-secret"
                      authorizedGrantTypes="password,authorization_code,refresh_token" secret="somesecret"/>
        <oauth:client clientId="my-less-trusted-client" authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code"/>-->
        <oauth:client clientId="ajax-login" authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code"/>

I used the OAuth for Spring Security sample apps to figure this out. In this example, I used authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code", but you can see from the commented <oauth:client> elements above that there's a few different options. You should also note that the clientId is hard-coded to "ajax-login", signifying I only want to allow a single application to authenticate.

At this point, I'd like to give a shoutout to Ryan Heaton for creating both Enunciate and Spring Security's OAuth support. Nice work Ryan!

At this point, I needed to do a number of additional tasks to finish integrating oauth. The first was to modify the Jetty Plugin's configuration to 1) run on port 9000, 2) load my custom files and 3) allow jetty:run to recognize Enunciate's generated files. Below is the final configuration in my pom.xml.

            <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
            <baseResource implementation="org.mortbay.resource.ResourceCollection">

Next, I added the necessary OAuth dependencies for Spring Security to my pom.xml. Since the latest release is a milestone release, I had to add Spring's milestone repo too.


Since I named my DispatcherServlet "appfuse-oauth" in web.xml, I created a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appfuse-oauth-servlet.xml to configure Spring MVC. I had to create the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <!-- Scans the classpath of this application for @Components to deploy as beans -->
    <context:component-scan base-package="org.appfuse.examples.webapp"/>

    <!-- Configures the @Controller programming model -->

    <!-- Resolves view names to protected .jsp resources within the /WEB-INF/views directory -->
    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>
        <property name="prefix" value="/"/>
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>

In order to show the OAuth confirmation page, I needed to create src/main/java/org/appfuse/examples/webapp/ and map it to /oauth/confirm_access. I copied this from one of the sample projects and modified to use Spring's annotations.

package org.appfuse.examples.webapp;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * Controller for retrieving the model for and displaying the confirmation page
 * for access to a protected resource.
 * @author Ryan Heaton
public class AccessConfirmationController {

    private ClientAuthenticationCache authenticationCache = new DefaultClientAuthenticationCache();
    private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    protected ModelAndView confirm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        ClientAuthenticationToken clientAuth = authenticationCache.getAuthentication(request, response);
        if (clientAuth == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No client authentication request to authorize.");

        TreeMap<String, Object> model = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        ClientDetails client = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientAuth.getClientId());
        model.put("auth_request", clientAuth);
        model.put("client", client);

        return new ModelAndView("access_confirmation", model);

This controller delegates to src/main/webapp/access_confirmation.jsp. I created this file and filled it with code to display Accept and Deny buttons.

<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="authz" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <title>Confirm Access</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    <style type="text/css">
        h1 {
            margin-left: -300px;
            margin-top: 50px


<h1>Confirm Access</h1>

<div id="content">

    <% if (session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION) != null && 
                 !(session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION) instanceof UnapprovedClientAuthenticationException)) { %>
    <div class="error">

        <p>Access could not be granted.
            (<%= ((AuthenticationException) session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION)).getMessage() %>)</p>
    <% } %>
    <c:remove scope="session" var="SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION"/>

    <authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN">
        <h2>Please Confirm</h2>

        <p>You hereby authorize "<c:out value="${client.clientId}" escapeXml="true"/>" to access your protected resources.</p>

        <form id="confirmationForm" name="confirmationForm"
              action="<%=request.getContextPath() + VerificationCodeFilter.DEFAULT_PROCESSING_URL%>" method="POST">
            <input name="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REQUEST_PARAMETER%>"
                   value="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_PARAMETER_VALUE%>" type="hidden"/>
            <label><input name="authorize" value="Authorize" type="submit"></label>
        <form id="denialForm" name="denialForm"
              action="<%=request.getContextPath() + VerificationCodeFilter.DEFAULT_PROCESSING_URL%>" method="POST">
            <input name="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REQUEST_PARAMETER%>"
                   value="not_<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_PARAMETER_VALUE%>" type="hidden"/>
            <label><input name="deny" value="Deny" type="submit"></label>

Finally, I needed to create src/main/webapp/login.jsp to allow users to login.

<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    <style type="text/css">
        h1 {
            margin-left: -300px;
            margin-top: 50px

<form method="post" id="loginForm" action="<c:url value='/j_security_check'/>">
    <fieldset style="padding-bottom: 0">
            <c:if test="${param.error != null}">
                <li class="error">
                <label for="j_username" class="required desc">
                    Username <span class="req">*</span>
                <input type="text" class="text medium" name="j_username"
                       id="j_username" tabindex="1"/>

                <label for="j_password" class="required desc">
                    Password <span class="req">*</span>
                <input type="password" class="text medium" name="j_password"
                       id="j_password" tabindex="2"/>
                <input type="submit" class="button" name="login" value="Login"

All the changes described in the above section are necessary to implement OAuth if you create a project with AppFuse WS 2.1. It may seem like a lot of code, but I was able to copy/paste and get it all working in an app in under 5 minutes. Hopefully you can do the same. I'm also considering adding it by default to the next version of AppFuse. Now let's look at integrating OAuth into a client to authenticate and retrieve data from this application.

Authenticate and Retrieve Data with Client
I originally thought my GWT OAuth application would provide a nice client. However, after 30 minutes of trying to get GWT 1.7.1 and the GWT Maven plugin (1.1) working with my 64-bit Java 6 JDK on OS X, I gave up. So I opted to use the Ajax Login application I've been using in my recent security tutorials.

In this example, I used OAuth2RestTemplate from Spring Security OAuth. While this works, and works well, I'd still like to get things working with GWT (or jQuery) to demonstrate how to do it from a pure client-side perspective.

To begin, I got the latest source of Ajax Login from GitHub (as of this morning) and made some changes. First of all, I added the Spring Security OAuth dependencies to pom.xml:


Then I modified src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/security.xml and added an OAuth Token Service and defined the location of the OAuth server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""

    <oauth:client token-services-ref="oauth2TokenServices"/>

    <beans:bean id="oauth2TokenServices"

    <oauth:resource id="appfuse" type="authorization_code" clientId="ajax-login"

Next, I created a Controller that uses OAuth2RestTemplate to make the request and get the data from the AppFuse OAuth application's API. I created src/main/java/org/appfuse/examples/webapp/oauth/ and filled it with the following code:

package org.appfuse.examples.webapp.oauth;

import org.appfuse.model.User;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class UsersApiController {

    private OAuth2RestTemplate apiRestTemplate;
    private OAuth2ClientTokenServices tokenServices;

    private static final String REMOTE_DATA_URL = "http://localhost:9000/appfuse-oauth/api/users";

    public UsersApiController(OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resourceDetails) {
        this.apiRestTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public List<User> getUsers() {
        try {
            List users = apiRestTemplate.getForObject(REMOTE_DATA_URL, List.class);
            return new ArrayList<User>(users);
        } catch (InvalidTokenException badToken) {
            //we've got a bad token, probably because it's expired.
            OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource = apiRestTemplate.getResource();
            OAuth2SecurityContext context = OAuth2SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
            if (context != null) {
                // this one is kind of a hack for this application
                // the problem is that the sparklr photos page doesn't remove the 'code=' request parameter.
                ((OAuth2SecurityContextImpl) context).setVerificationCode(null);
            //clear any stored access tokens...
            tokenServices.removeToken(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), resource);
            //go get a new access token...
            throw new OAuth2AccessTokenRequiredException(resource);

At this point, I thought everything would work and I spent quite some time banging my head against the wall when it didn't. As I was composing an email to the Enunciate users mailing list, I realized the issue. It appeared to be working, but from the server side, and the redirect back to the client was not happening. The Ajax Login app uses UrlRewriteFilter (for pretty URLs) to redirect from /app/* to /$1 and this redirect was losing the code parameter in the URL.

    <to last="true" type="redirect">%{context-path}/$1</to>

To fix this, I added use-query-string="true" to the root element in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml:

<urlrewrite default-match-type="wildcard" use-query-string="true">

After making all these changes, I ran mvn jetty:run on both apps and opened http://localhost:8080/appfuse/users in my browser. It all worked and a smile crept across my face. I've checked in the client changes into ajax-login on GitHub and the appfuse-oauth example into AppFuse Demos on Google Code. If you'd like to see this example in action, I'd encourage you to checkout both projects and let me know if you find any issues.

Posted in Java at Jul 05 2011, 10:56:48 AM MDT 4 Comments

AppFuse 2.1 Released!

The AppFuse Team is pleased to announce the release of AppFuse 2.1. This release includes upgrades to all dependencies to bring them up-to-date with their latest releases. Most notable are JPA 2, JSF 2, Tapestry 5 and Spring 3. In addition, we've migrated from XFire to CXF and enabled REST for web services. There's even a new appfuse-ws archetype that leverages Enunciate to generate web service endpoints, documentation and downloadable clients. This release fixes many issues with archetypes, improving startup time and allowing jetty:run to be used for quick turnaround while developing. For more details on specific changes see the release notes.

What is AppFuse?
AppFuse is an open source project and application that uses open source frameworks to help you develop Web applications with Java quickly and efficiently. It was originally developed to eliminate the ramp-up time when building new web applications. At its core, AppFuse is a project skeleton, similar to the one that's created by your IDE when you click through a wizard to create a new web project. If you use JRebel with IntelliJ, you can achieve zero-turnaround in your project and develop features without restarting the server.

Release Details
Archetypes now include all the source for the web modules so using jetty:run and your IDE will work much smoother now. The backend is still embedded in JARs, enabling you to choose with persistence framework (Hibernate, iBATIS or JPA) you'd like to use. If you want to modify the source for that, add the core classes to your project or run "appfuse:full-source".

AppFuse comes in a number of different flavors. It offers "light", "basic" and "modular" and archetypes. Light archetypes use an embedded H2 database and contain a simple CRUD example. Light archetypes allow code generation and full-source features, but do not currently support Stripes or Wicket. Basic archetypes have web services using CXF, authentication from Spring Security and features including signup, login, file upload and CSS theming. Modular archetypes are similar to basic archetypes, except they have multiple modules which allows you to separate your services from your web project.

AppFuse provides archetypes for JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry 5. The light archetypes are available for these frameworks, as well as for Spring MVC + FreeMarker, Stripes and Wicket. You can see demos of these archetypes at

For information on creating a new project, please see the QuickStart Guide.

If you have questions about AppFuse, please read the FAQ or join the user mailing list. If you find any issues, please report them on the mailing list or create an issue in JIRA.

Thanks to everyone for their help contributing patches, writing documentation and participating on the mailing lists.

We greatly appreciate the help from our sponsors, particularly Atlassian, Contegix and JetBrains. Atlassian and Contegix are especially awesome: Atlassian has donated licenses to all its products and Contegix has donated an entire server to the AppFuse project.

Posted in Java at Apr 04 2011, 09:38:05 AM MDT 5 Comments

Adding Search to AppFuse with Compass

Over 5 years ago, I recognized that AppFuse needed to have a search feature and entered an issue in JIRA. Almost 4 years later, a Compass Tutorial was created and shortly after Shay Banon (Compass Founder), sent in a patch. From the message he sent me:

A quick breakdown of enabling search:

  1. Added Searchable annotations to the User and Address.
  2. Defined Compass bean, automatically scanning the model package for mapped searchable classes. It also automatically integrates with Spring transaction manager, and stores the index on the file system ([work dir]/target/test-index).
  3. Defined CompassTemplate (similar in concept to HibernateTemplate).
  4. Defined CompassSearchHelper. Really helps to perform search since it does pagination and so on.
  5. Defined CompassGps, basically it allows for index operation allowing to completely reindex the data from the database. JPA and Hiberante also automatically mirror changes done through their API to the index. iBatis uses AOP.

Fast forward 2 years and I finally found the time/desire to put a UI on the backend Compass implementation that Shay provided. Yes, I realize that Compass is being replaced by ElasticSearch. I may change to use ElasticSearch in the future; now that the search feature exists, I hope to see it evolve and improve.

Since Shay's patch integrated the necessary Spring beans for indexing and searching, the only thing I had to do was to implement the UI. Rather than having an "all objects" results page, I elected to implement it so you could search on an entity's list screen. I started with Spring MVC and added a search() method to the UserController:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView handleRequest(@RequestParam(required = false, value = "q") String query) throws Exception {
    if (query != null && !"".equals(query.trim())) {
        return new ModelAndView("admin/userList", Constants.USER_LIST, search(query));
    } else {
        return new ModelAndView("admin/userList", Constants.USER_LIST, mgr.getUsers());

public List<User> search(String query) {
    List<User> results = new ArrayList<User>();
    CompassDetachedHits hits = compassTemplate.findWithDetach(query);
    log.debug("No. of results for '" + query + "': " + hits.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) {
    return results;

At first, I used compassTemplate.find(), but got an error because I wasn't using an OpenSessionInViewFilter. I decided to go with findWithDetach() and added the following search form to the top of the userList.jsp page:

<div id="search">
<form method="get" action="${ctx}/admin/users" id="searchForm">
    <input type="text" size="20" name="q" id="query" value="${param.q}"
           placeholder="Enter search terms"/>
    <input type="submit" value="<fmt:message key=""/>"/>

NOTE: I tried using HTML5's <input type="search">, but found Canoo WebTest doesn't support it.

Next, I wrote a unit test to verify everything worked as expected. I found I had to call compassGps.index() as part of my test to make sure my index was created and up-to-date.

public class UserControllerTest extends BaseControllerTestCase {
    private CompassGps compassGps;
    private UserController controller;

    public void testSearch() throws Exception {
        ModelAndView mav = controller.handleRequest("admin");
        Map m = mav.getModel();
        List results = (List) m.get(Constants.USER_LIST);
        assertTrue(results.size() >= 1);
        assertEquals("admin/userList", mav.getViewName());

After getting this working, I started integrating similar code into AppFuse's other web framework modules (Struts, JSF and Tapestry). When I was finished, they all looked pretty similar from a UI perspective.


<div id="search">
<form method="get" action="${ctx}/admin/users" id="searchForm">
    <input type="text" size="20" name="q" id="query" value="${param.q}"
           placeholder="Enter search terms..."/>
    <input type="submit" value="<fmt:message key=""/>"/>


<div id="search">
<h:form id="searchForm">
    <h:inputText id="q" name="q" size="20" value="#{userList.query}"/>
    <h:commandButton value="#{text['']}" action="#{}"/>


<div id="search">
<t:form method="get" t:id="searchForm">
    <t:textfield size="20" name="q" t:id="q"/>
    <input t:type="submit" value="${}"/>

One frustrating thing I found was that Tapestry doesn't support method="get" and AFAICT, neither does JSF 2. With JSF, I had to make my UserList bean session-scoped or the query parameter would be null when it listed the results. Tapestry took me the longest to implement, mainly because I had issues figuring out how it's easy-to-understand-once-you-know onSubmit() handlers worked and I had the proper @Property and @Persist annotations on my "q" property. This tutorial was the greatest help for me. Of course, now that it's all finished, the code looks pretty intuitive.

Feeling proud of myself for getting this working, I started integrating this feature into AppFuse's code generation and found I had to add quite a bit of code to the generated list pages/controllers.

So I went on a bike ride...

While riding, I thought of a much better solution and added the following search method to AppFuse's In the code I added to pages/controllers previously, I'd already refactored to use CompassSearchHelper and I continued to do so in the service layer implementation.

private CompassSearchHelper compass;

public List<T> search(String q, Class clazz) {
    if (q == null || "".equals(q.trim())) {
        return getAll();

    List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>();

    CompassSearchCommand command = new CompassSearchCommand(q);
    CompassSearchResults compassResults =;
    CompassHit[] hits = compassResults.getHits();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled() && clazz != null) {
        log.debug("Filtering by type: " + clazz.getName());

    for (CompassHit hit : hits) {
        if (clazz != null) {
            if ( {
        } else {

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Number of results for '" + q + "': " + results.size());

    return results;

This greatly simplified my page/controller logic because now all I had to do was call, User.class) instead of doing the Compass login in the controller. Of course, it'd be great if I didn't have to pass in the Class to filter by object, but that's the nature of generics and type erasure.

Other things I learned along the way:

  • To index on startup, I added compassGps.index() to the StartupListener..
  • In unit tests that leveraged transactions around methods, I had to call compassGps.index() before any transactions started.
  • To scan multiple packages for searchable classes, I had to add a LocalCompassBeanPostProcessor.

But more than anything, I was reminded it always helps to take a bike ride when you don't like the design of your code. ;-)

This feature and many more will be in AppFuse 2.1, which I hope to finish by the end of the month. In the meantime, please feel free to try out the latest snapshot.

Posted in Java at Mar 15 2011, 05:11:12 PM MDT 1 Comment

Upgrading to JSF 2

Last week, I spent a few hours upgrading AppFuse from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0. In reality, I upgraded from MyFaces 1.2.7 to 2.0.4, but all JSF implementations should be the same, right? All in all, it was a pretty easy upgrade with a few minor AppFuse-specific things. My goal in upgrading was to do the bare minimum to get things working and to leave integration of JSF 2 features for a later date.

In addition to upgrading MyFaces, I had to upgrade Tomahawk by changing the dependency's artifactId to tomahawk20. I was also able to remove the following listener from my web.xml:


After that, I discovered that MyFaces uses a new URI (/javax.faces.resource/) for serving up some of its resource files. I kindly asked Spring Security to ignore these requests by adding the following to my security.xml file.

<intercept-url pattern="/javax.faces.resource/**" filters="none"/>

Since JSF 2 includes Facelets by default, I tried removing Facelets as a dependency. After doing this, I received the following error:

ERROR [308855416@qtp-120902214-7] ViewHandlerWrapper.fillChain(158) | Error instantiation parent Faces ViewHandler
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy.loadClass(
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ViewHandlerWrapper.fillChain(
        at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ViewHandlerWrapper.calculateRenderKitId(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.DefaultRestoreViewSupport.isPostback(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.RestoreViewExecutor.execute(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.executePhase(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
        at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(

Figuring this was caused by the following element in my web.xml ...


... I removed it and tried again. This time I received a NoClassDefFoundError:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/facelets/tag/TagHandler
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
        at Method)
        at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.ClassUtils.classForName(
        at org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.util.ReflectionUtil.forName(

Since everything seemed to work with Facelets in the classpath, I decided to save this headache for a later date. I entered two issues in AppFuse's JIRA, one for removing Facelets and one for replacing Ajax4JSF with RichFaces.

The next issue I encountered was redirecting from AppFuse's password hint page. The navigation-rule for this page is as follows:


With JSF 2.0, the rule changes the URL to /login.xhtml when redirecting (where it was left as /login with 1.2) and it was caught by the security setting in my web.xml that prevents users from viewing raw templates.

        <web-resource-name>Protect XHTML Templates</web-resource-name>

To solve this issue, I had to make a couple of changes:

  • Comment out the security-constraint in web.xml and move it to Spring Security's security.xml file.
    <intercept-url pattern="/**/*.xhtml" access="ROLE_NOBODY"/>
  • Add a rule to urlrewrite.xml that redirects back to login (since login.xhtml doesn't exist and I'm using extensionless URLs).
    <rule match-type="regex">
        <to type="redirect">%{context-path}/login</to>

After getting the Password Hint feature passing in the browser, I tried running the integration tests (powered by Canoo WebTest). The Password Hint test kept failing with the following error:

[ERROR] /Users/mraible/dev/appfuse/web/jsf/src/test/resources/web-tests.xml:51: JavaScript error loading
page http://localhost:9876/appfuse-jsf-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT/passwordHint?username=admin: syntax error (http://

Figuring this was caused by my hack to submit the form when the page was loaded, I turned to Pretty Faces, which allows you to call a method directly from a URL. After adding the Pretty Faces dependencies to my pom.xml, I created a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/pretty-config.xml file with the following XML:

    <pattern value="/editProfile"/>
    <view-id value="/userForm.jsf"/>

    <pattern value="/passwordHint/#{username}"/>
    <view-id value="/passwordHint.jsf"/>

This allowed me to remove both editProfile.xhtml and passwordHint.xhtml, both of which simply auto-submitted forms.

At this point, I figured I'd be good to go and ran my integration tests again. The first thing I discovered was that ".jsf" was being tacked onto my pretty URL, most likely by the UrlRewriteFilter. Adding the following to my class solved this.

if (username.endsWith(".jsf")) {
    username = username.substring(0, username.indexOf(".jsf"));

The next thing was a cryptic error that took me a while to figure out.

DEBUG [1152467051@qtp-144702232-0] PasswordHint.execute(38) | Processing Password Hint...
2011-03-05 05:48:52.471:WARN::/passwordHint/admin
com.ocpsoft.pretty.PrettyException: Exception occurred while processing <:#{passwordHint.execute}> null
        at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.beans.ActionExecutor.executeActions(
        at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.event.PrettyPhaseListener.processEvent(
        at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.event.PrettyPhaseListener.afterPhase(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.PhaseListenerManager.informPhaseListenersAfter(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.executePhase(
        at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
        at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(

Digging into the bowels of MyFaces, I discovered a class was looking for a viewId with an extension and no view-id was being set. Adding the following to the top of my execute() method solved this.


After making this change, all AppFuse's integration tests are passing and the upgrade seems complete. The only other issues I encountered were logging-related. The first is an error about Tomahawk that doesn't seem to affect anything.

Mar 5, 2011 6:44:01 AM com.sun.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig loadImplicit
SEVERE: Error Loading Library: jar:file:/Users/mraible/.m2/repository/org/apache/myfaces/tomahawk/tomahawk20/1.1.10/tomahawk20-1.1.10.jar!/META-INF/tomahawk.taglib.xml Error parsing [jar:file:/Users/mraible/.m2/repository/org/apache/myfaces/tomahawk/tomahawk20/1.1.10/tomahawk20-1.1.10.jar!/META-INF/tomahawk.taglib.xml]: 
        at com.sun.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig.create(
        at com.sun.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig.loadImplicit(
        at com.sun.facelets.compiler.Compiler.initialize(
        at com.sun.facelets.compiler.Compiler.compile(

The second is excessive logging from MyFaces. As far as I can tell, this is because MyFaces switched to java.util.logging instead of commons logging. With all the frameworks that AppFuse leverages, I think it has all the logging frameworks in its classpath now. I was hoping to fix this by posting a message to the mailing list, but haven't received a reply yet.

[WARNING] [talledLocalContainer] Mar 5, 2011 6:50:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.config.annotation.TomcatAnnotationLifecycleProvider newInstance
[WARNING] [talledLocalContainer] INFO: Creating instance of org.appfuse.webapp.action.BasePage
[WARNING] [talledLocalContainer] Mar 5, 2011 6:50:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.config.annotation.TomcatAnnotationLifecycleProvider destroyInstance
[WARNING] [talledLocalContainer] INFO: Destroy instance of org.appfuse.webapp.action.BasePage

After successfully upgrading AppFuse, I turned to AppFuse Light, where things were much easier.

Now that AppFuse uses JSF 2, I hope to start leveraging some of its new features. If you're yearning to get started with them today, I invite you to grab the source and start integrating them yourself.

Posted in Java at Mar 07 2011, 01:24:53 PM MST 3 Comments

Implementing Extensionless URLs with Tapestry, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and JSF

For the past couple of weeks, I've spent several evening hours implementing extensionless URLs in AppFuse. I've been wanting to do this ever since I wrote about how to do it a few years ago. This article details my experience and will hopefully help others implement this feature in their webapps.

First of all, I used the UrlRewriteFilter, one of my favorite Java open source projects. Then I followed a pattern I found in Spring's "mvc-basic" sample app from MVC Simplifications in Spring 3.0. The app has since changed (because SpringSource integrated UrlRewriteFilter-type functionality in Spring MVC), but the pattern was basically path-matching instead of extension-mapping. That is, the "dispatcher" for the web framework was mapped to /app/* instead of *.html.

Prior to the move to extensionless URLs, AppFuse used *.html for its mapping and this seemed to cause users problems when they wanted to serve up static HTML files. To begin with, I removed all extensions from URLs in tests (Canoo WebTest is used for testing the UI). I also did this for any links in the view pages and redirects in the Java code. This provided a decent foundation to verify my changes worked. Below are details about each framework I did this for, starting with the one that was easiest and moving to hardest.

Tapestry 5
Tapestry was by far the easiest to integrate extensionless URLs into. This is because it's a native feature of the framework and was already integrated as part of Serge Eby's Tapestry 5 implementation. In the end, the only things I had to do where 1) add a couple entries for CXF (mapped to /services/*) and DWR (/dwr/*) to my urlrewrite.xml and 2) change the UrlRewriteFilter so it was only mapped to REQUEST instead of both REQUEST and FORWARD. Below are the mappings I added for CXF and DWR.

<urlrewrite default-match-type="wildcard">

Spring MVC
I had a fair amount of experience with Spring MVC and extensionless URLs. Both the Spring MVC applications we developed last year at Time Warner Cable used them. To change from a *.html mapping to /app/* was pretty easy and involved removing more code than I added. Previously, I had a StaticFilter that looked for HTML files and if it didn't find them, it dispatched to Spring's DispatcherServlet. I was able to remove this class and make the web.xml file quite a bit cleaner.

To make UrlRewriteFilter and Spring Security play well together, I had to move the securityFilter so it came after the rewriteFilter and add an INCLUDE dispatcher so included JSPs would have a security context available to them.


The only other things I had to change were security.xml and dispatcher-servlet.xml to remove the .html extensions. The urlrewrite.xml file was fairly straightforward. I used the following at the bottom as a catch-all for dispatching to Spring MVC.


Then I added a number of other rules for j_security_check, DWR, CXF and static assets (/images, /scripts, /styles, /favicon.ico). You can view the current urlrewrite.xml in FishEye. The only major issue I ran into was that Spring Security recorded protected URLs as /app/URL so I had to add a rule to redirect when this happened after logging in.

    <to last="true" type="redirect">%{context-path}/$1</to>

Struts 2
Using extensionless URLs with Struts 2 is likely pretty easy thanks to the Convention Plugin. Even though this plugin is included in AppFuse, it's not configured with the proper constants and I have struts.convention.action.disableScanning=true in struts.xml. It looks like I had to do this when I upgraded from Struts 2.0.x to Struts 2.1.6. It's true AppFuse's Struts 2 support could use a bit of love to be aligned with Struts 2's recommended practices, but I didn't want to spend the time doing it as part of this exercise.

With Struts 2, I tried the path-mapping like I did with Spring MVC, but ran into issues. Instead, I opted to use an ".action" extension by changing struts.action.extension from "html" to "action," in struts.xml. Then I had to do a bunch of filter re-ordering and dispatcher changes. Before, with a .html extension, I had all filters mapped to /* and in the following order.

Filter NameDispatchers
securityFilter request
rewriteFilter request, forward
struts-prepare request
sitemesh request, forward, include
staticFilter request, forward
struts request

Similar to Spring MVC, I had to remove the rewriteFilter in front of the securityFilter and I was able to remove the staticFilter. I also had to map the struts filter to *.action instead of /* to stop Struts from trying to catch static asset and DWR/CXF requests. Below is the order of filters and their dispatchers that seems to work best.

Filter NameDispatchers
rewriteFilter request
securityFilter request, forward, include
struts-prepare request, forward
sitemesh request, forward, include
struts forward

From there, it was a matter of modifying urlrewrite.xml to have the following catch-all and rules for static assets, j_security_check and DWR/CXF.

<rule match-type="regex">
    <to last="true">$1/$2.action$3</to>
<outbound-rule match-type="regex">
    <to last="false">$1$2</to>

JSF was by far the most difficult to get extensionless URLs working with. I'm not convinced it's impossible, but I spent a several hours over a few days and was unsuccessful in completely removing them. I was able to make things work so I could request pages without an extension, but found when clicking buttons and links, the extension would often show up in the URL. I'm also still using JSF 1.2, so it's possible that upgrading to 2.0 would solve many of the issues I encountered.

For the time being, I've changed my FacesServlet mapping from *.html to *.jsf. As with Struts, I had issues when I tried to map it to /app/*. Other changes include changing the order of dispatchers and filters, the good ol' catch-all in urlrewrite.xml and modifying security.xml. For some reason, I wasn't able to get file upload working without adding an exception to the outbound-rule.

<rule match-type="regex">
    <to last="true">$1/$2.jsf</to>
<outbound-rule match-type="regex">
  <!-- TODO: Figure out how to make file upload work w/o using *.jsf -->
    <condition type="path-info">selectFile</condition>
    <to last="false">$1$2</to>

I also spent a couple hours trying to get Pretty Faces to work. I wrote about my issues on the forums. I tried writing a custom Processor to strip the extension, but found that I'd get into an infinite loop where the processor kept getting called. To workaround this, I tried using Spring's RequestContextHolder to ensure the processor only got invoked once, but that proved fruitless. Finally, I tried inbound and outbound custom processors, but failed to get those working. The final thing I tried was url-mappings for each page in pretty-config.xml.

  <pattern value="/admin/users"/>
  <view-id value="/admin/users.jsf"/>
  <pattern value="/mainMenu"/>
  <view-id value="/mainMenu.jsf"/>

The issue with doing this was that some of the navigation rules in my faces-config.xml stopped working. I didn't spend much time trying to diagnose the problem because I didn't like having to add an entry for each page in the application. The one nice thing about Pretty Faces is it did allow me to do things like the following, which I formerly did with a form that auto-submitted when the page loaded.

  <pattern value="/passwordHint/#{username}"/>
  <view-id value="/passwordHint.jsf"/>

My journey implementing extensionless URLs was an interesting one, and I solidified my knowledge about ordering of filters, dispatchers and the UrlRewriteFilter. I still think I have more to learn about properly implementing extensionless URLs in Struts 2 and JSF and I hope to do that in the near future. I believe Struts' Convention Plugin will help me and JSF 2 + Pretty Faces will hopefully work nicely too. Of course, it'd be great if all Java Web Frameworks had an easy mechanism for producing and consuming extensionless URLs. In the meantime, thank goodness for the UrlRewriteFilter.

If you'd like to try AppFuse and its shiny new URLs, see the QuickStart Guide and choose the 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Posted in Java at Feb 10 2011, 04:53:27 PM MST 10 Comments

AppFuse 2.1 Milestone 2 Released

I'm pleased to announce the 2nd milestone release of AppFuse 2.1. This release includes upgrades to all dependencies to bring them up-to-date with their latest releases. Most notable are Spring 3 and Struts 2.1. This release fixes many issues with archetypes and contains many improvements to support Maven 3. For more details on specific changes see the 2.1.0 M2 release notes.

What is AppFuse?
AppFuse is an open source project and application that uses open source frameworks to help you develop Web applications quickly and efficiently. It was originally developed to eliminate the ramp-up time when building new web applications. At its core, AppFuse is a project skeleton, similar to the one that's created by your IDE when you click through a wizard to create a new web project. If you use JRebel with AppFuse, you can achieve zero-turnaround in your project and develop features without restarting the server.

Release Details
Archetypes now include all the source for the web modules so using jetty:run and your IDE will work much smoother now. The backend is still embedded in JARs, enabling you to choose with persistence framework (Hibernate, iBATIS or JPA) you'd like to use. If you want to modify the source for that, add the core classes to your project or run "appfuse:full-source".

AppFuse comes in a number of different flavors. It offers "light", "basic" and "modular" and archetypes. Light archetypes use an embedded H2 database and contain a simple CRUD example. In the final 2.1.0 release, the light archetypes will allow code generation like the basic and modular archetypes. Basic archetypes have web services using CXF, authentication from Spring Security and features including signup, login, file upload and CSS theming. Modular archetypes are similar to basic archetypes, except they have multiple modules which allows you to separate your services from your web project.

AppFuse provides archetypes for JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry 5. The light archetypes are available for these frameworks, as well as for Spring MVC + FreeMarker, Stripes and Wicket.

Please note that this release does not contain updates to the documentation. Code generation will work, but it's likely that some content in the tutorials won't match. For example, you can use annotations (vs. XML) for Spring MVC and Tapestry is a whole new framework. I'll be working on documentation over the next several weeks in preparation for the 2.1 final release.

For information on creating a new project, please see the QuickStart Guide.

If you have questions about AppFuse, please read the FAQ or join the user mailing list. If you find bugs, please create an issue in JIRA.

Thanks to everyone for their help contributing patches, writing documentation and participating on the mailing lists.

Posted in Java at Nov 15 2010, 03:28:57 PM MST 2 Comments

Happy 8th Birthday to this blog!

Eight years ago today, this blog was born in the wee hours of the morning. I was inspired to start it after reading Dave Johnson's article on Roller. I have to say, it's been a great ride and I remember the early days like they were yesterday. Many of the Java bloggers wrote daily and shared short tips, tricks and snippets on their blogs; much in the same way we do on Twitter today.

A lot has happened in my life since this blog was started: Abbie was born, Jack was born, I started AppFuse, wrote Spring Live, had some really cool gigs and gained a whole new perspective on my life.

For those long time readers, you might've noticed the vacation posts have picked up recently and the technology posts have subsided somewhat. The good news is this indicates I'm having a lot of fun; the bad news is I'm not learning as much as I'd like. Hopefully that'll change soon and I'll be writing about developing apps for the online video space in the near future. There's a good chance the posts about my life and how much fun I'm having will continue, especially as Abbie and Jack continue to grow into world-class skiers.

As usual, I have many ambitions for this fall, including helping Apache Roller, finishing AppFuse 2.1 and learning how to play the guitar. Along the way, I'll be helping build/release some kick-ass software for a major cable provider, building a sauna in my basement and enjoying the hell out of Devoxx 2010. You can sure I'll be blogging about these along the way, as well as many years into the future.

Thanks for reading all these years, it's been a fantastic experience. :)

Posted in Roller at Aug 01 2010, 03:48:38 PM MDT 10 Comments