Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

OSCON 2007: Comparing Java Web Frameworks

This afternoon I delivered my Comparing Java Web Frameworks talk at OSCON in Portland. I told attendees I'd post it here afterwards, so here it is:Download Comparing Java Web Frameworks Presentation (5.1 MB)

For comments on this presentation from earlier this year, see related postings from ApacheCon EU and JA-SIG. This presentation is pretty much the same as the one from ApacheCon and JA-SIG, except it has a different theme and I chopped out the Sweetspots section (due to time constraints).

Portland is great this time of year, but unfortunately I won't be sticking around. I'm heading down to Salem to work remotely for a couple of days, returning for the Oregon Brewers Festival on Friday and heading back to Denver on Saturday. I'll be glad when July is over - I've traveled to a new state every week.

Posted in Java at Jul 25 2007, 04:50:55 PM MDT 9 Comments

AppFuse 2.0 Status Update

It's been far too long since the release of AppFuse 2.0 M5. When we released that version, I fully expected to finish up RC1 a week or two later, and follow that with 2.0 Final a week later. Fast forward a month and a half, and there's still 38 issues left for 2.0 RC1. What happened?

Life got in the way.

There's probably less than 40 hours left to complete 2.0. I could say that I haven't had the time, but you all know that's a lie. Everyone has time. When someone says "I don't have time to do X right now", this really means "that's not on my priority list and I'm not going to make time to do it". So unfortunately AppFuse hasn't been on my priority list. Finding a new gig, vacationing with my family and buying a new mountain bike were on my priority list.

So if there's only 40 hours worth of work left, why didn't I just work a couple hours a day on it? Primarily because when I work on AppFuse it possesses me. I tend to get caught up in it and it's tough for me to concentrate on other things, especially work that I'm supposed to be doing during the day. Since I've had two new clients in the past few weeks, I've been aware of this and purposely stayed away from working on it.

The good news is things should settle down soon. I have a couple weekends on the horizon that look to be free, so hopefully I can crank it out and finish it up in the next month or so. As far as the project itself, there's plenty of users happily using the 2.0 milestone releases and there's still lots of traffic on the mailing list. It's crazy to think that the planning for AppFuse 2.0 started over a year ago and development started one year ago next month. If I knew it'd take this long, would I still have done it? Absolutely. I've never heard so many positive comments from users.

In other AppFuse News, Contegix has graciously donated an entire managed server to the project. We have licenses for the Atlassian Suite (JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo and Crowd) and will be moving/installing everything over the next week or so.

Thanks Contegix!

As anyone that uses them knows, they're simply the best hosting company in existence today. Their customer support and response time is incredible.

Posted in Java at Jul 11 2007, 10:17:26 AM MDT 14 Comments

Want a kick-ass Java Job in Boulder?

Do you know AppFuse well? Want a job in Boulder, Colorado?

I met with a couple of guys from Morphlix last week - they're using AppFuse as a base for building a new video distribution system - like Netflix, only a lot better. They're building up their team and looking for ace back-end and UI developers. If you're interested, drop them a line via [email protected].

Why do I mention this here? Because it sounds like an awesome company to work for. They're in startup mode and, from the sounds of their business plan - destined for success. Who knows, I may even join them after I get done with the LinkedIn gig. ;-)

Posted in Java at Jun 26 2007, 04:54:04 PM MDT 4 Comments

Wicket Graduates

From the Wicket user mailing list:

We have Graduation! Apache Wicket is established as a top level project within the Apache Software Foundation.

Congratulations to the most enthusiastic and passionate web framework development team in Javaland!

Posted in Java at Jun 20 2007, 04:10:45 PM MDT 13 Comments

Live Coding for 4 Days Straight

Last week I had an interesting 4-day consulting gig for a client in Boulder. I was supposed to fly out to Connecticut to deliver a training course, but it got rescheduled due to the 45-day Vendor Approval Process I need to go through. The client in Boulder wanted me to come out and do an architectural assessment and provide recommendations. Topics they were interested in: web tier (specifically Spring MVC), Security, Ajax integration, build process, web services and localization. I've done this kind of before with Virtuas, but this time was different. With Virtuas, I'd do 5-days worth of presentations on just about anything the customer wanted. For example, checkout this agenda for a client in NY last year.

With the company in Boulder, I delivered zero presentations. Instead, everything we talked about and coded was hands-on. On Tuesday, we started out by discussing their application and some issues they were having. They'd done a lot of customization to Spring MVC and had managed to eliminate all the XML needed when adding new controllers and views. I spent 3-4 hours that day with 2 of their engineers finalizing and implementing their convention-over-configuration rules. On Wednesday, I helped them implement Acegi Security into their application. This was interesting because they didn't have any security mechanism and we had to implement Acegi from scratch and then tie it into their backend (using a custom AuthenticationProvider). We also integrated i18n so all messages were retrieved from their database.

On Thursday, we configured Ant to run their tests and wrote some tests for their controllers. As part of this process, I showed them how to use jMock and EasyMock and tried to explain the benefits of using Spring IoC (which they still aren't sold on). On Friday, we integrated Selenium into their build process and wrote a few tests using Selenium's Java support. In the afternoon, I showed them how they might use Scriptaculous and Prototype to Ajax-enable some features in their application.

Doing all the "live coding" on someone else's machine (with 5 developer's watching) was a bit nerve wracking. However, thanks to Cenqua's FishEye tool, I was able to search AppFuse and AppFuse Light's SVN repositories for code snippets and examples. While I knew how to do much of the stuff we covered, FishEye and Google bailed me out when I didn't. About halfway through, I realized that I don't keep a lot of my knowledge in my head. Instead, it's on this blog, or spread out on the web. I don't remember URLs anymore, all I remember are keywords. If I've read a blog post or article on the web, chances are I can find it again pretty easily with Google. Even though I store a lot of bookmarks in, I didn't use it all week. Remembering keywords is the new bookmark for me.

The whole week was an interesting exercise in "live coding." The whole team (6 or so) sat in a conference room all week and VNC'ed into the architect's box to do the work. We worked in Eclipse and used WTP to deploy/test things on Tomcat. The keyboard was passed around between developers at random and everyone got a chance to implement new features. I think the reason that everything worked so well was because the team was full of Senior Java Developers. Everyone learned from each other as they saw new shortcuts, keystrokes and ways or writing code. I don't know if this kind of thing will work in all development teams, but I'd encourage you to try it. It's a great way to share knowledge and educate the entire team on how a new module works.

Over the weekend, I received the following e-mail from one of the developers on the team:

Very nice to meet you this past week and get a chance to see firsthand the breadth and depth of your experience in web app frameworks and such. I believe due to your visit, we will be cranking happily along here very shortly. Everyone was quite happy with the results at the end of the day yesterday.

On a related note, if you're looking to hire an enthusiastic Web + Java Developer, please take a look at my resume or send me an e-mail. My current contract ends this month and I'm hoping to find something new to get me through the summer.

Posted in Java at May 24 2007, 01:50:30 PM MDT 1 Comment

Java CMS Systems

Michael Levin is at the JavaPosse Roundup this week. Today, they're discussing Java CMS Systems. I recently had an e-mail discussion with a reader regarding Java-based CMS Systems. In hopes of getting these questions answered by Michael today, here's that thread:

Original E-Mail:
OpenCMS, Magnolia CE/EE, Atleap, Alfresco, Liferay.

Magnolia EE, Day Communique, Hannon Hill, Refresh, Vertical Site.

We are leaning towards Magnolia EE since we have a load balancer and two production server, but I bet we could hack in support in the community edition.

Any comments/recommendations?
-------- My response:
I'd check out Alfresco's new 2.0 WCM - just released last week. I haven't looked at many of the CMSes in a year or so, but I'm willing to bet that OpenCMS still has issues installing. I still like Drupal too and recommend it for folks just wanting a website they can edit.

In reality, my experience with CMS systems is outdated and you shouldn't consider me an authority. ;-)
-------- Thanks for the lead. We actually eliminated Alfresco, b/c I thought they were more of a portal.

The reason we were leaning towards Magnolia and Vertical Site was b/c of JSR 170 (which Alfesco claims to support).

I wonder about the scalability of JCR, do have an opinion?
-------- I don't have an opinion because I don't have much experience with it. It's supposed to be the JDBC of CMSs, so I imagine it's pretty scalable. However, it's pretty new, so I'm sure there will be growing pains. I know that uses Magnolia as their backend (and WebWork as their frontend), so obviously it scales well for them.

What are your thoughts on Java-based CMS Systems? Comments from experienced developers appreciated more than vendor pitches. ;-)

Posted in Java at Mar 08 2007, 08:45:50 AM MST 14 Comments

Message Driven POJOs by Mark Fisher

Last night, I attended the New England Java Users Group to see Mark Fisher talk about Message Driven POJOs. This was the first JUG I've been to (outside of Denver's) where I was an attendee instead of a speaker. It was interesting to see how they do things. They have one main speaker who speaks for two hours. After the first hour, they have a break, offer pizza and do a raffle. Then the speaker continues. They require you to "register" at least 48 hours before the meeting starts. This is because the meeting is held at Sun and they (apparently) need to do it for security purposes. They actually checked my ID and made sure I was registered at the door. After I passed their verification test, I received a name tag. While I like Denver's Basic Concepts followed by Main Speaker setup, I liked that this JUG meeting was over at 8:15. Below are my notes from the event.

Topics in this Session: Overview of JMS, Spring's JmsTemplate and implementing a Message Driven POJO.

Goals of JMS: provide a vendor-neutral abstraction for accessing Message Oriented Middleware from Java. It provides for enterprise messaging systems what JDBC provides for relational databases. See Wikipedia's definition of JMS for more information.

The API is what insulates your code from the JMS implementation you're using. The JMS implementation will use a message broker to communicate between servers. Tonight, Mark will be using ActiveMQ in his examples. He plans on doing most of his presentation in Eclipse because he's been spending 14 hours per day in PowerPoint revamping Interface21's training courses (I don't miss that at all).

The JMS Message is the central object to JMS. There's various types of messages, TextMessage, ObjectMessage (I missed the rest). Two types of JMS Destinations are available: Queues and Topics. A JMS Session is used to create messages as well as producers and consumers. Examples calls:

  • session.createTextMessage(String)
  • session.createConsumer(dest)
  • session.createProducter(dest)

A JMS Connection is obtained from a JMS ConnectionFactory. The ConnectionFactory is typically accessed by a JNDI Lookup.

JMS is most commonly used for internal application communications (not public facing).

Templates are common in the Spring Framework and are used to simply API usage. Their main goal is to reduce boilerplate code (resource management, try/catch, etc.). Examples include JdbcTemplate, JpaTemplate, JndiTemplate, TransactionTemplate and (you guessed it) JmsTemplate. Spring also translates exceptions to consistent runtime hierarchies. In addition to one-line methods, Spring's templates supply callbacks that alleviate try/catch blocks - but give you full power of the API.

JmsTemplate has a couple of capabilities: it handles acquisition and release of resources and translates checked JMS Exceptions to a parallel hierarchy of RuntimeExceptions. It's also capable of converting a payload to the corresponding JMS message type with a MessageConverter strategy. Lastly, it provides convenience methods to allow sending asynchronous messages.

Now Mark is showing us how you configure a ConnectionFactory, Queue and JmsTemplate in a Spring context file. The first couple of beans only take 3 lines of code to configure, the 3rd one takes 4 because it has a dependency on the first two. Pretty easy configuration if you ask me. After composing bean definitions, Mark created a JUnit test and called jmsTemplate.convertAndSend() to send a message in 2 lines of Java code.

To receive messages with JmsTemplate (pre Spring 2.0), you could use synchronous receive calls: receive(), receive(Destination) and receive(String). There are also receiveAndConvert() methods.

In Spring 2.0, they added the ability to do MessageListener containers to enable asynchronous reception in a non application server environment. Implementations include SimpleMessageListenerContainer, DefaultMessageListenerContainer and ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer. The DMLC adds transactional behavior, and the SSMLC hooks into the server's SPI. Spring's MessageListenerAdapter enables the delegation to a POJO for handling the payload.

For the next 1/2 hour or so, Mark wrote a bunch of Java and XML to create a simple Trader application. About the same time, I got managed to get an internet connection from somewhere and started browsing the net and answering e-mail. Every once in a while I looked up to see Mark's code - it all looks very simple and straight forward. In Spring 2.1, a <jms:*> namespace will be added to simplify the XML configuration.

For those of you out there using Spring's JMS support - are there any issues you've run into? Are you using it in production? It's always pimped as "awesome", so I'm looking for pain points that folks might encounter when using it.

Related: Spring's JMS Documentation and ActiveMQ's JmsTemplate Gotchas.

Posted in Java at Feb 23 2007, 11:25:59 AM MST 6 Comments

Java is more complicated than .NET ... unless you use AppFuse

From Java to .NET, Back To Java Again, My Little Impression of The Two:

Having said all these, integration of various java projects together really do take a lot of Java people's time, it's no joke, but it's not desperate. For example, the open source project "AppFuse" does a fantastic job integrating various frameworks for us, I strongly encourage everyone to give it a shot and see how much time it saves you.

So which platform do I like? My impression is Java offers a lot flexibility and choices, but at the same time introduced the "Paradox of Choices", having so many things and integrate them together is no easy task, it simply overwhelm the human brains. .NET on the other hand is in a controlled environment, less choices, but easy to develop.

In other words: Java development is way more complicated than .NET ... unless you use AppFuse. ;-)

Posted in Java at Feb 20 2007, 09:25:15 PM MST 5 Comments