Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Software Quality: The Quest for the Holy Grail?

This afternoon, I attended a session on software quality by Jesper Pedersen at TSSJS. Jesper is a Core Developer at JBoss by Red Hat. He's the project lead of JBoss JCA, Tattletale, Papaki and JBoss Profiler 2. He's also currently the chairman of the Boston JBoss User Group. In this session, Jesper hopes to define basic requirements for a development environment and offer ideas on how to clean up a messy project.

Is software quality a friend or a foe? By implementing software quality processes, are you introducing unnecessary overhead? Development platforms are different today. We write a lot more business-specific code. We depend on standard frameworks for the core functionality. We depend on vendors to implement the standards correctly. We also depend on vendors to provide the necessary integration layer.

Since the platform is now a large slice of the pie, we must make sure we know where the issue is located. We must have proper integration tests; we must manage dependencies. Today, we must treat dependencies as if they are part of the application.

Defining the platform for your project helps narrow down the dependencies for your project. The platform is composed of corporate guidelines, standards, vendors and backend systems that you have to integrate with. Documentation is key for a successful project. Key documents types: User Guide, Developer Guide, API Guide, Architect Design, Implementation and Test.

It helps to define a project-wide configuration management system. Define a code-formatting guide will add consistency in your source tree. Also make sure you have separate build, test and execution environments. Use a Maven repository for your dependencies; both to support your project's artifacts as well as vendor artifacts.

"Maven today is an industry standard." -- Jesper Pederson

Define your tool chain as you would for your application. Back your Maven repository with SCM tools like Subversion or Git. For testing, use JUnit (unit testing), Corbertura (test coverage) and Hudson (continuous integration). Furthermore, you can add Checkstyle and Findbugs to verify coding conventions and find basic issues with code.

For the build environment, you need to make sure your dependency metadata is correct. Also, make sure you use the best practices for your given build tool. For example, with Maven and Ivy, it's a good idea to extract the version numbers into a common area of your pom.xml/build.xml so you can easily view all the versions in use. After you've done this, you can externalize the version information from the environment. Watch out for transitive dependencies as they can be tricky. Make sure you know what gets pulled in. Use enforcers to approve/ban dependencies or turn it off (Ivy). You can also vote for MNG-2315. Finally, snapshot dependencies are evil: define your release process so that releases are easy.

What can you do if your project is already a mess? Signs that your project is a mess: you look at your platform as a big black box, you use different dependencies than your deployment platform or you don't have integration tests for sub-systems or dependencies. To fix this, you can use a tool to get an overview of the entire project. Enter Tattletale.

Tattletale can give you an overview of your dependencies (Ant and Maven integration). It's a static analysis tool that doesn't depend on metadata, scanning your class files instead. Using Tattletale, you can produce a number of reports about your dependencies, what they're dependent on and what's dependent on you.

To maintain the lead in your project, make sure to define a checklist for each stage of your development cycle. Do reviews on documentation, architecture, component design and code. Enforce your rules of your project with your build system.

Jesper's final thoughts:

  • Maintaining dependencies for a software project can be a tricky task.
  • Using an Open Source platform as the foundation will ease the investigation of issues and increase trust.
  • Defining a project-wide tool chain is key.
  • Enforce all the rules on the project (better up-front than "fixing it" afterwards)

As Dusty mentioned, this session has a lot of good (basic) information, but there wasn't much new stuff. My team is using many of the technologies and practices that Jesper has mentioned. I guess that's validation that we're doing it right. I've heard of Tattletale, but never had a need for it since I haven't been on any "messy" projects recently.

Posted in Java at Mar 17 2010, 03:00:46 PM MDT 2 Comments

What's Happening in the Java World?

This morning at TheServerSide Java Symposium I attended James Gosling's keynote. Below are my notes from his talk.

The unifying principle for Java is the Network - it ties everything together. Enterprise, Desktop, Web, Mobile, HPC, Media and Embedded. The most important thing in the Java world is the acquisition of Sun by Oracle. James is showing a slide of Duke in a fish tank with a "Snorcle!" title above it.

Obligatory statistics for Java:

  • 15 million JRE downloads/week (doesn't count tax season in Brazil)
  • 10 billion-ish Java enabled devices (more devices than people)
  • 1 billion-ish Java enabled desktops
  • 100 million-ish TV devices
  • 2.6 billion-ish mobile devices
  • 5.5 billion-ish smart cards
  • 6.5 million professional Java developers

Java has become "Learn Once, Work Anywhere". Most college students worldwide have taken a Java course in school. James' daughter is in college but isn't interested in Java, mostly because her dad's name is all over the textbooks.

Java EE 6 was approved September 30, 2009. It was many years in the making; the result of large-scale community collaboration. It was built by hardware manufacturers, users, developers and academia. Because of all the politics involved, many engineers had to become diplomats. Most software engineers are from the wrong Myers-Brigg quadrant for this type of negotiation. Needless to say, the process was interesting.

New and Updated APIs in Java EE 6: Servlet 3.0, JAX-RS 1.1, Bean Validation 1.0, DI 1.0, CDI 1.0, Managed Beans 1.0, JASPIC 1.1, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 and many others. Also new is the Web Profile. It's the first Java EE profile to be defined. It's a fully-functional, mid-size stack for modern web application development. It's complete, but not the kitchen sink. It's what most people use when building a modern web application in Java.

Java EE 6 adds dependency injection with DI (JSR-330) and CDI (JSR-299). @Resource is still around, but an @Inject annotation has been added for typesafe injection. It has automatic scope management (request, session, etc.) and is extensible via a BeanManager API.

GlassFish is the world's most downloaded app server (1 million-ish downloads/month). GFv2 was the EE 5 reference implementation. GFv3 is the reference implementation for EE 6. But it's not just a reference implementation, it's a benchmark-winning mission-critical large-scale app server. The FCS was released on December 10, 2009.

Goals of Java EE: ease of use, right-sizing and extensibility. Now Roberto Chinnici (EE 6 spec lead) and another guy are on stage showing a NetBeans and GlassFish demo. With Servlet 3.0, you don't need a web.xml file, you just need a WEB-INF directory. There's a new @WebServlet annotation that lets you specify a "urlPattern" value for the servlet-mapping. A new @EJB annotation allows you to easily inject EJBs into your servlet. Roberto wired in an EJB, hit Ctrl+S and refreshed his browser and it all worked immediately. In the background, NetBeans and GlassFish did the redeployment and initialized the EJB container in milliseconds.

@ManagedBeans and @SessionScope and @Named are all part of CDI. When using @Named, the beans become available to JSTL and you can access them using ${}. Interestingly, the CDI annotations are in difference packages: javax.annotation.ManagedBean and javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped.

As David Geary mentions, it's great to see the influence that Ruby on Rails has had on Java EE.

Long demo of JEE6 in NetBeans. Spent quite a bit of time extolling the virtues of hot deploy. Thanks, RoR!

Now Roberto is showing us the admin console of GlassFish and how modular it is. He's installing a JMS module, but it's interesting to see that there's a Ruby Container installed by default. Apache Felix is the underlying OSGI implementation used by GlassFish. You can telnet into it and see the status of all the bundles installed. After installing the full-profile, Roberto shows that you can restart the server from the console.

Isn't the whole point of OSGI that you don't have to restart anything!?

The GlassFish management console is definitely impressive and visually appealing. Apparently, it's extensible too, so you could easily write plugins to monitor your application and provide memory statistics.

Changing topics, one of the things that nice about Java is its a two-level spec. The important thing in the Java world isn't the language, it's the virtual machine. The magic is in the VM! Scala, Ruby/Rails, Groovy/Grails, Python, PHP, JavaScript, JavaFX and many others. In the same breath of talking about languages, James mentioned JavaFX Script. It's a new declarative scripting language for GUIs. It's similar to Flash or Silverlight, but it's much better because it has the Java VM under it.

At the current rate that we're going with CPUs and cores, there's a good chance we'll have 5220 cores on our desktops by 2030. If you find the concurrency libraries scary, get over it.

For the rest of talk, James talked about what he's hacking on these days. He's helping build an Audi TTS for the Pikes Peak Road Rally in Colorado. The goal is to figure out a way to keep the vehicle above 130 MPH for the whole race. Sounds like a pretty cool project to me.

I don't think there was a whole lot of new information covered in James' talk, but I really do like Java EE 6's Web Profile. However, I think it's something most of the community has been using for many years with Tomcat + Spring + Hibernate. Now it's simply been standardized. If you happen to work at one of those companies that frowns on open source and smiles at standards, you've finally caught up with the rest of us. ;-)

Posted in Java at Mar 17 2010, 10:28:31 AM MDT 6 Comments

Fantastic Fun in Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole Tram For the last couple of years, I've done a ski trip with college buddies to an out-of-state destination. Two years ago, we went to Tahoe and had a great time. Last year, we did it again and I (amazingly) flew and rented a car without a driver's license. This year, we decided to switch things up a bit and head for Jackson Hole.

Run under the Gondola Murphy, Morse and Matt Good

Murphy, Ben and Chris Paragliding

In previous years, only a couple of us went, but this year was organized by my good friend from Boston, Chris Morse. He managed to take it up a notch and invited a great group of guys, 9 of us in all. I knew about half the group, and met everyone else upon arrival.

The only unfortunate part about the trip was that no new snow fell. However, the Spring Skiing was warm and beautiful, somewhat making up for the lack of snow. The thing I enjoyed the most about this trip was how well the group jelled. Kudos to Chris for assembling such an awesome group and putting such a spectacular trip together. Can't wait for next year.

Top of Tram Top o' Jackson Hole Murphy and I Paintbrush

Apres Ski Corbet's  Couloir Morse and I Ben, Jed, Tom and Christian

For further action of what the conditions where like, checkout the YouTube video I made. If only I'd recorded it for another 5 seconds to catch the digger that Corey takes at the end. ;-)

To see all the pictures we took on this adventure, checkout my Jackson Hole Set on Flickr.

Posted in General at Mar 12 2010, 07:04:57 AM MST 1 Comment

How We Hired a Team of 10 in 2 Months

Back in December, I started a new contract with Time Warner Cable (TWC). As part of the terms of that contract, it named the following as one of my deliverables:

Assist in identifying, recruiting and hiring additional full-time Web development staff, emphasizing open-source framework expertise.
    - Timeframe: ongoing, throughout the six-month engagement
    - Deliverable: targeting 2-3 quality leads/hires

Since this was a local gig and I always like a good challenge, I asked my client to raise the number from 2-3 to 4-5. Shortly after signing that contract, my project began. Almost immediately, I began spreading the word on Twitter.

When TWC hired me, it was just the beginning of a larger initiative. They were making a number of large changes:

  • Moving from Waterfall to Agile.
  • Restructuring organizationally for functional teams.
  • Moving from ColdFusion to JVM technologies.

To help with the move to Agile, I contacted a good friend, Brad Swanson. Brad is the founder of Propero Solutions and has always had a passion for agile coaching and making teams more efficient. At the beginning of the year, we setup 2-day training class in Herndon, VA to kick-off the Agile Initiative. There were 15 existing developers on the team when I started and 40 people showed up to that initial training. Most of these additional folks were from Product and QA. Brad's message of working together quickly resonated with the group and you could see their eyes light up with their new-found knowledge.

After the success of Brad's training, we leveraged his network to help us find some very impressive coaches to assist with our efforts. We hired two Agile Coaches to start working with us at the end of January.

While our agile movement was progressing in January, I started contacting friends, former colleagues and referrals about coming to work for us. For friends and former colleagues, my e-mail simply outlined the positions available, the exciting opportunity of the project and that TWC was willing to pay very competitive salaries for strong engineers. While it didn't happen immediately, I did manage to convince 4 former co-workers to join me, including the team I built at LinkedIn and worked with at Evite.

Following those 4, most of the candidates we interviewed were referrals or folks that contacted me directly after seeing my tweet. I'm amazed that I never had to write a blog post to advertise the positions.

Once we identified potential candidates, we executed the following process:

  1. Requested a resume (or LinkedIn Profile URL) via e-mail.
  2. If skills and experience looked like a match, we sent a list of screening questions specific to the position.
  3. If screening answers were satisfactory, we'd schedule a face-to-face interview.
  4. We then conducted a face-to-face interview with a list of questions specific to the position.
  5. If convenient, we took the candidate to lunch to explore their social skills.
  6. After interviewing, the interviewers would huddle for 5-10 minutes and give thumbs-up/thumbs-down and we'd right up a summary e-mail for our boss.
  7. If thumbs-up, our boss would contact the candidate, discuss the details and extend an offer.

This process turned out to be a great way to hire a kick-ass team very quickly. You might notice that HR was not involved at all in this process. While we did use them to post jobs and such, we found that our recommendation-based process of identifying high-quality candidates worked much better. HR was able to bring in folks with lots of buzzwords on their resume, but no one knew them or what they were capable of.

Once a person passed the screening questions, our interview focused more on a person's social skills than their technical ability. The first half of the interview was all about their career experiences and what they enjoyed/disliked about employers and projects. The second half consisted of a handful of very technical, hard questions that we expected people to struggle with. If they answered correctly, we were impressed. If they didn't, we examined how they handled explaining they didn't know the answer. It was interesting to see how many people didn't simply answer "I don't know".

One of my most interesting observations of the process was our question about "what was your most enjoyable employment experience and why?" Most folks responded with something very early on in their career, and often it was their first job. This caused me to reflect on our industry and careers as a whole and wonder if people get more miserable as they keep working. It's a shame there's not more folks happy with their current jobs.

By mid-February, we managed to fill most of our open headcounts. We'd successfully hired 2 Agile Coaches and 8 Developers in a little over 2 months. While everyone hasn't started yet, there's several of us now working in my Denver office. We pretty much caught everyone off-guard with our success and we've moved onto our next biggest problem - were do we put everyone? The TWC Broomfield office is building out space for us, but it'll likely take them a few months to complete the project. My office that fits 4 comfortably had 8 of us in their last week. I had to sit on a garbage can when pairing because we'd run out of chairs.

To solve our short-term space constrains, I've successfully negotiated additional space upstairs from our landlady and we've ordered a number of new desks for folks. Our desks arrive Monday and we're setting up pairing stations upstairs next week. All-in-all, it's been a wild ride with a fair amount of stress. Interviewing folks wasn't that stressful, but trying to hire folks while writing code and trying to deliver features for our project was challenging.

We've been emphasizing pair programming and hiring process required a lot of e-mail communication. When we were pairing, we'd ignore our e-mails for most of the day and then have to catch up at night. Once people started on-boarding, we had to figure out the best way to get them started and slinging code. We established an on-boarding plan and we've been able to get everyone running our app on their machines before lunch. We've even had a couple folks committing code by the end of the first day.

This week, we on-boarded 3 of our final 4 developers. I breathed a big sigh of relief that the hiring was over and we could get back to slinging code and making things happen. As luck would have it, I received an e-mail from my boss on Tuesday that the hiring engine is starting up again and we need to hire 6 more developers. While I'm not anxious to start the Hiring Engine again, I am glad to know it works well and it has helped us build a great team. I'm not going to post the positions as part of this blog entry, but there's a good chance you'll hear more about the gigs if you follow me on Twitter.

Posted in Java at Mar 05 2010, 12:01:57 PM MST 5 Comments

Jack's Skiing Like A Madman!

My kids have been skiing since they were pretty little. Abbie started when she turned 3 and Jack started when he was 2. I don't know that I'd recommend starting kids that early because it's taken a long time for them to get good. Abbie was good last year and it looks like Jack is coming on strong this year.

On Saturday, I took Abbie and Jack up to Copper Mountain's Tubing Hill. It was a balmy 45°F day and we had a blast flying down the mountain. I especially liked run #3 that had a double jump in its path.

Tubing at Copper

After tubing, Jack proved he's a crazy 5-year old; then we grabbed our skis and hit the slopes for a couple runs. By the 2nd run, Jack was flying past both Abbie and I and giggling while doing it. It was a special moment for me considering he's been skiing since 2 and only recently let go of me.

Today, we headed to Winter Park for a few more runs. Since Jack has become bolder, I decided to skip the lift-walk-bus-walk pain-in-the-ass section at the bottom of Winter Park and park at Mary Jane (where you can easily walk-ski to the lift). We ended up skiing at the top of the mountain most of the time. I recall a couple times where Jack would go flying past Abbie and I and I'd think "I really hope he doesn't wipe out 'cause that's gonna hurt." By the end of the day, he was skiing down blues and even tried some bumps. Great job today Jack - you've made me proud.

Abbie showing Jack how to do bumps Blue Bumps Bumps

With Spring Skiing right around the corner, I think there's gonna be some good races in the next couple months.

Posted in General at Feb 28 2010, 10:56:05 PM MST Add a Comment

My Future of Web Frameworks Presentation

Earlier this week, I tweeted about a history of web frameworks timeline I created for my upcoming Future of Web Frameworks talk at TSSJS Vegas 2010. I immediately received a lot of feedback and requests for adding new frameworks and releases. The image below is the result of that Twitter conversation. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

History of Web Frameworks

Back in November, I wrote about my proposals for TSSJS. I've been thinking a lot about web frameworks lately and I can't help but think we live in a very exciting time. As a Java developer, I've been exposed to one of the most vibrant language ecosystems on the planet. As Tim Bray talks about, the Java Platform has 3 legs: the language, the virtual machine and a huge, immense library of APIs (both in the JDK and in open source libraries). The diagram below is something I created based on Tim's podcast.

Java has 3 Legs

Tim says, "One of those legs is replaceable and that's the language." And he's right, there's many languages that run efficiently on the JVM. This is one of the most exciting parts of being a Java web developer today. There's many proven web frameworks and languages that you can pick to build your next web application.

The best part is many of the best web frameworks run on the JVM. Not only that, but the best code editors are the IDEs that you're familiar with and have grown to love. Furthermore, much of the literature for languages is written for Java developers. As someone who knows Java, you have wealth of web frameworks and languages just waiting for you to learn them.

To create my presentation on the future of web frameworks, I followed the outline I posted previously. I plan on explaining the evolution and history of web frameworks and how we got to where we are today. From there, I'll be speculating on what web applications we'll be developing in the future. Finally, I'll touch on the necessary features of web frameworks that will allow us to develop these applications.

Of course, I haven't actually presented this talk yet, so it's likely to change in the coming weeks before the conference. The good news is this gives you the opportunity to provide constructive criticism on this presentation and help make it better. I realize that a presentation rarely represents the conversation that takes place during a conference. However, I believe it can portray the jist of my thinking and lead to a meaningful conversation in the comments of this post. Below is the presentation I created - thanks in advance for any feedback.

For those who will be joining me at TSSJS ... it's gonna be a great show. St. Patrick's Day in Vegas, what more could you ask for? ;-)

Update: This article has been re-posted on Javalobby and contains additional community feedback in the comments.

Posted in Java at Feb 26 2010, 08:55:39 AM MST 5 Comments

My Guest Room Remodel is finished!

On December 5th, I flew home from Orlando (after The Rich Web Experience) and arrived home to the sound of waterfalls in my house. As soon as I opened the door, I knew something was wrong. Sure enough, the pipes had burst in my back guest room and water was pouring out of my ceiling. My guess is that it'd been happening for days.

Waterfalls - a.k.a. Pipes Burst What we came home to: busted water pipes. Soaked through the walls Time for a remodel!

The following week was quite interesting as I juggled a cleanup with lots of fans and a house without water. My water got turned on by Wednesday and I gained a whole new appreciation for indoor plumbing. Initially, I thought I could get everything fixed before my family arrived for Christmas. As their arrival approached, I became less and less hopeful and quickly scrambled to setup a couple ad hoc guest rooms.

After the Christmas holiday, I met with a local contractor (the same guy who fixed my plumbing initially) and discussed my options. The cheapest option (a.k.a. the one my homeowner's insurance would cover) was to put everything back like it was. However, it was readily apparent that if we did this, there's a good chance busted pipes would happen again. Therefore, I made the leap and decided to remodel the whole thing. Major changes made were 1) moving the bathroom to an opposite corner, 2) adding an interior window for light from the skylights and 3) adding a door to the bathroom from Jack's room.

Tearing out walls Old bathroom gone Soon to be better

Digging, lots of it. Cement gone. Framing

The results are something I'm very happy with. I'd like to thank Nu Image for their great work and my parents for flying in to help finish it all up. If you're a friend of mine and looking for some powder runs this winter, I have a nice guest room for you to stay in. ;-)

Remodeled Guest Room Bathroom Sink
Wall Mirror Closet View into Shower View from Jack's Room

For more pictures, see my Guest Room Remodeling set on Flickr.

Posted in General at Feb 16 2010, 07:49:37 AM MST 2 Comments

Web Application Testing with Selenium by Jason Huggins

Selenium This evening, I attended Agile Denver's monthly meeting to listen to Jason Huggins talk about Selenium. The meeting started off with a panel on UI testing that I participated in. The most interesting part of this panel (for me) was meeting the other panelists and learning about their expertise. Folks from Red Pine Studios in Boulder video taped both the panel and presentation. Hopefully it will be published online in the near future.

Below are my notes from Jason's talk. Please keep in mind that most of these are his words, not mine.

Jason is the Executive Software Chef at Sauce Labs. He often experiments with new recipes and is one of the creators of Selenium. He worked at Google and helped them build and use a Selenium Farm to test Gmail and Google Docs. Selenium was inspired by ThoughtWorks Expense Report system and its "Add Row" button. The button caused so many issues, they needed a way to write a test that could be run in multiple browsers.

The first thing they tried was jWebUnit (a wrapper around HtmlUnit). Since HtmlUnit simulates the browser, it wasn't "real world" enough. The 2nd attempt was DriftWood. It was a Mozilla extension that drove a real browser so it could handle JavaScript UI features. The downside it was it didn't work for IE or Safari. It also used XML Syntax for tests. The 3rd attempt was JsUnit. It worked in all browsers, but its emphasis was on a single page unit test; it had no page-to-page workflow support. Also, you couldn't see what it was doing while it was running. The 4th attempt was FIT (Framework for Integration Testing). It allowed more readable tests, but the API wasn't that intuitive and there was too much magic behind the curtain. So basically, they had to fork FIT.

The first attempt was called "Selenese" and consisted of a 3-column table where each row had an Action, Target and Value. In the beginning, Selenium Core was a TestRunner that ran in any browser. It was written in plain ol' JavaScript and HTML. The next thing that came about was the Selenium IDE for Firefox. It maintains the echo of Selenium Core and FIT.

Selenium Remote Control (RC) was the next product produced by the project. Selenium RC allows you to write your tests in any language. A Selenium server interprets the requests and turns them into browser manipulation events. Finally, Selenium Grid was developed to leverage Selenium's HTTP architecture to allow parallel execution across servers.

Cloud computing is a wonderful use case for functional testing. Selenium Hub is a gateway into the Selenium Grid that routes the test request to particular browsers and platforms. Sauce Labs has a version of Selenium Grid that runs in the cloud.

Selenium Issues
Selenium is slow. Functional tests will always be slower than unit tests. Until the browsers can launch faster, there's always going to be speed issues. Parallel-ization can solve some of these and is something you should think about right away.

The JavaScript sandbox, Flash, Java Applets, Silverlight and Canvas all present problems in Selenium. Silverlight was shipped without any testing APIs. There are several libraries that provide a bridge for testing Flash. The Selenium project has though about including FlexMonkey, but its GPL license prevents it.

Practical Advice
Everyone seems to build a framework on top of Selenium. If you do this, make sure and write your DSL in terms of intent and then map it to Selenium actions.

Look for abstractions so you're not writing your Selenium tests with its API. It's too much like Assembler.

K.I.S.S. - don't write large tests, just do small ones. Often, when functional tests fail, they tell you something failed, but they don't tell you what failed. The shortest possible functional tests help reduce the scope of where a problem can be. Other benefits of short tests are they're easier to read and easier to write.

Selenium 2.0
The big thing in Selenium 2.0 is a merger with WebDriver. The nice thing about WebDriver is it gets rid of Selenium RC and allows you to drive the browser with a low-level API. For example, you use C++ to drive IE. Basically, every language will talk to the C driver. Except for Firefox, the connection and control is done through telnet. Selenium 2 should fix all the problems with Selenium 1, but also allow you to still use Selenium RC if you want to do grid-style testing.

Selenium 2's API is about finding elements and interacting with those elements. Also, it's entirely backwards compatible, so you can use the old API.

At this point, my laptop's battery died and I was unable to take any more notes. However, I was able to see some pretty slick demos, particularly Jason's company's Sauce onDemand cloud testing services. All you need to do to run your tests in the cloud is change how you initialize Selenium. A kick-ass feature this service provides is video playback (a.k.a. Castro). I'm currently using Selenium's screenshot functionality, but it doesn't hold a candle to the ability to watch a video playback of your tests. Jason also showed us a demo of using Castro and Selenium 2 to create a screencast on-the-fly. Very cool stuff.

My only question after seeing this talk is what's the difference between BrowserMob and Sauce Labs? Both companies were founded by Selenium committers and seem to offer competing projects. My gut feel is that BrowserMob is best for performance/load testing and Sauce Labs is best for running your tests in the cloud.

Posted in Java at Feb 15 2010, 09:44:44 PM MST 5 Comments

Web Application Testing with Selenium at Agile Denver next Monday

Next Monday evening, Jason Huggins will be in Denver to talk about web application testing with Selenium. Below is an outline of Jason's talk:

  • Overview of Selenium, what it does, what it doesn't do
  • How to get started with Selenium IDE, RC, and Grid
  • Why I started Sauce Labs (Selenium as a Cloud Service)
  • Selenium in 2010... Selenium 2
  • Future trends: Adobe Flex, mobile (iphone/ipad, android), HTML5 (canvas, video)
  • Best practices for succeeding with Selenium

This is an Agile Denver event and I'm really looking forward to it. Prior to Jason's talk (at 6:30), I'll be participating in a panel with several other Denver Testing Experts to discuss Selenium and related topics. This event will be held at the PPA Event Center (directions). We expect a great turnout, so make sure and get there early! For more information, see the meeting announcement.

On a related meetup note, don't forget next Tuesday's Denver Tech Meetup. Last month was a lot of fun and next week's meetup happens to land on Fat Tuesday. I can't think of a good reason not to come. ;-)

If you'd like to RSVP for the Denver Tech Meetup, please do so on LinkedIn or Facebook.

Posted in Java at Feb 11 2010, 08:55:51 AM MST Add a Comment

17" MacBook Pro Stolen from Living Room

Almost 3 years ago, I bought a 17" MacBook Pro. This laptop served me well for several years, mostly as a home computer. A few months after I bought it, I started working at LinkedIn and got a brand new laptop as part of my first day on the job. After working with LinkedIn's 15" for almost 2 years, I grew to love the form factor and purchased another one almost a year ago. I found the 17" was too big for planes and the 15" fits me perfectly.

Fast forward to last night.

I attended the first half of the Ignite talks at DOSUG and left around 7. When I arrived home, I suspected something might be out of whack when my front door was unlocked. Julie had come over to pick up Abbie's dance shoes around 6, so I figured she must've forgot to lock the door on her way out. When I got inside and saw my coat closet open, I justified it by thinking she grabbed one of the kids coats out of the closet and forgot to close the door. When I walked into my living room and saw my space heater's remote in the middle of the floor, busted open with batteries out, it clicked that a stranger was in my house. The first thing that jumped into my head was "Where's my laptop?" As I looked at the bare mini-desk in my living room, I realized it had been stolen.

I called Julie and asked her if she left the front door open. She said no, but when she arrived at my house (and came through the back), the garage's light was on and my back door was wide open. I asked her if she saw the busted remote on the floor or if the closet door was open. She said no. Putting all the pieces together, it appears that the burglar was actually hiding in my closet when Julie came into my house. Naturally, she's a little a freaked out by this, but she also saved the day by scaring off perpetrator before they took anything else.

This isn't a new trend for me and this incident is mostly my fault. I left my backdoor unlocked. Two years ago, my truck's stereo was stolen and there's a good chance I left the doors unlocked (and didn't turn on the alarm). Last year, my bike was stolen and the lock was still there, indicating I missed the frame when locking it up. So getting robbed in the first part of every year seems somewhat par for the course.

With my truck's stereo, it worked out well because the rig needed a new stereo. My bike last year? There wasn't any silver lining to that incident, so I made myself earn a new one. With this laptop incident, there is a silver lining in that I've been thinking about getting a 27" iMac for a home computer. Other options include a Mac Pro for my office (and use my laptop for traveling/home use) or a Mac Mini for home and hook it up to my TV with a wireless keyboard and mouse.

The home iMac seems like the best option, but I'd also be interested to hear what others recommend. Of course, I'll be keeping my doors locked from now on. ;-)

Posted in Mac OS X at Feb 03 2010, 09:45:52 AM MST 11 Comments