Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

GXT's MVC Framework

For the past couple of months, I've been developing a GWT application using a mix of plain ol' GWT and GXT widgets. When I first started developing it, I didn't know how to best organize my code and separate the logic. The solution I came up with was to adopt some sort of MVC framework. Since I was already using GXT, I opted for GXT's lightweight MVC implementation.

As mentioned in Testing GWT Applications, GXT's MVC doesn't have much documentation. The best reference documentation seems to be Christian's Getting started with Ext-GWT: The Mail reference application.

Page Transitioning with Dispatcher
After working with GXT MVC for a couple months, I'm still not sure I fully understand how navigation and event dispatching works. The biggest point of confusion for me is how to best use GXT's Dispatcher class.

The problem with Dispatcher is it has a two methods that seem to do the same thing.

  • forwardEvent (4 variations)
  • dispatch (3 variations)

In addition to these methods in Dispatcher, there's two fireEvent methods in GXT's View class. According to my calculations, that means there's 9 different options for transitioning from one view to the next. Which one is best to use?

From what I've learned, I think it's best to use fireEvent in Views and forwardEvent in Controllers and other widgets. IMO, dispatcher should never be used except in your HistoryListener's implementation onHistoryChanged method. The important thing to realize about this method is it should only work if the View's Controller is registered for the event.

  protected void fireEvent(AppEvent event) {
    Controller c = controller;
    while (c != null) {
      if (c.canHandle(event)) {
      c = c.parent;

However, fireEvent seems to work even when the View's Controller isn't registered for that event. This is because onHistoryChanged gets called in the EntryPoint. For experienced GXT MVC users, does this navigation handling mesh with your findings?

The most important thing for navigation to work successfully is enabling History support. The next section talks about how to do this effectively.

Enabling History Support
To help explain things better, I created a simple GWT MVC Example application and used Maven to create an archetype with it. You can create a project from the archetype using the following command:

mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-mvc -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \ -DartifactId=myproject \

To enable history support in this application, I implemented HistoryListener in my EntryPoint ( and added the following logic to initialize:

// If the application starts with no history token, redirect to 'home' state
String initToken = History.getToken();
if (initToken.length() == 0) {

// Add history listener

// Now that we've setup our listener, fire the initial history state.

In this example, HistoryTokens is a class that contains all the URLs of the "views" in the application.

public class HistoryTokens {
    public static final String HOME = "home";
    public static final String CALENDAR = "calendar";
    public static final String NOTES = "notes";
    public static final String SEARCH = "search";

In order to make URLs like http://localhost:8080/#calendar go to the calendar view, the following logic exists in the onHistoryChanged method.

        Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.get();

        if (historyToken != null) {
            if (historyToken.equals(HistoryTokens.HOME)) {
            } else if (historyToken.equals(HistoryTokens.CALENDAR)) {
            } else if (historyToken.equals(HistoryTokens.NOTES)) {
            } else if (historyToken.equals(HistoryTokens.SEARCH)) {
            } else {
                GWT.log("HistoryToken '" + historyToken + "' not found!", null);

Controllers are registered in the EntryPoint as follows:

        final Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.get();
        dispatcher.addController(new CalendarController());
        dispatcher.addController(new HomeController());
        dispatcher.addController(new NotesController());
        dispatcher.addController(new SearchController());

Controllers respond to events they're registered for. This is done in their constructor:

    public CalendarController() {

In order for navigation to work, you have to create links with history tokens1. For example, here's a link from the HomeView class:

	Hyperlink notesLink = new Hyperlink("Notes", HistoryTokens.NOTES);
	notesLink.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
	    public void onClick(Widget widget) {

You'll notice in this example, I'm using Dispatcher's fireEvent method. If I wanted to pass some data with your event, you'll need to use forwardEvent. Here's an example from CalendarView:

    Button submit = new Button("Submit");

    submit.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() {
        public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) {
            AppEvent<Date> event = 
                new AppEvent<Date>(AppEvents.GoHome, date.getValue(), HistoryTokens.HOME);

In this example, you could also use Dispatcher.dispatcher(), but I believe this will cause the transition to happen twice because the onHistoryChanged method gets called too. This doesn't matter for the most part, except when you start to use DispatcherListeners.

Hopefully this article has helped you understand how GXT's MVC framework works. I'm interested in learning how other GWT MVC frameworks work. If you've used one, I'd love to hear about your experience.

Friday Fun Test
Here's a test for those interested in digging into the GXT MVC example. There's a bug in this application that prevents something from happening. I'll buy a drink for the person that finds the bug and I'll buy two drinks for the person that comes up with a solution. ;-)

1. If you use the default constructor on Hyperlink and use setText(), make sure to call setTargetHistoryToken() too. If you don't, a blank history token will be used and # causes the browser to scroll to the top before a page transition happens.

Posted in Java at Mar 13 2009, 11:48:41 AM MDT 25 Comments

1st Hike of 2009

This past Sunday, the kids and I loaded up our camelbaks and headed out for a hike to the top of Dakota Ridge Trail. We parked in the Green Mountain parking lot next to C-470 and trekked up the west-side of the mountain.

Ready to go Hiking Jack Heading up Dakota Ridge

First of all, I was impressed with their enthusiasm. Granted, it was a beautiful Denver spring day, but still - you know how 4 and 6 year olds are. I'm not sure how far it was, but I'd guess somewhere between 1 and 2 miles. Abbie was gung-ho the entire way up, while Jack kept saying he was tired and wanted me to carry him. I never broke down, kept encouraging him and they both made it to the top without any issues.

While at the top, they did some exploring and Abbie gathered a whole backpack full of rocks for the trip down. By the time she was done filling it, it must've weighed around 20 pounds. Even though it was pretty darn heavy, she carried it all the way down - stopping every-so-often to empty a few rocks out. We weighed it when we got home and discovered it was 10 pounds. I was very impressed with her strength and perseverance.

Well done kids!

Jack on Dakota Ridge Collecting Rocks On the top

How old do kids have to be before you take them up a 14er? ;-)

Posted in General at Mar 09 2009, 10:28:20 PM MDT 4 Comments

Nexus is a kick-ass Repository Manager

I started my current gig at the end of last year. I've been enjoying the work and especially the project infrastructure we've been using. We're using the usual suspects: JIRA, Confluence, Hudson and Subversion. We're also using a couple new ones, namely sventon and Nexus. For building, we're using Maven and Ivy (as a Grails plugin).

Nexus I'm writing this post to talk about Nexus and how much I've enjoyed using it. I like Nexus for two reasons: it's aesthetically pleasing and it's well-documented. Another reason I really dig it is because I haven't had to touch it since I first configured it. Software that just keeps on humming is always fun to work with.

Initially, I remember having some issues setting up repositories. I also remember solving them after learning how groups work.

In addition to on-the-job, I've started to use Nexus more and more in my open source life. With the help of Jason van Zyl, I recently moved AppFuse's repository to Sonatype's I also noticed there's a Nexus instance for Apache projects. If that's not enough, you can get Nexus Pro free if you're an open source project.

Personally, the open source version of Nexus seems good enough for me. While the Staging Suite looks nice, I think it's possible to do a lot of similar things with good communication. After all, it's not going to free you from having to wrestle with the maven-release-plugin.

Next week, I'm helping to polish and document our entire release process (from dev → qa → production). If you have any advice on how to best perform releases with Maven, Grails and/or Nexus, I'd love to hear about it. My goal is extreme efficiency so releases can be done very quickly and with minimal effort.

Posted in Java at Mar 05 2009, 11:59:02 PM MST 13 Comments

GWT and AppFuse

Someone recently sent me the following e-mail asking about GWT integration in AppFuse.

I see from your blog that you're spending some time with GWT at the moment. What's your plan, are you going to integrate GWT as another UI Option for AppFuse?

The reason I'm asking is that I actually checked out all of the AppFuse code from the svn repository yesterday, with the intention of starting off adding some GWT stuff in there. My intention was to start by getting a basic Maven archetype together for GWT as an AppFuse UI.

However, if you're planning on doing this yourself in the near future, then there's no point in me starting doing it, I'd have to learn how to write archetype's for a start (not that it looks too difficult) but you'd obviously do it much quicker.

Being a good open-source developer, I moved the discussion to the developer mailing list and replied there:

It's likely I'll create a version of AppFuse Light with GWT, but I doubt I'll do it in the near future. I hope to release AppFuse 2.1 first (which will include "light" archetypes). I wouldn't get your hopes up in waiting for me to do the work. However, I'd be happy to assist you in doing it. AppFuse Light is now modular and uses the AppFuse backend.

Here's how I believe GWT should be integrated:

  1. Create an appfuse-ws archetype that serves up RESTful services (
  2. Create an appfuse-gwt archetype that consumes those services. This archetype would contain a proxy servlet that allows #1 to be on a separate host/port.

In addition to #1, I hope to convert the Struts 2 and Spring MVC archetypes to use those frameworks' REST support.

For #2, we could use SmartGWT or GXT. SmartGWT might be better since Sanjiv is a committer on this project. ;-)

I know I've been slacking on AppFuse development, but it is ski season and running to work seems to drain my late-night coding ambitions. With that being said, I'm committed to getting AppFuse 2.1 released by JavaOne (hopefully sooner). I figure it's a good week's worth of work and I'll probably have to do it late at night to find the time. That's OK though, I usually really start to enjoy it once I get into it.

Posted in Java at Mar 04 2009, 10:50:26 PM MST 5 Comments

New 15" MacBook Pro with SSD

Just over a month ago, I reduced my computing machinery from 3 to 1. Since I was running to work, this quickly presented a problem of how to get my laptop to/from the office. I decided to go for the "no home computer" about half the time and it was a fairly pleasant experience. It's hard to stay up late and hack away on open source when all you have is an iPhone.

To be perfectly honest, I only made it about 2 weeks before I ordered a new laptop, but I cancelled the order shortly after. Last weekend, I re-ordered and my new 15" MacBook Pro arrived this past weekend. Here's the specs:

  • Processor: 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

I also chose the solid-state drive (SSD) because I'd heard it's faster. I did some rough performance comparisons against my old laptop (a 2-year-old 17" MacBook Pro) and found it's quite a bit faster.

For these tests, the computers have exactly the same software and OS (I restored my new MBP from my old one). For the tests below, I used Java version "1.5.0_16" and had JAVA_OPTS set to the following:

-Xms512M -Xmx768M -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC. 
ComputerOperationTime (mm:ss)
New MacBook Pro with OS X 10.5.6 (2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM)appfuse: mvn install3:23
cp -r appfuse appfuse20:28
gwt-project: mvn install1:24
Old MacBook Pro with OS X 10.5.6 (2.33 GHz, 3 GB RAM)appfuse: mvn install4:11
cp -r appfuse appfuse20:56
gwt-project: mvn install2:21

From these numbers, you can see that it's around 20% faster for building AppFuse (2.1-SNAPSHOT) and almost twice as fast at copying files and building the GWT project I'm working on. Needless to say, I'm impressed and pleased with my purchase.

Update: New MacBook Pros came out today with a faster CPU (2.93 GHz) and 256 GB SSD. I was able to call Apple and get a full refund on mine. Thanks Apple!

Posted in Mac OS X at Mar 02 2009, 07:24:28 AM MST 14 Comments

GWTTestSuite makes builds faster, but requires JUnit 4.1

Earlier this week, I spent some time implementing GWTTestSuite to speed up my project's build process. In Hudson, the project was taking around 15 minutes to build, locally it was only taking 5 minutes for mvn test. In IDEA, I could run all the tests in under a minute. While 15 minutes isn't a long time for a build to execute, a co-worker expressed some concern:

Does Maven have to run GWT test and individual Java processes? (See target/gwtTest/*.sh) This arrangement and the overhead of JVM launches is another reason why builds take so long. As we add more GWT tests we are going to test that LinkedIn record for the slowest build ever.

After this comment, I started looking into GWTTestSuite using Olivier Modica's blog entry as a guide. It was very easy to get things working in IDEA. However, when I'd run mvn test, I'd get the following error:

Error: java.lang.ClassCastException

No line numbers. No class information. Zilch. After comparing my project's pom.xml with the one from the default gwt-maven archetype, I noticed the default used JUnit 4.1, while I had the latest-and-supposedly-greatest JUnit 4.4. Reverting to JUnit 4.1 fixed the problem. Now Hudson takes 3:15 to execute the build instead of 15 minutes.

The reason for this blog post is this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere. Hopefully other developers will find this entry when googling for this issue.

Related to making GWT faster, I also added the following line to my Application.gwt.xml file:

<set-property name="user.agent" value="safari" />

This dropped the gwt:compile time from 1 minute to 25 seconds. As explained in the documentation, you can use the "user.agent" setting to only generate one JS file for your app instead of 4. The strange thing about adding this setting was I pretty much forgot about it since everything seemed to work fine on both Safari and Firefox. When I started testing things in IE6, I started seeing a lot of JavaScript errors. After debugging for an hour or so, I realized this setting was there, removed it, and everything started working great in all browsers.

Now if I could just figure out how to use safari-only for development, but remove the line when building the WAR. Suggestions welcome.

Posted in Java at Feb 27 2009, 11:58:12 AM MST 6 Comments

Enhancing your GWT Application with the UrlRewriteFilter

Last week, I spent some time trying to change the location of my cache/nocache HTML files in my GWT project. I started the project with the gwt-maven-plugin's archetype. The message I posted to the gwt-maven Google Group is below.

Rather than having my application's HTML file in src/main/java/com/mycompany/Application.html, I'd like to move it to src/main/webapp/index.html. I tried copying the HTML and adding the following to my index.html, but no dice:

<meta name="gwt:module" content="com.mycompany.Application"/>

Is this possible with the gwt-maven-plugin? I'd like to have my main HTML and CSS at the root of my application.

The good news is I figured out a solution using the UrlRewriteFilter that 1) allows hosted mode to work as usual and 2) allows your app to be served up from the root URL (/ instead of / Here's the urlrewrite.xml that makes it all possible.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCENGINE urlrewrite PUBLIC "-// UrlRewrite 3.0//EN"

        <to type="forward" last="true">/</to>
        <to type="forward" last="true">/</to>
    <-- This last rule is necessary for JS and CSS files -->
        <to type="forward">/$1.$2</to>

If you're using the gwt-maven plugin, this file goes in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF. In addition, you'll need to add the following to your web.xml.



Finally, add the UrlRewriteFilter dependency in your pom.xml:


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Update: Jeff posted an alternative configuration that allows you to eliminate the last rule in urlrewrite.xml, as well as use the beloved mvn jetty:run command. To use cleaner WAR packaging and the Jetty plugin, add the following to your pom.xml:

            <baseResource implementation="org.mortbay.resource.ResourceCollection">

Then you can trim your urlrewrite.xml down to:

        <to type="forward" last="true">/Application.html</to>
        <to type="forward" last="true">/Application.html</to>

Of course, you could also change the welcome-file in your web.xml or use index.html and the <meta http-equiv="REFRESH"> option. Personally, I have so much affection for the UrlRewriteFilter that I like having it in my project. I'm sure I'll need it someday.

Thanks Jeff!

Posted in Java at Feb 23 2009, 05:02:29 PM MST 13 Comments

Comparing Web Frameworks Book

A publisher recently sent me an e-mail asking some advice. They received a proposal for a book that compares CakePHP, Symfony, Zend, TurboGears, Django, Struts, RoR. Here's a quote from the proposal:

We would like to compare a couple of frameworks and present their advantages and disadvantages in various applications.

Obviously, that kind of manual would be very useful for readers who are starting their 'adventures' with web applications, as it would facilitate their choosing the best framework for their particular application. The manuscript would offer a comparison of the most popular solutions (CakePHP, Symfony, Zend Framework, TurboGears, Django, Struts, Ruby on Rails) and demonstrate the main differences between each.

Therefore, the target audience would mainly be project managers, responsible for deciding on the technologies to be used for in-house projects, as well as less experienced, web application beginners.

Another purpose of the book would be to present 'good practices' in various frameworks, such as code re-factoring, design patterns and application security. From this point of view, it could become a valuable asset for experienced and learner programmers alike.

Since I got a lot of feedback from my tweet on this subject, I figured I'd ask it here.

What do you think of such a book?

Here's my response:

How do PHP books do these days? Of the list of frameworks (CakePHP, Symfony, Zend Framework, TurboGears, Django, Struts, Ruby on Rails), I think there's interest in Django and Rails, but not so much the others. And Struts sucks, so having that as a comparison is obviously going to make it look bad. I wouldn't buy it, but I'm a Java guy that's mostly interested in web frameworks that make developing SOFEA-based applications easier. In my mind, these are Flex and GWT.

The book I'd like to see would cover developing RESTful backends and SOFEA front-ends. RoR, Grails or Django could be used to develop the backend and Flex, GWT and X could be for the front-end. In reality, this is probably a tough book to write b/c things move so fast. If you decide to do it, I'd keep it short and sweet so you can get it to market and update it quickly.

Posted in Java at Feb 23 2009, 09:49:15 AM MST 17 Comments

My Dad's Fall from Grace

My Dad sent my sister and I the following e-mail yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed his so much I couldn't resist posting it here. Great story Dad - get well soon!

Subject: A Fall from Grace

Hello my children,

My nights at the gym have paid off. While beginning to remove the solar panels I lost my situational awareness and stepped backwards off of the dormer. I'm bruised, but not broken anywhere. I can forget about this bone spur and rotator cuff healing real soon because that's the side that hit first.

I have a natural ability to land on my elbows without breaking them when I fall; so, that's what took the brunt of it. When falling at 32 ft per sec. for 8 ft. I didn't have much time to think about it and prepare for a hard landing. I did notice after the side of my head hit the roof and my glasses and hat headed for the gutter that I was apparently doing the same.

As like the time I started to slide down a steep snow bank on Lion Creek working on the Trail Crew early one spring I was looking for an anchor. There happened to be a vent pipe sticking up that I was able to grab with the inside of my knee.

While I was wondering what I broke I heard a voice say from below "Are you alright?" It was my neighbor who was out on her porch kitty-corner from us having a cigarette when she noticed my fall from grace. I asked her if I bounced and she said that it looked like I hit pretty hard. Later, I considered myself lucky that I didn't impale myself on either of the vent pipes sticking out of the roof.

Figuring that I wouldn't be able to walk the next day I decided to finish the job. It went fairly well and I shouldn't have to go up there anymore; altho, the moss will need to be removed when we try to sell the place. Maybe my fears of early onset are grounded as I will be for the next month. I am sore; but can walk. Later this afternoon I'll see if I can carry any weight on my left side.



Posted in General at Feb 22 2009, 02:56:05 PM MST 1 Comment

What's the Best Retirement Plan for Independent Consultants?

Before writing How To Setup Your Own Software Development Company, I sent my Financial Planner the following e-mail.

I'm writing up a blog post on how to setup a Software Development Company for consultants and wanted to see what retirement plan I have. I'd like to recommend it (or others, if there's better deals). Do you have the name and a 2-3 sentence description?

Below is his response:

You have a SEP IRA but depending on how much they make and their savings objective they may also want an Individual 401K and/or Defined Benefit Plan.

A SEP IRA allows you to set aside up to 20% of your income after business expenses, up to $49,000 for those with income of $245,000 or more in 2009. An Individual 401K allows you to save a higher percentage of your income depending on your age and income. If you are under age 50 you are able to save $16,500 so long as your income is at least $16,500 (plus FICA, etc) and $22,000 for those over age 55. You are also able to set aside profit sharing and matching contributions in a 401K Plan. Those under age 50 have a maximum of $49,000 while those over age 50 have an increased limit of $54,000. Finally, for those who wish to save more, you could establish a Defined Benefit Plan and make contributions based on your age and income that total potentially more than $200,000 per year. If you establish a Defined Benefit Plan you are still able to have an Individual 401K Plan but the limits are the employee contribution amount ($16,500 or $22,000) plus 6% of your income up to $245,000 (another $14,700) for a combined total that could be well over $200,000 depending on your age and income.

There is always the Roth and Traditional IRA but those are very basic planning tools - they should still be used and considered but everyone should be familiar with them. 2009 allows $5,000 deposit for under age 50 and $6,000 for over age 50. Roth contributions are limited starting at $105,000 if filing single and $166,000 if married filing joint.

Of course, a perk of working for a company with benefits is they sometimes do 401K matching. However, I'd expect many company to be cutting back on that in this economy. If you're an independent consultant, do you have a retirement plan? Do you think you're doing as well as you could if you were a full-time employee?

Posted in Java at Feb 13 2009, 01:44:52 PM MST 8 Comments