Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

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Integrating OAuth with AppFuse and its REST API

One of the new features in AppFuse 2.1 is an appfuse-ws archetype. This archetype leverages Enunciate and CXF to create a project with a REST API and generated HTML documentation. Enunciate is a very useful tool, allowing you to develop web services with JAX-RS and JAX-WS annotations and have all types of client libraries generated. For me, it seems very useful for developing the backend of SOFEA (a.k.a. modern) applications.

Back in March, Ryan Heaton published a nice article on Securing Web Services in an Enunciate application. I decided to take his tutorial a step further and not only secure my web services, but also to integrate with OAuth 2. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a new application with AppFuse WS, secure it, add OAuth support, and then use a client app to authenticate and retrieve data.

Create a New AppFuse WS Project
To begin, I visited the Create AppFuse Archetypes page and created a new application using the "Web Services Only" option in the Web Framework dropdown. Below is the command I used to create the "appfuse-oauth" project.

mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-ws-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.1.0 \
-DgroupId=org.appfuse.example -DartifactId=appfuse-oauth 

After doing this, I started the app using mvn jetty:run and confirmed it started OK. At this point, I was able to view the generated documentation for the application at http://localhost:8080. The screenshot below shows what the app looks like at this point.

AppFuse WS Homepage

NOTE: You might notice the REST endpoint of /{username}. This is a bug in AppFuse 2.1.0 and has been fixed in SVN. It does not affect this tutorial.

Integrate Spring Security and OAuth
I originally tried to integrate Spring Security with Enunciate's Securing Web Services Tutorial. However, it only secures endpoints and doesn't do enough filtering for OAuth support, so I ended up using a custom web.xml. I put this file in src/main/resources and loaded it in my enunciate.xml file. I also upgraded Spring Security and imported my security.xml file.

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <enunciate xmlns:xsi=""
      <webapp mergeWebXML="src/main/resources/web.xml"/>
          <spring-app disabled="false" springVersion="3.0.5.RELEASE">
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-resources.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-dao.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext-service.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/applicationContext.xml"/>
              <springImport uri="classpath:/security.xml"/>

Then I created src/main/resources/web.xml with a filter for Spring Security and a DispatcherServlet for OAuth support.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""





Next, I created a src/main/resources/security.xml and used it to secure my API, specify a login page, supply the users and integrate OAuth (see the last 4 beans below).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""

    <http auto-config="true">
        <intercept-url pattern="/api/**" access="ROLE_USER"/>
        <intercept-url pattern="/oauth/**" access="ROLE_USER"/>
        <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY"/>
        <form-login login-page="/login.jsp" authentication-failure-url="/login.jsp?error=true"

                <user name="admin" password="admin" authorities="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN"/>
                <user name="user" password="user" authorities="ROLE_USER"/>

    <!--hook up the spring security filter chain-->
    <beans:alias name="springSecurityFilterChain" alias="securityFilter"/>

    <beans:bean id="tokenServices"
        <beans:property name="supportRefreshToken" value="true"/>

    <oauth:provider client-details-service-ref="clientDetails" token-services-ref="tokenServices">
        <oauth:verification-code user-approval-page="/oauth/confirm_access"/>

    <oauth:client-details-service id="clientDetails">
        <!--<oauth:client clientId="my-trusted-client" authorizedGrantTypes="password,authorization_code,refresh_token"/>
        <oauth:client clientId="my-trusted-client-with-secret"
                      authorizedGrantTypes="password,authorization_code,refresh_token" secret="somesecret"/>
        <oauth:client clientId="my-less-trusted-client" authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code"/>-->
        <oauth:client clientId="ajax-login" authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code"/>

I used the OAuth for Spring Security sample apps to figure this out. In this example, I used authorizedGrantTypes="authorization_code", but you can see from the commented <oauth:client> elements above that there's a few different options. You should also note that the clientId is hard-coded to "ajax-login", signifying I only want to allow a single application to authenticate.

At this point, I'd like to give a shoutout to Ryan Heaton for creating both Enunciate and Spring Security's OAuth support. Nice work Ryan!

At this point, I needed to do a number of additional tasks to finish integrating oauth. The first was to modify the Jetty Plugin's configuration to 1) run on port 9000, 2) load my custom files and 3) allow jetty:run to recognize Enunciate's generated files. Below is the final configuration in my pom.xml.

            <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
            <baseResource implementation="org.mortbay.resource.ResourceCollection">

Next, I added the necessary OAuth dependencies for Spring Security to my pom.xml. Since the latest release is a milestone release, I had to add Spring's milestone repo too.


Since I named my DispatcherServlet "appfuse-oauth" in web.xml, I created a src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appfuse-oauth-servlet.xml to configure Spring MVC. I had to create the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <!-- Scans the classpath of this application for @Components to deploy as beans -->
    <context:component-scan base-package="org.appfuse.examples.webapp"/>

    <!-- Configures the @Controller programming model -->

    <!-- Resolves view names to protected .jsp resources within the /WEB-INF/views directory -->
    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>
        <property name="prefix" value="/"/>
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>

In order to show the OAuth confirmation page, I needed to create src/main/java/org/appfuse/examples/webapp/ and map it to /oauth/confirm_access. I copied this from one of the sample projects and modified to use Spring's annotations.

package org.appfuse.examples.webapp;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * Controller for retrieving the model for and displaying the confirmation page
 * for access to a protected resource.
 * @author Ryan Heaton
public class AccessConfirmationController {

    private ClientAuthenticationCache authenticationCache = new DefaultClientAuthenticationCache();
    private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    protected ModelAndView confirm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        ClientAuthenticationToken clientAuth = authenticationCache.getAuthentication(request, response);
        if (clientAuth == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No client authentication request to authorize.");

        TreeMap<String, Object> model = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
        ClientDetails client = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientAuth.getClientId());
        model.put("auth_request", clientAuth);
        model.put("client", client);

        return new ModelAndView("access_confirmation", model);

This controller delegates to src/main/webapp/access_confirmation.jsp. I created this file and filled it with code to display Accept and Deny buttons.

<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="authz" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <title>Confirm Access</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    <style type="text/css">
        h1 {
            margin-left: -300px;
            margin-top: 50px


<h1>Confirm Access</h1>

<div id="content">

    <% if (session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION) != null && 
                 !(session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION) instanceof UnapprovedClientAuthenticationException)) { %>
    <div class="error">

        <p>Access could not be granted.
            (<%= ((AuthenticationException) session.getAttribute(WebAttributes.AUTHENTICATION_EXCEPTION)).getMessage() %>)</p>
    <% } %>
    <c:remove scope="session" var="SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION"/>

    <authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN">
        <h2>Please Confirm</h2>

        <p>You hereby authorize "<c:out value="${client.clientId}" escapeXml="true"/>" to access your protected resources.</p>

        <form id="confirmationForm" name="confirmationForm"
              action="<%=request.getContextPath() + VerificationCodeFilter.DEFAULT_PROCESSING_URL%>" method="POST">
            <input name="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REQUEST_PARAMETER%>"
                   value="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_PARAMETER_VALUE%>" type="hidden"/>
            <label><input name="authorize" value="Authorize" type="submit"></label>
        <form id="denialForm" name="denialForm"
              action="<%=request.getContextPath() + VerificationCodeFilter.DEFAULT_PROCESSING_URL%>" method="POST">
            <input name="<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REQUEST_PARAMETER%>"
                   value="not_<%=BasicUserApprovalFilter.DEFAULT_APPROVAL_PARAMETER_VALUE%>" type="hidden"/>
            <label><input name="deny" value="Deny" type="submit"></label>

Finally, I needed to create src/main/webapp/login.jsp to allow users to login.

<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"
    <style type="text/css">
        h1 {
            margin-left: -300px;
            margin-top: 50px

<form method="post" id="loginForm" action="<c:url value='/j_security_check'/>">
    <fieldset style="padding-bottom: 0">
            <c:if test="${param.error != null}">
                <li class="error">
                <label for="j_username" class="required desc">
                    Username <span class="req">*</span>
                <input type="text" class="text medium" name="j_username"
                       id="j_username" tabindex="1"/>

                <label for="j_password" class="required desc">
                    Password <span class="req">*</span>
                <input type="password" class="text medium" name="j_password"
                       id="j_password" tabindex="2"/>
                <input type="submit" class="button" name="login" value="Login"

All the changes described in the above section are necessary to implement OAuth if you create a project with AppFuse WS 2.1. It may seem like a lot of code, but I was able to copy/paste and get it all working in an app in under 5 minutes. Hopefully you can do the same. I'm also considering adding it by default to the next version of AppFuse. Now let's look at integrating OAuth into a client to authenticate and retrieve data from this application.

Authenticate and Retrieve Data with Client
I originally thought my GWT OAuth application would provide a nice client. However, after 30 minutes of trying to get GWT 1.7.1 and the GWT Maven plugin (1.1) working with my 64-bit Java 6 JDK on OS X, I gave up. So I opted to use the Ajax Login application I've been using in my recent security tutorials.

In this example, I used OAuth2RestTemplate from Spring Security OAuth. While this works, and works well, I'd still like to get things working with GWT (or jQuery) to demonstrate how to do it from a pure client-side perspective.

To begin, I got the latest source of Ajax Login from GitHub (as of this morning) and made some changes. First of all, I added the Spring Security OAuth dependencies to pom.xml:


Then I modified src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/security.xml and added an OAuth Token Service and defined the location of the OAuth server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""

    <oauth:client token-services-ref="oauth2TokenServices"/>

    <beans:bean id="oauth2TokenServices"

    <oauth:resource id="appfuse" type="authorization_code" clientId="ajax-login"

Next, I created a Controller that uses OAuth2RestTemplate to make the request and get the data from the AppFuse OAuth application's API. I created src/main/java/org/appfuse/examples/webapp/oauth/ and filled it with the following code:

package org.appfuse.examples.webapp.oauth;

import org.appfuse.model.User;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class UsersApiController {

    private OAuth2RestTemplate apiRestTemplate;
    private OAuth2ClientTokenServices tokenServices;

    private static final String REMOTE_DATA_URL = "http://localhost:9000/appfuse-oauth/api/users";

    public UsersApiController(OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resourceDetails) {
        this.apiRestTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public List<User> getUsers() {
        try {
            List users = apiRestTemplate.getForObject(REMOTE_DATA_URL, List.class);
            return new ArrayList<User>(users);
        } catch (InvalidTokenException badToken) {
            //we've got a bad token, probably because it's expired.
            OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource = apiRestTemplate.getResource();
            OAuth2SecurityContext context = OAuth2SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
            if (context != null) {
                // this one is kind of a hack for this application
                // the problem is that the sparklr photos page doesn't remove the 'code=' request parameter.
                ((OAuth2SecurityContextImpl) context).setVerificationCode(null);
            //clear any stored access tokens...
            tokenServices.removeToken(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), resource);
            //go get a new access token...
            throw new OAuth2AccessTokenRequiredException(resource);

At this point, I thought everything would work and I spent quite some time banging my head against the wall when it didn't. As I was composing an email to the Enunciate users mailing list, I realized the issue. It appeared to be working, but from the server side, and the redirect back to the client was not happening. The Ajax Login app uses UrlRewriteFilter (for pretty URLs) to redirect from /app/* to /$1 and this redirect was losing the code parameter in the URL.

    <to last="true" type="redirect">%{context-path}/$1</to>

To fix this, I added use-query-string="true" to the root element in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml:

<urlrewrite default-match-type="wildcard" use-query-string="true">

After making all these changes, I ran mvn jetty:run on both apps and opened http://localhost:8080/appfuse/users in my browser. It all worked and a smile crept across my face. I've checked in the client changes into ajax-login on GitHub and the appfuse-oauth example into AppFuse Demos on Google Code. If you'd like to see this example in action, I'd encourage you to checkout both projects and let me know if you find any issues.

Posted in Java at Jul 05 2011, 10:56:48 AM MDT 4 Comments

Java Web Application Security - Part IV: Programmatic Login APIs

Over the last month, I've posted a number of articles on implementing authentication with Java EE 6, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. One of the things I demonstrated in my live demos (at Utah's JUG Meetings) was programmatic authentication. I left this out of my screencasts and previous tutorials because I thought it'd fit better in a comparison article.

In this article, I'd like to show you how you can programmatically login to an application using the aforementioned security frameworks. To do this, I'll be using my ajax-login application that I wrote for Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS.

To begin, I implemented a LoginController as a Spring MVC Controller that returns JSON.


import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

public class LoginController {

    LoginService loginService;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public LoginStatus getStatus() {
        return loginService.getStatus();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public LoginStatus login(@RequestParam("j_username") String username,
                             @RequestParam("j_password") String password) {

        return loginService.login(username, password);

This controller delegates its logic to a LoginService interface.


public interface LoginService {

  LoginStatus getStatus();

  LoginStatus login(String username, String password);

The Client
The client for this controller is the same as mentioned in my previous article, but I'll post it again for your convenience. I used jQuery and jQuery UI to implement a dialog that opens the login page on the same page rather than redirecting to the login page. The "#demo" locator refers to a button in the page.

var dialog = $('<div></div>');

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.get('/login?ajax=true', function(data) {
            autoOpen: false,
	       title: 'Authentication Required'

    $('#demo').click(function() {
      // prevent the default action, e.g., following a link
      return false;

The login page then has the following JavaScript to add a click handler to the "login" button that submits the request securely to the LoginController.

var getHost = function() {
    var port = (window.location.port == "8080") ? ":8443" : "";
    return ((secure) ? 'https://' : 'http://') + window.location.hostname + port;

var loginFailed = function(data, status) {
Login failed, please try again.
'); }; $("#login").live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({url: getHost() + "${ctx}/api/login.json", type: "POST", beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.withCredentials = true; }, data: $("#loginForm").serialize(), success: function(data, status) { if (data.loggedIn) { // success dialog.dialog('close'); location.href = getHost() + '${ctx}/users'; } else { loginFailed(data); } }, error: loginFailed }); });

The biggest secret to making this all work (the HTTP -> HTTPS communication, which is considered cross-domain), is the Transport and the jQuery plugin that implements it. To make this plugin work with Firefox 3.6, I had to implement a Filter that adds Access-Control headers.

public class OptionsHeadersFilter implements Filter {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;

        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "http://" + req.getServerName());
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "360");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

        chain.doFilter(req, res);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {

    public void destroy() {

Java EE 6 LoginService
Java EE 6 has a few new methods in HttpServletRequest:

  • authenticate(response)
  • login(user, pass)
  • logout()

In this example, I'll use the new login(username, password) method. The hardest part about getting this working was finding the right Maven dependency. At first, I tried the one that seemed to make the most sense:


Unfortunately, this resulted in a strange error that means the dependency has the interfaces, but not the implementation classes. I ended up using GlassFish's dependency instead (thanks to Stack Overflow for the tip).


Since Servlet 3.0 doesn't appear to be in Maven Central, I had to add the GlassFish Repository to my pom.xml's <repositories> element.


After that, it was easy to implement the LoginService interface with a JavaEELoginService class:


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

public class JavaEELoginService implements LoginService {
    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JavaEELoginService.class);

    HttpServletRequest request;

    public LoginStatus getStatus() {
        if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) {
            return new LoginStatus(true, request.getRemoteUser());
        } else {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

    public LoginStatus login(String username, String password) {
        try {
            if (request.getRemoteUser() == null) {
                request.login(username, password);
                log.debug("Login succeeded!");
            return new LoginStatus(true, request.getRemoteUser());
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

I tried to use this with "mvn jetty:run" (with version 8.0.0.M2 of the jetty-maven-plugin), but I got the following error:

        at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.login(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at $Proxy52.login(Unknown Source)

This lead me to believe that Servlet 3 is not quite implemented, so I tried it with Tomcat 7.0.8. To support SSL and container-managed authentication, I had to create a certificate keystore and uncomment the SSL Connector in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml. I also had to add an "admin" user with roles="ROLE_ADMIN" to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml.

<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="ROLE_ADMIN"/>

With Tomcat 7, I was able to login successfully, proven by the following logging.

DEBUG - JavaEELoginService.login(31) | Login succeeded!

However, in the UI, I still got a "Login failed, please try again." message. Recalling that I had some issues with ports previous, I configured Apache to proxy the default http/https ports to 8080/8443 and tried again. This time it worked!

Spring Security LoginService
Spring Security offers a programmatic API and I was able to implement its LoginService as follows:


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.appfuse.model.User;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class SpringSecurityLoginService implements LoginService {
    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SpringSecurityLoginService.class);

    @Autowired(required = false)
    AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

    public LoginStatus getStatus() {
        Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        if (auth != null && !auth.getName().equals("anonymousUser") && auth.isAuthenticated()) {
            return new LoginStatus(true, auth.getName());
        } else {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

    public LoginStatus login(String username, String password) {
        UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
        User details = new User(username);

        try {
            Authentication auth = authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
            log.debug("Login succeeded!");
            return new LoginStatus(auth.isAuthenticated(), auth.getName());
        } catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

I then modified the LoginService dependency in LoginController so this implementation would be used.

LoginService loginService;

Since Spring's API doesn't depend on Servlet 3, I tried it in Jetty using "mvn jetty:run". Of course, I modified my web.xml accordingly for Spring Security before doing so. Interestingly enough, I found that the my SpringSecurityLoginService seemed to work:

DEBUG - SpringSecurityLoginService.login(39) | Login succeeded!

But in the UI, the login failed with a "Login failed, please try again." message. Using the standard ports with Apache in front of Jetty solved this issue.

Apache Shiro LoginService
Apache Shiro is nice enough to offer a programmatic API as well. I was able to implement a ShiroLoginService as follows:


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken;
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class ShiroLoginService implements LoginService {
    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ShiroLoginService.class);

    public LoginStatus getStatus() {
        Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
        if (currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {
            return new LoginStatus(true, currentUser.getPrincipal().toString());
        } else {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

    public LoginStatus login(String username, String password) {
        if (!getStatus().isLoggedIn()) {
            UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(username, password);
            Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
            try {
                log.debug("Login succeeded!");
                return new LoginStatus(currentUser.isAuthenticated(),
            } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
                return new LoginStatus(false, null);

        } else {
            return getStatus();

Then I modified the LoginService dependency in LoginController so this implementation would be used.

LoginService loginService;

Next, I modified my web.xml for Apache Shiro and tried "mvn jetty:run". Again, the login appeared to succeed (based on log messages) on the server, but failed in the UI. When using http://localhost instead of http://localhost:8080, everything worked fine.

This article has shown you how you can programmatically login using Java EE 6, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. Before Java EE 6 (and Servlet 3), there was no API to programmatically login, so this is a welcome addition. The fact that my Ajax login example didn't work when ports differed is because of browsers' same origin policy, which specifies the ports have to be the same. Specifying no ports (the defaults), seems to be the loophole.

On a related note, I've discovered some interesting articles recently from the AppSec Blog.

The 2nd article has an interesting paragraph:

... there's Apache Shiro (FKA JSecurity and then later as Apache Ki), another secure framework for Java apps. Although it looks simpler to use and understand than ESAPI and covers most of the main security bases (authentication, authorization, session management and encryption), it doesn't help take care of important functions like input validation and output encoding. And Spring users have Spring Security (Acegi) a comprehensive, but heavyweight authorization and authentication framework.

So according to this blog, the security frameworks discussed here aren't the best.

The most comprehensive, up-to-date choice for Java developers is OWASP's ESAPI Enterprise Security API especially now that the 2.0 release has just come out.

I haven't heard of many organizations adopting ESAPI over Java EE 6, Spring Security or Apache Shiro, but maybe I'm wrong. Is ESAPI something that's being used out there by companies?

Posted in Java at Jun 06 2011, 09:44:09 PM MDT 4 Comments

Java Web Application Security - Part III: Apache Shiro Login Demo

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a tutorial on how to implement security with Spring Security. The week prior, I wrote a similar tutorial for Java EE 6. This week, I'd like to show you how to implement the same features using Apache Shiro. As I mentioned in previous articles, I'm writing this because I told the audience at April's UJUG that I would publish screencasts of the demos.

Today, I've finished the third screencast showing how to implement security with Apache Shiro. Below is the presentation (with the screencast embedded on slide 22) as well as a step-by-step tutorial.

Apache Shiro Login Tutorial

Download and Run the Application
To begin, download the application you'll be implementing security in. This app is a stripped-down version of the Ajax Login application I wrote for my article on Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS. You'll need Java 6 and Maven installed to run the app. Run it using mvn jetty:run and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser. You'll see it's a simple CRUD application for users and there's no login required to add or delete users.

Implement Basic Authentication
The first step is to protect the list screen so people have to login to view users. To do this, you'll need to create a shiro.ini file Shiro's configuration. Create src/main/resources/shiro.ini and populate it with the contents below:


admin = admin, ROLE_ADMIN


/app/users = authcBasic

You can see this file has four sections and is pretty simple to read and understand. For more information about what each section is for, check out Shiro's configuration documentation.

Next, open src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and add Shiro's IniShiroFilter:

    <!-- no init-param means load the INI config from classpath:shiro.ini -->

And add its filter-mapping just after the rewriteFilter in the filter-mappings section (order is important!):


Then add Shiro's core and web dependencies to your pom.xml:


At this point, if you restart Jetty (Ctrl+C and jetty:run again), you should be prompted to login when you click on the "Users" tab. Enter admin/admin to login. Apache Shiro is easier to configure than Spring Security out-of-the-box, mostly because it doesn't require XML.

After logging in, you can try to logout by clicking the "Logout" link in the top-right corner. This calls a LogoutController with the following code that logs the user out.

public void logout(HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

NOTE: Shiro doesn't currently have a way to logout with its API. However, it will be added in the 1.2 release.

You'll notice that clicking this link doesn't log you out, even though the session is invalidated. The only way to logout with basic authentication is to close the browser. In order to get the ability to logout, as well as to have more control over the look-and-feel of the login, you can implement form-based authentication. Before you implement form-based authentication, I'd like to show you how easy it is to force SSL with Apache Shiro.

Force SSL
Apache Shiro allows you to force SSL on a URL by simply adding "ssl[port]" to a URL in the [urls] section. If you don't specify the port, it will use the default port (443). I'm not sure if it allows you to switch back to http like Spring Security's requires-channel, but I don't think it does. Modify the URLs section of your shiro.ini to have the following:

/app/users = ssl[8443],authc

In order for this to work, you have to configure Jetty to listen on an SSL port. Add the following just after the jetty-maven-plugin's </webAppConfig> element in your pom.xml:

    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector">

The keystore must be generated for Jetty to start successfully, so add the keytool-maven-plugin just above the jetty-maven-plugin in pom.xml.


Now if you restart Jetty, go to http://localhost:8080 and click on the "Users" tab, you'll be prompted to accept the Untrusted Certificate and then redirected to https://localhost:8443/users after logging in.

Now let's look at how to have more control over the look-and-feel of the login screen, as well as how to make logout work with form-based authentication.

Implement Form-based Authentication
To change from basic to form-based authentication, you simply have to add a few lines to shiro.ini. First of all, since I'd rather not change the name of the input elements in login.jsp, override the default names in the [main] section:

# name of request parameter with username; if not present filter assumes 'username'
authc.usernameParam = j_username
# name of request parameter with password; if not present filter assumes 'password'
authc.passwordParam = j_password
authc.failureKeyAttribute = shiroLoginFailure

Then change the [urls] section to filter on login.jsp and use "authc" instead of "authcBasic":

# The /login.jsp is not restricted to authenticated users (otherwise no one could log in!), but
# the 'authc' filter must still be specified for it so it can process that url's
# login submissions. It is 'smart' enough to allow those requests through as specified by the
# shiro.loginUrl above.
/login.jsp = authc
/app/users = ssl[8443],authc

Then change login.jsp so the form's action is blank (causing it to submit to itself) instead of j_security_check:

<form action="" id="loginForm" method="post">

Now, restart Jetty and you should be prompted to login with this JSP instead of the basic authentication dialog.

Store Users in a Database
To store your users in a database instead of file, you'll need to add a few settings to shiro.ini to define your database and tables to use. Open src/main/resources/shiro.ini and add the following lines under the [main] section.

# If not filled, subclasses of JdbcRealm assume "select password from users where username = ?"
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = select user_pass from users where user_name = ?
# If not filled, subclasses of JdbcRealm assume "select role_name from user_roles where username = ?"
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery = select role_name from users_roles where user_name = ?

ds = com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
ds.serverName = localhost
ds.user = root
ds.databaseName = appfuse
jdbcRealm.dataSource = $ds

This configuration is similar to what I did with the Java EE 6 tutorial where I'm pointing to a database other than the H2 instance that's used by the application. I believe Shiro can talk to a DAO like Spring Security, but I have yet to explore that option.

While you're at it, add the following lines to enable password encryption.

sha256Matcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher
jdbcRealm.credentialsMatcher = $sha256Matcher

You'll need to install MySQL for this to work. After installing it, you should be able to create an "appfuse" database using the following command:

mysql -u root -p -e 'create database appfuse'

Then create the tables necessary and populate it with an 'admin' user. Login using "mysql -u root -p appfuse" and execute the following SQL statements:

create table users (
  user_name         varchar(30) not null primary key,
  user_pass         varchar(100) not null

create table user_roles (
  user_name         varchar(30) not null,
  role_name         varchar(30) not null,
  primary key (user_name, role_name)

insert into users values ('admin', '22f256eca1f336a97eef2b260773cb0d81d900c208ff26e94410d292d605fed8');
insert into user_roles values ('admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

Now if you restart Jetty, you should be able to login with admin/adminjdbc and view the list of users.

In this tutorial, you learned how to implement authentication using Apache Shiro 1.1.0. I don't have a lot of experience with Apache Shiro, but I was able to get the basics working without too much effort. This tutorial doesn't show how to do Remember Me because I couldn't figure it out in 5 minutes, which means I have 5 more minutes before it fails the 10-minute test. ;)

Shiro was formerly named JSecurity and has been an Apache project for less than a year. It seems to be more targeted towards non-web use, so its certainly something to look at if you're more interested in cryptography or non-web apps. I think there's a good chance this project will continue to grow and be used more as more developers learn about it. The Apache brand certainly doesn't hurt.

I didn't include a slide about the limitations I found with Shiro, mostly because I haven't used it much. I've used Java EE and Spring Security for several years. The main limitation I found was the lack of documentation, but I've heard it's improving rapidly.

In the next couple weeks, I'll post a Part IV on implementing programmatic login using the APIs of Java EE 6, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. I'll be presenting this topic at Jazoon as well as the long-form version (with hacking) at ÜberConf. Hopefully I'll see you at one of those conferences.

Update: Thanks to help from Les Hazlewood, I've figured out how to implement Remember Me with Apache Shiro. In the [urls] section of shiro.ini, the second url (shown below) says to Shiro "In order to visit the /app/users URL, you must be connecting via SSL on port 8443 and you must also be authenticated."

/app/users = ssl[8443],authc

Remembered users are not authenticated because their identity hasn't been proven during the current session. What I want Shiro to say is "In order to visit the /app/users URL, you must be connecting via SSL on 8443 and you must also be a known user. If you're not, you should login first." Where a known user is someone who has a recognized identity and has either authenticated during the current session or is known via RememberMe from a previous session. The documentation gives a good example with for why Shiro makes this distinction. It allows more control (usually necessary), but you can relax the control as you see fit.

So, to relax my configuration a bit to match what I want (known users), I updated shiro.ini's [urls] section to be as follows:

/app/users = ssl[8443],user

The key is that the /app/users url is now protected with the more relaxed user filter instead of the authc filter. However, you would typically want an account profile page (or credit card information page, or similar) protected with the authc filter instead to guarantee proof of identity for those sensitive operations.

Posted in Java at May 26 2011, 04:43:22 PM MDT 10 Comments

Java Web Application Security - Part II: Spring Security Login Demo

Last week, I wrote a tutorial on how to implement Security in Java EE 6. This week, I'd like to show you how to implement the same features using Spring Security. Before I begin, I'd like to explain my reason for writing this article.

Last month, I presented a talk on Java Web Application Security at the Utah JUG (UJUG). As part of that presentation, I did a number of demos about how to implement security with Java EE 6, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. I told the audience that I would post the presentation and was planning on recording screencasts of the various demos so the online version of the presentation would make more sense.

Today, I've finished the second screencast showing how to implement security with Spring Security. Below is the presentation (with the screencast embedded on slide 16) as well as a step-by-step tutorial.

Spring Security Login Tutorial

Download and Run the Application
To begin, download the application you'll be implementing security in. This app is a stripped-down version of the Ajax Login application I wrote for my article on Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS. You'll need Java 6 and Maven installed to run the app. Run it using mvn jetty:run and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser. You'll see it's a simple CRUD application for users and there's no login required to add or delete users.

Implement Basic Authentication
The first step is to protect the list screen so people have to login to view users. To do this, you'll need to create a Spring context file that contains Spring Security's configuration. Create src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/security.xml and populate it with the contents below:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <beans:beans xmlns=""

      <!-- New in Spring Security 3.1 -->
      <!-- <http pattern="/css/**" security="none"/> -->

      <http auto-config="true">
          <intercept-url pattern="/app/users" access="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN"/>

      <authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
              <password-encoder hash="sha"/>
                  <user name="user" password="12dea96fec20593566ab75692c9949596833adc9" authorities="ROLE_USER"/>
                  <user name="admin" password="d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN"/>

      <!-- Override userSecurityAdvice bean in appfuse-service to allow any role to update a user. -->
      <beans:bean id="userSecurityAdvice" class=""/>

The last bean, userSecurityAdvice, is an aspect that's needed to override some behavior in AppFuse. You won't need this normally when implementing Spring Security.

Next, open src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and add Spring's DelegatingFilterProxy:


And add its filter-mapping just after the rewriteFilter in the filter-mappings section (order is important!):


You don't need to add any dependencies in your pom.xml is because this project depends on AppFuse, which already contains these dependencies.

At this point, if you restart Jetty (Ctrl+C and jetty:run again), you should be prompted to login when you click on the "Users" tab. Enter admin/admin to login. Spring Security is a bit easier to configure than Java EE 6 out-of-the-box, mostly because it doesn't require you to configure your container.

After logging in, you can try to logout by clicking the "Logout" link in the top-right corner. This calls a LogoutController with the following code that logs the user out.

public void logout(HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

NOTE: Spring Security has a way to configure "logout" to match a URL and get rid of a class like LogoutController. Since it was already in the project, I don't cover that in this tutorial.

You'll notice that clicking this link doesn't log you out, even though the session is invalidated. The only way to logout with basic authentication is to close the browser. In order to get the ability to logout, as well as to have more control over the look-and-feel of the login, you can implement form-based authentication. Before you implement form-based authentication, I'd like to show you how easy it is to force SSL with Spring Security.

Force SSL
Spring Security allows you to switch between secure (https) and non-secure (http) protocols using a simple requires-channel attribute on the <intercept-url> element. Possible values are "http", "https" and "any". Add requires-channel="https" to your security.xml file:

<intercept-url pattern="/app/users" access="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN" requires-channel="https"/>

In order for this to work, you have to configure Jetty to listen on an SSL port. Add the following just after the jetty-maven-plugin's </webAppConfig> element in your pom.xml:

    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector">

The keystore must be generated for Jetty to start successfully, so add the keytool-maven-plugin just above the jetty-maven-plugin in pom.xml.


Now if you restart Jetty, go to http://localhost:8080 and click on the "Users" tab, you'll be prompted to accept the Untrusted Certificate and then redirected to https://localhost:8443/users after logging in. This is an improvement on Java EE's user-data-constraint for two reasons:

  • You can switch between http and https protocols. With Java EE, you can only force https. You have to write a custom filter to switch back to http.
  • Redirecting to https actually works. With Java EE (on Jetty at least), a 403 is returned instead of redirecting the request.

Now let's look at how to have more control over the look-and-feel of the login screen, as well as how to make logout work with form-based authentication.

Implement Form-based Authentication
To change from basic to form-based authentication, you simply have to add a <form-login> element in security.xml's <http> element:

<http auto-config="true">
    <intercept-url pattern="/app/users" access="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMIN" requires-channel="https"/>
    <form-login login-page="/login" authentication-failure-url="/login?error=true"

You can leave the <http-basic> element since Spring Security is smart enough to serve up the form for browsers and use Basic Authentication for clients such as web services. The login.jsp page (that /login forwards to) already exists in the project, in the src/main/webapp directory. The forwarding is done by the UrlRewriteFilter with the following configuration in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml.


This JSP has 3 important elements: 1) a form that submits to "/j_security_check", 2) an input element named "j_username" and 3) an input element named "j_password". If you restart Jetty, you'll now be prompted to login with this JSP instead of the basic authentication dialog.

Add Remember Me
Remember Me is a feature you see in many web applications today. It's usually a checkbox on the login form that allows you to auto-login the next time you visit a site. This feature doesn't exist in Java EE security, but it does exist in Spring Security. To enable it, add the following just below <form-login> in security.xml:

<remember-me user-service-ref="userDao" key="e37f4b31-0c45-11dd-bd0b-0800200c9a66"/>

Next, open src/main/webapp/login.jsp and change the name of the "remember me" checkbox to be _spring_security_remember_me:

<input type="checkbox" name="_spring_security_remember_me" id="rememberMe"/>

After making these changes, you should be able to restart Jetty, go to http://localhost:8080/users, enter admin/adminjdbc, check the Remember Me checkbox and login. Then close your browser, and repeat the process. This time, you won't be prompted to login. For more information on this feature, see Spring Security's Remember Me documentation.

While storing usernames and passwords in a file is convenient for demos, it's not very real-world-ish. The next section shows you how to configure Spring Security to use a database for its user store.

Store Users in a Database
To store your users in a database instead of file, you'll need to add a user-service-ref attribute to the <authentication-provider> element. You can also delete the <user-service> element.

<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
    <authentication-provider user-service-ref="userDao">
        <password-encoder hash="sha"/>

The "userDao" bean is provided by AppFuse and its class. This class implements Spring Security's UserDetailsService interface. With Java EE, I had to configure a database connection and make sure the JDBC Driver was in my container's classpath. With Spring Security, you can talk to the database you already have configured in your application.

Of course, you could do this with Java EE too. One thing I neglected to show in my last tutorial was that 1) the app uses H2 and 2) I had to configure Java EE's database to be MySQL. This was because when I tried to access my H2 instance, I got an error about two threads trying to access it at once.
2011-05-13 08:47:29.081:WARN::UserRealm Java EE Login could not connect to database; will try later
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database may be already in use: "Locked by another process". 
        Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode [90020-154]
	at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.engine.Database.openDatabase(

The password for the "admin" user is configured in src/test/resources/sample-data.xml and it's loaded by DbUnit before the application starts. You can view your pom.xml and the dbunit-maven-plugin's configuration if you're interested in learning how this is done. The password is currently configured to "adminjdbc", but you can reset it by generating a new password and modifying sample-data.xml.

Now if you restart Jetty, you should be able to login with admin/adminjdbc and view the list of users.

In this tutorial, you learned how to implement authentication using Spring Security 3.0.5. In addition to the basic XML configuration, Spring Security also provides a AOP support and annotations you can use to secure methods. It also has many more features than standard Java EE Security. In my opinion, it's the most mature security framework we have in Java today. Currently, I think its reference documentation is the best place to learn more.

There are a few limitations I found with Spring Security:

  • The authentication mechanism (file, database, ldap, etc.) is contained in the WAR
  • Securing methods only works on Spring beans
  • Remember Me doesn't work in my screencast (because I forgot to rename the checkbox in login.jsp)

Of course, you can configure Spring to load its configuration from outside the WAR (e.g. a file or JNDI), but it's not as easy as including the configuration in your app.

In the next couple weeks, I'll post Part III of this series, where I'll show you how to implement this same set of features using Apache Shiro. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.

I created the screencasts with Camtasia. For small screens, and embedding in the presentation, I created it at 50% and used the SmartFocus feature to zoom in and out during the demo. For larger screens, I published another screencast at 100%, in HD. If you have a preference for which screencast is better, I'd love to hear about it.

Posted in Java at May 13 2011, 09:20:51 AM MDT 10 Comments

Java Web Application Security - Part I: Java EE 6 Login Demo

Back in February, I wrote about my upcoming conferences:

In addition to Vegas and Poland, there's a couple other events I might speak at in the next few months: the Utah Java Users Group (possibly in April), Jazoon and ÜberConf (if my proposals are accepted). For these events, I'm hoping to present the following talk:

Webapp Security: Develop. Penetrate. Protect. Relax.
In this session, you'll learn how to implement authentication in your Java web applications using Spring Security, Apache Shiro and good ol' Java EE Container Managed Authentication. You'll also learn how to secure your REST API with OAuth and lock it down with SSL.

After learning how to develop authentication, I'll introduce you to OWASP, the OWASP Top 10, its Testing Guide and its Code Review Guide. From there, I'll discuss using WebGoat to verify your app is secure and commercial tools like webapp firewalls and accelerators.

Fast forward a couple months and I'm happy to say that I've completed my talk at the Utah JUG and it's been accepted at Jazoon and Über Conf. For this talk, I created a presentation that primarily consists of demos implementing basic, form and Ajax authentication using Java EE 6, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. In the process of creating the demos, I learned (or re-educated myself) how to do a number of things in all 3 frameworks:

  • Implement Basic Authentication
  • Implement Form-based Authentication
  • Implement Ajax HTTP -> HTTPS Authentication (with programmatic APIs)
  • Force SSL for certain URLs
  • Implement a file-based store of users and passwords (in Jetty/Maven and Tomcat standalone)
  • Implement a database store of users and passwords (in Jetty/Maven and Tomcat standalone)
  • Encrypt Passwords
  • Secure methods with annotations

For the demos, I showed the audience how to do almost all of these, but skipped Tomcat standalone and securing methods in the interest of time. In July, when I do this talk at ÜberConf, I plan on adding 1) hacking the app (to show security holes) and 2) fixing it to protect it against vulnerabilities.

I told the audience at UJUG that I would post the presentation and was planning on recording screencasts of the various demos so the online version of the presentation would make more sense. Today, I've finished the first screencast showing how to implement security with Java EE 6. Below is the presentation (with the screencast embedded on slide 10) as well as a step-by-step tutorial.

Java EE 6 Login Tutorial

Download and Run the Application
To begin, download the application you'll be implementing security in. This app is a stripped-down version of the Ajax Login application I wrote for my article on Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS. You'll need Java 6 and Maven installed to run the app. Run it using mvn jetty:run and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser. You'll see it's a simple CRUD application for users and there's no login required to add or delete users.

Implement Basic Authentication
The first step is to protect the list screen so people have to login to view users. To do this, add the following to the bottom of src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml:


    <realm-name>Java EE Login</realm-name>


At this point, if you restart Jetty (Ctrl+C and jetty:run again), you'll get an error about a missing LoginService. This happens because Jetty doesn't know where the "Java EE Login" realm is located. Add the following to pom.xml, just after </webAppConfig> in the Jetty plugin's configuration.

    <loginService implementation="">
        <name>Java EE Login</name>

The file already exists in the project and contains user names and passwords. Start the app again using mvn jetty:run and you should be prompted to login when you click on the "Users" tab. Enter admin/admin to login.

After logging in, you can try to logout by clicking the "Logout" link in the top-right corner. This calls a LogoutController with the following code that logs the user out.

public void logout(HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

You'll notice that clicking this link doesn't log you out, even though the session is invalidated. The only way to logout with basic authentication is to close the browser. In order to get the ability to logout, as well as to have more control over the look-and-feel of the login, you can implement form-based authentication.

Implement Form-based Authentication
To change from basic to form-based authentication, you simply have to replace the <login-config> in your web.xml with the following:


The login.jsp page already exists in the project, in the src/main/webapp directory. This JSP has 3 important elements: 1) a form that submits to "${contextPath}/j_security_check", 2) an input element named "j_username" and 3) an input element named "j_password". If you restart Jetty, you'll now be prompted to login with this JSP instead of the basic authentication dialog.

Force SSL
Another thing you might want to implement to secure your application is forcing SSL for certain URLs. To do this on the same <security-constraint> you already have in web.xml, add the following after </auth-constraint>:


To configure Jetty to listen on an SSL port, add the following just after </loginServices> in your pom.xml:

    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
    <connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector">

The keystore must be generated for Jetty to start successfully, so add the keytool-maven-plugin just above the jetty-maven-plugin in pom.xml.


Now if you restart Jetty, go to http://localhost:8080 and click on the "Users" tab, you'll get a 403. What the heck?! When this first happened to me, it took me a while to figure out. It turns out that Jetty doesn't redirect to HTTPS when using Java EE authentication, so you have to manually type in https://localhost:8443/ (or add a filter to redirect for you). If you deployed this same application on Tomcat (after enabling SSL), it would redirect for you.

Store Users in a Database
Finally, to store your users in a database instead of file, you'll need to change the <loginService> in the Jetty plugin's configuration. Replace the existing <loginService> element with the following:

    <loginService implementation="">
        <name>Java EE Login</name>

The file already exists in the project and contains the database settings and table/column names for the user and role information.

jdbcdriver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/appfuse
username = root
password =
usertable = app_user
usertablekey = id
usertableuserfield = username
usertablepasswordfield = password
roletable = role
roletablekey = id
roletablerolefield = name
userroletable = user_role
userroletableuserkey = user_id
userroletablerolekey = role_id
cachetime = 300

Of course, you'll need to install MySQL for this to work. After installing it, you should be able to create an "appfuse" database and populate it using the following commands:

mysql -u root -p -e 'create database appfuse'
curl > create-appfuse.sql
mysql -u root -p appfuse < create-appfuse.sql

Next you'll need to configure Jetty so it has MySQL's JDBC Driver in its classpath. To do this, add the following dependency just after the <configuration> element (before <executions>) in pom.xml:

    <!-- MySQL for JDBC Realm -->

Now run the file in the root directory of the project to generate a password of your choosing. For example:

$ sh javaeelogin

The last two lines are obfuscated and MD5 versions of the password. Update the admin user's password to this new value. You can do this with the following SQL statement.

UPDATE app_user SET password='MD5:53b176e6ce1b5183bc970ef1ebaffd44' WHERE username = 'admin';

Now if you restart Jetty, you should be able to login with admin/javaeelogin and view the list of users.

In this tutorial, you learned how to implement authentication using standard Java EE 6. In addition to the basic XML configuration, there's also some new methods in HttpServletRequest for Java EE 6 and Servlet 3.0:

  • authenticate(response)
  • login(user, pass)
  • logout()

This tutorial doesn't show you how to use them, but I did play with them a bit as part of my UJUG demo when implementing Ajax authentication. I found that login() did work, but it didn't persist the authentication for the users session. I also found that after calling logout(), I still needed to invalidate the session to completely logout the user. There are some additional limitations I found with Java EE authentication, namely:

  • No error messages for failed logins
  • No Remember Me
  • No auto-redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
  • Container has to be configured
  • Doesn’t support regular expressions for URLs

Of course, no error messages indicating why login failed is probably a good thing (you don't want to tell users why their credentials failed). However, when you're trying to figure out if your container is configured properly, the lack of container logging can be a pain.

In the next couple weeks, I'll post Part II of this series, where I'll show you how to implement this same set of features using Spring Security. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.

Posted in Java at May 05 2011, 04:58:00 PM MDT 9 Comments

Upgraded to Apache Roller 5.0, RC4

Last Sunday, Dave Johnson released Apache Roller 5.0, RC4. Since I'm an Apache Roller committer, and I've been seeing issues with comments throwing exceptions on this site, I decided to upgrade. In doing so, I discovered a number of issues. Hopefully by documenting them here, you'll be able to upgrade from Roller 4 to Roller 5 without any issues.

To upgrade, I took a snapshot of my existing site and database and copied them locally. After getting everything setup locally (importing existing database and upgrading it), I started Tomcat and began solving problems.

Database settings - JNDI vs. Properties
With Roller 4, I configured by database settings in a ROOT.xml so they'd be read using JNDI. With Roller 5, I got the following error when I tried to do this.

<openjpa-2.0.1-r422266:989424 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException:
A JDBC Driver or DataSource class name must be specified in the ConnectionDriverName property.
       at org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.DataSourceFactory.newDataSource(

I was able to get around this issue by adding the following to my


After making this change, I received an error when Planet tried to startup:

ERROR 2011-03-02 09:56:08,502 DatabaseProvider:errorMessage - ERROR: unable to obtain database connection. 
Likely problem: bad connection parameters or database unavailable.
FATAL 2011-03-02 09:56:08,502 RollerContext:contextInitialized - Roller Planet startup failed during app preparation ERROR: unable to obtain database connection. 
Likely problem: bad connection parameters or database unavailable.

I don't remember why I enabled planet, but turning it off in seemed to solve the problem.


Password Encyrption
The next thing I tried to do was login. When this didn't work, I figured it must be related to password encryption. With Roller 4, I had to have "passwds.encryption.enabled=true" in In Roller 5, I also had to add the encryption algorithm.


GZip Compression
In November 2009, I optimized this site and used Roller's CompressionFilter and wro4j to gzip and concatenate JavaScript and CSS. With Roller 4, I used the CompressionFilter to compress *.css and *.js instead of using Wro4J's built-in gzip compression. The Roller 5 CompressionFilter seems to have issues with wro4j, so I had to disable it for *.css and *.js and use wro4j instead.

At this point, I figured I was good to go, so I zipped up my local WAR and scp'ed it to I stopped Tomcat and attempted to upgrade my production MySQL database (version 3.23.56). Below is the error I received.

$ mysql -u raible -p raible < 400-to-500-migration.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1064 (00000) at line 42: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'as w set
   lastmodified = lastmodified,
   datecreated = datecreated,
   cr' at line 1

At this point, I figured my database might be slightly hosed, but since it was simply creating tables, I was probably OK. I restarted Tomcat and left the old version in place while I waited for a MySQL 5 database instance from my hosting provider, KGB Internet. Once I got the new instance, I imported my backed-up database, ran the upgrade script and everything worked just peachy.

I generally upgrade Roller by coping the new codebase over my old one. This is because I have a lot of symlinks and other files in my "ROOT" directory and like to keep those. In doing this, I found I had to do a couple things after copying everything over:

  1. Delete WEB-INF/lib and recopy from RC4's WEB-INF/lib.
  2. Delete WEB-INF/classes and recopy from RC4's WEB-INF/classes.

I then experienced some issues with JARs not being present for Roller's JSPWikiPlugin. I enabled this long ago, but don't use it anymore. However, to keep old posts still working, I wanted to enable it. The downloads for the plugin seem to be gone, but luckily I found a copy and put all the JARs into my WEB-INF/lib directory.

After starting Tomcat and browsing around a bit, I discovered two more issues:

  1. Search doesn't seem to work. For example, there are no results for jQuery.
  2. My Archives page's calendar didn't work. It showed the following:
    $calendarModel.showWeblogEntryCalendarBig($weblog, $cat)

I was able to fix issue #2 by changing #showBigWeblogCalendar() to the following.

#showWeblogEntryCalendarBig($model.weblog "nil")

The first issue with search seems to remain.

If you notice any other issues on this site, please let me know. I'll try to get them fixed asap.

Update: I entered an issue for my search problem in Roller's JIRA. I also managed to figure out that the problem is due to the old version of oscache that's needed by the JSPWiki plugin. Hopefully we can get the plugin upgraded to avoid this issue for other users.

Posted in Roller at Mar 03 2011, 11:39:37 AM MST 7 Comments

Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS

I've always had a keen interest in implementing security in webapps. I implemented container-managed authentication (CMA) in AppFuse in 2002, watched Tomcat improve it's implementation in 2003 and implemented Remember Me with CMA in 2004. In 2005, I switched from CMA to Acegi Security (now Spring Security) and never looked back. I've been very happy with Spring Security over the years, but also hope to learn more about Apache Shiro and implementing OAuth to protect JavaScript APIs in the near future.

I was recently re-inspired to learn more about security when working on a new feature at The feature hasn't been released yet, but basically boils down to allowing users to login without leaving a page. For example, if they want to leave a review on a product, they would click a link, be prompted to login, enter their credentials, then continue to leave their review. The login prompt and subsequent review would likely be implemented using a lightbox. While lightboxes are often seen in webapps these days because they look good, it's also possible Lightbox UIs provide a poor user experience. User experience aside, I think it's interesting to see what's required to implement such a feature.

To demonstrate how we did it, I whipped up an example using AppFuse Light, jQuery and Spring Security. The source is available in my ajax-login project on GitHub. To begin, I wanted to accomplish a number of things to replicate the Overstock environment:

  1. Force HTTPS for authentication.
  2. Allow testing HTTPS without installing a certificate locally.
  3. Implement a RESTful LoginService that allows users to login.
  4. Implement login with Ajax, with the request coming from an insecure page.

Forcing HTTPS with Spring Security
The first feature was fairly easy to implement thanks to Spring Security. Its configuration supports a requires-channel attribute that can be used for this. I used this to force HTTPS on the "users" page and it subsequently causes the login to be secure.

<intercept-url pattern="/app/users" access="ROLE_ADMIN" requires-channel="https"/>

Testing HTTPS without adding a certificate locally
After making the above change in security.xml, I had to modify my jWebUnit test to work with SSL. In reality, I didn't have to modify the test, I just had to modify the configuration that ran the test. In my last post, I wrote about adding my 'untrusted' cert to my JVM keystore. For some reason, this works for HttpClient, but not for jWebUnit/HtmlUnit. The good news is I figured out an easier solution - adding the trustStore and trustStore password as system properties to the maven-failsafe-plugin configuration.


The disadvantage to doing things this way is you'll have to pass these in as arguments when running unit tests in your IDE.

Implementing a LoginService
Next, I set about implementing a LoginService as a Spring MVC Controller that returns JSON thanks to the @ResponseBody annotation and Jackson.

package org.appfuse.examples.web;

import org.appfuse.model.User;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

public class LoginService {

  AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public LoginStatus getStatus() {
    Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    if (auth != null && !auth.getName().equals("anonymousUser") && auth.isAuthenticated()) {
      return new LoginStatus(true, auth.getName());
    } else {
      return new LoginStatus(false, null);

  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
  public LoginStatus login(@RequestParam("j_username") String username,
                           @RequestParam("j_password") String password) {

    UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
    User details = new User(username);

    try {
      Authentication auth = authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
      return new LoginStatus(auth.isAuthenticated(), auth.getName());
    } catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
      return new LoginStatus(false, null);

  public class LoginStatus {

    private final boolean loggedIn;
    private final String username;

    public LoginStatus(boolean loggedIn, String username) {
      this.loggedIn = loggedIn;
      this.username = username;

    public boolean isLoggedIn() {
      return loggedIn;

    public String getUsername() {
      return username;

To verify this class worked as expected, I wrote a unit test using JUnit and Mockito. I used Mockito because Overstock is transitioning to it from EasyMock and I've found it very simple to use.

package org.appfuse.examples.web;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Matchers;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class LoginServiceTest {

  LoginService loginService;
  AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

  public void before() {
    loginService = new LoginService();
    authenticationManager = mock(AuthenticationManager.class);
    loginService.authenticationManager = authenticationManager;

  public void after() {

  public void testLoginStatusSuccess() {
    Authentication auth = new TestingAuthenticationToken("foo", "bar");
    SecurityContext context = new SecurityContextImpl();

    LoginService.LoginStatus status = loginService.getStatus();

  public void testLoginStatusFailure() {
    LoginService.LoginStatus status = loginService.getStatus();

  public void testGoodLogin() {
    Authentication auth = new TestingAuthenticationToken("foo", "bar");
    LoginService.LoginStatus status = loginService.login("foo", "bar");
    assertEquals("foo", status.getUsername());

  public void testBadLogin() {
    Authentication auth = new TestingAuthenticationToken("foo", "bar");
        .thenThrow(new BadCredentialsException("Bad Credentials"));
    LoginService.LoginStatus status = loginService.login("foo", "bar");
    assertEquals(null, status.getUsername());

Implement login with Ajax
The last feature was the hardest to implement and still isn't fully working as I'd hoped. I used jQuery and jQuery UI to implement a dialog that opens the login page on the same page rather than redirecting to the login page. The "#demo" locator refers to a button in the page.

Passing in the "ajax=true" parameter disables SiteMesh decoration on the login page, something that's described in my Ajaxified Body article.

var dialog = $('<div></div>');

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.get('/login?ajax=true', function(data) {
            autoOpen: false,
	       title: 'Authentication Required'

    $('#demo').click(function() {
      // prevent the default action, e.g., following a link
      return false;

Instead of adding a click handler to a specific id, it's probably better to use a CSS class that indicates authentication is required for a link, or -- even better -- use Ajax to see if the link is secured.

The login page then has the following JavaScript to add a click handler to the "login" button that submits the request securely to the LoginService.

var getHost = function() {
    var port = (window.location.port == "8080") ? ":8443" : "";
    return ((secure) ? 'https://' : 'http://') + window.location.hostname + port;

var loginFailed = function(data, status) {
    $('#username-label').before('<div class="error">Login failed, please try again.</div>');

$("#login").live('click', function(e) {
    $.ajax({url: getHost() + "/api/login.json",
        type: "POST",
        data: $("#loginForm").serialize(),
        success: function(data, status) {
            if (data.loggedIn) {
                // success
                location.href= getHost() + '/users';
            } else {
        error: loginFailed

The biggest secret to making this all work (the HTTP -> HTTPS communication, which is considered cross-domain), is the Transport and the jQuery plugin that implements it. To make this plugin work with Firefox 3.6, I had to implement a Filter that adds Access-Control headers. A question on Stackoverflow helped me figure this out.

public class OptionsHeadersFilter implements Filter {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;

        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "360");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with");

        chain.doFilter(req, res);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {

    public void destroy() {

I encountered a number of issues when implementing this in the ajax-login project.

  • If you try to run this with ports (e.g. 8080 and 8443) in your URLs, you'll get a 501 (Not Implemented) response. Removing the ports by fronting with Apache and mod_proxy solves this problem.
  • If you haven't accepted the certificate in your browser, the Ajax request will fail. In the example, I solved this by clicking on the "Users" tab to make a secure request, then going back to the homepage to try and login.
  • The jQuery version 0.9.1 doesn't work with jQuery 1.5.0. The error is "$.httpSuccess function not found."
  • Finally, even though I was able to authenticate successfully, I was unable to make the authentication persist. I tried adding the following to persist the updated SecurityContext to the session, but it doesn't work. I expect the solution is to create a secure JSESSIONID cookie somehow.
    SecurityContextRepository repository;
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public LoginStatus login(@RequestParam("j_username") String username,
                             @RequestParam("j_password") String password,
                             HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
        try {
            Authentication auth = authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
            // save the updated context to the session
            repository.saveContext(SecurityContextHolder.getContext(), request, response);
            return new LoginStatus(auth.isAuthenticated(), auth.getName());
        } catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
            return new LoginStatus(false, null);

This article has shown you how to force HTTPS for login, how to do integration testing with a self-generated certificate, how to implement a LoginService with Spring MVC and Spring Security, as well as how to use jQuery to talk to a service cross-domain with the Transport. While I don't have everything working as much as I'd like, I hope this helps you implement a similar feature in your applications.

One thing to be aware of is with lightbox/dialog logins and HTTP -> HTTPS is that users won't see a secure icon in their address bar. If your app has sensitive data, you might want to force https for your entire app. OWASP's Secure Login Pages has a lot of good tips in this area.

Update: I've posted a demo of the ajax-login webapp. Thanks to Contegix for hosting the demo and helping obtain/install an SSL certificate so quickly.

Posted in Java at Feb 23 2011, 04:55:55 PM MST 13 Comments

2010 - A Year in Review

2010 was a heckuva year, possibly one of my all-time favorites. It started with lots of anticipated fun and ended with lots of travel, skiing and relaxing and I'm only just now finding time to write this post. I had a lot of goals when I started 2010; the top two being my favorite:

  • Happiness
  • Girl

The rest of my goals involved running, skiing, mountain biking and finishing The Bus. I also had some professional goals that involved open source, conferences, publishing articles and learning new technologies. I accomplished about 75% of my personal goals and 50% of my professional goals. I'm pretty happy with these percentages considering how much fun I had last year.

In December 2009, I started working with Time Warner Cable as their Chief Architect of Web Development. I was hired to help them build a team of hard-working developers that could quickly build their online video presence. In January, we started getting our ducks in a row with some Agile Training in Virginia, followed by hiring some Agile Coaches. The only technical post I had during this process was about development infrastructure stacks. Both at TWC and my current gig, I've found myself enjoying the following stack:

  • Source Control: SVN
  • Source Viewer: FishEye
  • Wiki: Confluence
  • Bug Tracker: JIRA
  • Continuous Integration: Hudson

We tried Git for a couple months at TWC, but ended up reverting to SVN after we had "code deleted" issues during one of our most intense development cycles. When the kids and I weren't skiing, we worked on documenting How to be a Super Hero and The Adventures of Upside Down Man.

In February, I refreshed my Grails knowledge, later learning that it was tough to teach Grails to developers that didn't know Java. First of all, a lot of Grails and Groovy books are targeted at Java Developers. Secondly, the developers I was trying to sell it to had more interest in learning Java. Since I failed to sell Grails, we ended up using Spring + jQuery to build our app. I don't think was a bad decision as most of our development ended up being UI: ActionScript/Flex, Objective-C and jQuery/HTML.

My laptop was stolen from my living room in early February. It worked out nicely in the end since I didn't lose any data (thanks to good backups) and my business insurance covered the loss. My parents came out and helped me finish remodeling my guest room. I posted about My Future of Web Frameworks Presentations and became a proud father when "Jack was flying past both Abbie and I and giggling while doing it".

By the beginning of March, we'd hired a team of 10 at TWC and I took a trip to Jackson Hole to celebrate.

The thing I enjoyed the most about this trip was how well the group jelled. Kudos to Chris for assembling such an awesome group and putting such a spectacular trip together. Can't wait for next year.

Top o' Jackson Hole

The next week, I flew to Las Vegas for The ServerSide Java Symposium and enjoyed sessions on Cloud, Web Service APIs, Flex, Spring 3 and Cameron's Lessons Learned from the Internet Age. I posted my Future of Web Frameworks and GWT vs. Flex Smackdown presentations after the conference.

I ended March with The Trifecta.

You are about to experience Copper's High Alpine Nice ride up Storm King Spaulding Bowl View from Enchanted Forest

For Easter, I purchased an iPad and reviewed it a few days later. Seven months later, I'm not enthralled with the iPad, but I do think it's a heckuva lot better than the Galaxy Tab. I don't use it much, except for movies when traveling. My kids are its primary users, mostly using it for games and Netflix.

We visited my parents in Oregon and celebrated my Mom's retirement.

Huckleberry Aficionado Oregon Garden Brewfest Happy Beer Drinkers Old Friends

The picture I took of my Mom and Abbie that weekend is one of my all-time favorites.

Abbie and Mimi

At the end of April, I said farewell to the ski season, getting in 25 days; a personal best. I'm happy to report I have 10 days in so far this year, so my goal of 30 days looks to be well on track. No helicopter attempts yet, but hopefully soon.

I ended the month with a work trip to Seattle and painting the town red with my sister and Mya.

Sweet Seats at the Mariner's Game Rally Caps! Midnight Wheeeeee!!

I returned to Denver and turned off my TV for a month. I wrote about my experience in early June. For Memorial Day Weekend, I went mountain biking in Moab and had a blast at the Desert Rocks Music Festival. The Porcupine Rim ride took us 4.5 hours and we tracked 26.75 miles. The several points in the trail with "death on the right" were truly epic.

Hazard County Trail Close to The Edge Awesome Singletrack Sweet View

June started with our annual Ride to Red Rocks. I slept six hours and did the 25-mile off-road Elephant Rock ride the next morning. The next morning I hopped on a plane to Ireland for the Irish Software Show. My sister joined me and we had an incredible time with Jamie, Rob, John and Josh.

Straight to the top! Mmmmm, Guinness The Storehouse is shaped like a pint glass Brainwave

Upon returning to work, I got to have an awkward conversation with my client about all the vacation I was taking.

Fire in Background, 100 foot tall flames For Father's Day, my parents drove to Denver and we packed up the camping gear for a fun weekend at The Great Sand Dunes. After The Dunes, my parents and kids drove to The Cabin, camping out and touring Yellowstone along the way. That Thursday, June 24th, I attended my good friend Jason's birthday party in Lodo.

That's the night I met Trish.

I saw her switch from a Martini to a Guinness and I knew I had to talk to her. I introduced myself and quickly found myself conflicted with having a soon-to-expire iPhone 4 reservation at the Apple Store. I rushed out to grab the phone, returning because there was something special about Trish. We talked for a couple hours that night ... me mesmerized, her smiling a lot. I was dumbfounded to find such a cool person existed in the world. At the end of the night, I got her number and drove home with a feeling that my life was about to change.

The next day, I began a road trip to The Last Best Place for a Montana Summer Vacation.

Big Sky Country Ready for the Parade Chris Auchenbach Meadow Lake Golf Course in Columbia Falls

During that trip, Trish and I exchanged occasional text messages and I told many friends about the kick-ass girl I met. It was another great Montana vacation.

My favorite part of this year's trip to The Cabin was seeing it as a home again. My Mom retired in April and my parents moved back to Montana shortly after. Seeing how happy they are there is truly magical. I especially enjoy the thought of visiting them and all the wonderful folks in the Swan Valley many, many times in the future.

The kids and I drove like bats out of hell and made it back to Denver (950 miles) in 14.25 hours. I quickly scheduled a first date with Trish that Wednesday, and went back to work at TWC with a renewed energy. After our first date, I formed a sort of perma-grin. That Friday was my birthday. I've been having a blast with Trish ever since.

July ended with a trip to the Lost Coast for Jess and Lili's Wedding.

The reception afterwards was a truly spectacular party that lasted well into the evening. Clint and I vowed to go to bed early, but we ended up having so much fun we closed the place down. Jess and Lili were an instrumental part in creating a spectacular night, especially with their wedding dance and infectious happiness.

Lili and Jess

In August, I celebrated this blog's 8th birthday and we started our "60-Day Push" at work. The goal of our 60-Day Push was to re-write our Video Portal, iPad and Sony Blu-ray apps from scratch, without politics dictating their features. We hired Method for design, chose our own features and went to work. I wrote about the success of this effort in October.

I neglected to write about the Denver Cruisers Saints and Sinners ride or how much fun we had listening to B.B. King at Red Rocks.

Abbie and Jack's first day of school was on August 16th.

Pretend like you're playing Wii Jack!

At the end of August, we celebrated Jack's 6th Birthday and attended my Cousin Amy's Wedding in Missouri.

Wheee! Super Mario Bros. Cake Tebow Fan

The Happy Couple Jack and Abbie The Cousins

September rolled in, we finished the majority of the work in our 60-Day Push and Trish and I drove up to Estes Park for an epic weekend at the Scottish-Irish Festival. We rode our bikes in the parade (by accident), enjoyed a few pints and even did a bit of fly-fishing near our riverside accommodations.

Beautiful View Plane in Sky Ride to Stanley Hotel View from The Stanley Hotel

We listened to the 1st 2010 Broncos game while driving back from Estes and slipped into a Rockies game shortly after losing. Our sadness over the Broncos loss was erased within a couple hours as we celebrated Jason Giambi's walk-off home run. Unfortunately, the Rockies didn't make it to the post-season, but the Broncos looked good at their home opener.

Fighter Jets

October came quickly and I wrote How's the ol' Team Doing and defended the Age of Frameworks. At the end of October, we moved into TWC's Lodo Office on Wynkoop. That weekend, we dressed up as superheros for Halloween.

November started off with Abbie's birthday and Trish got to meet the kids for the first time. From there, we went into traveling-like-madmen mode. We enjoyed suite seats at the Broncos vs. Kansas City game, then flew to Amsterdam for Devoxx the next morning (performing an AppFuse release along the way). I presented on Thursday and posted my Comparing JVM Web Frameworks presentation shortly after. I wrote about our trip while at The Cabin for Thanksgiving.

Sunset in Amsterdam Waffles at Désiré de Lille Partying with the Adobe Crew Ghent

I flew back from Montana, stopped in at the Lodo office for a couple days, then hopped on a plane to the Rich Web Experience with Trish. My presentations went well, sparked some controversy, and we raced to Key West to celebrate the end of the conference season.

Dreams do come true. Sunset in Key Largo Piña Coladas in Key Largo Key Largo Sunset

I returned to Denver for my last week at TWC, enjoyed a couple days of skiing, then headed to Utah for an interview with While I enjoyed my time at TWC, my contract duration was up and being a full-time employee didn't give me the vacation time I tend to enjoy. My interview with was two days, with the 2nd day on the slopes at Snowbird. I was very impressed by the company, people and interview process and agreed to work there on the way to the airport.

I returned to Denver for Trish's Birthday Weekend at Breckenridge, then flew down to Naples on Wednesday to spend Christmas with her family. It was my first time meeting her parents, but that didn't stop us from having a great time talking, beach-going, golfing and relaxing.

Trish and her awesome parents Hot Santa Scotch: Making White Men Dance since 1494. Sunset in Naples

We returned to Denver, I tried to get AppFuse 2.1 finished and then we celebrated New Years with friends in Steamboat.

Good Morning from Steamboat! Sunrise over Steamboat

As I reminisce about last year, I can't help but smile. While I've been a happy person for a while, having someone to share your life with is a special thing. I feel like I dreamed up Trish a couple years ago. I was looking for someone that liked to do my favorite activities: mountain biking, skiing, traveling the world and enjoying good beer. I found that and more in Trish and couldn't be happier.

I didn't write as many technical posts on this blog as I'd like to, but I attribute that mostly to the lack of learning new things at TWC. At, I expect that to change and hope to have more technical articles in the coming year.

At the end of last year's Year in Review, I wrote:

I hope to speak at (or attend) 3 conferences, finish up The Bus and do a whole bunch of skiing and mountain biking.

I accomplished all but one goal: finishing The Bus. In 2011, I plan on doing two main things: keep rockin' it with Trish and finishing The Bus. Everything else is gravy. ;-)

It's gonna be a spectacular year.

Double Rainbow

Posted in Roller at Jan 10 2011, 11:42:01 AM MST 5 Comments

How's the ol' Team Doing?

Back in March, I wrote about How We Hired a Team of 10 in 2 Months:

This week, we on-boarded 3 of our final 4 developers. I breathed a big sigh of relief that the hiring was over and we could get back to slinging code and making things happen. As luck would have it, I received an e-mail from my boss on Tuesday that the hiring engine is starting up again and we need to hire 6 more developers. While I'm not anxious to start the Hiring Engine again, I am glad to know it works well and it has helped us build a great team.

We never ended up hiring those additional 6 developers, but we've had quite a ride since March. One of the first commenters on my original post wrote:

I hope that whirlwind of hiring works out for you Matt. But, don't you think it's a bit early to be declaring success?

At that time, we still had a lot of work to do to become a successful team. However, by the end of March, we'd finished our first deliverable - converting a somewhat slow ColdFusion/jQuery/Video webapp into a fast Java/jQuery/Video webapp. The slowness wasn't due to ColdFusion, but mostly performance, caching and YSlow-type optimizations. At that time, we surprised the folks that were in charge of our app. They didn't think we'd finish so fast and it took them awhile to decide what to do with our work.

While we were waiting for the product folks to launch our app in April/May, we decided to experiment with developing some new clients. So we wrote an iPhone app, an Android App, an iPhone/Android/iPad/HTML5 version of our webapp and a Blu-ray client. All of these applications used our webapp's backend RESTful services and we were able to learn the SDKs and implement all the apps in a matter of weeks. In May, we demoed all our clients and got rave reviews from executives. We celebrated that afternoon with a big sigh of relief.

The glowing from our many-clients demo was short-lived. A week later, we were asked to enhance our iPad app to include TV-Remote type features, namely channel-changing and DVR functionality. After freaking out and trying to figure out how to deliver such an app in a week, the demo was rescheduled and we were afforded 2 weeks to build the app. After much frantic development, we were able to complete the app in time and the demo was published to YouTube a couple months later.

In June, if you asked me if we were a successful team, I would've definitely said "Yes!" We'd been asked to develop apps for 3 different demos and we delivered on-time.

The remainder of June and July we slipped into a bit of limbo where we weren't asked to develop anything, but simply maintain and enhance the stuff we'd already developed. After a few weeks of doing this, several of us began to wonder if the apps we'd developed would ever see the light of day. We expressed this concern to our VP and a new idea was hatched: The 60-Day Push.

The 60-Day Push was designed to eliminate politics and meetings and allow us to develop a 3-screen (PC, iPad, TV) experience for our video content. We decided to aim high and try to complete most of the work in 30-days, so we could do executive demos of our progress. We started all our applications from scratch, split into Services, Portal, TV and iPad teams and worked with Method to implement a slick design for all our apps. I'm proud to say we delivered yet again and there were many proud moments as we demoed to the top executives of the company.

In early September, after doing several demos, we were approved to launch and we've been working towards that goal ever since. We feel we have several weeks of work to coax our DemoWare into RealWorldWare, but the momentum is there and the end of the tunnel is in sight.

As a further sign of our success, we're moving into a new office in LoDo next week. This also means the End of an Era, where the Raible Designs' office across from Forest Room 5 will cease to exist. We (Goodwill, Scotty, Country Bry and I) first moved into this office while working for Evite in April 2009. It's been a fantastic location, a facilitator of extensive collaboration and host to many dart games, FACs, bird-dog spottings and way too many Mom Jokes.

As part of our transition, I'll be looking for renters to fill out the rest of my lease (through March 2010). If you're looking for a sweet location for 5-6 people in Denver's Highlands (near the REI store downtown), please let me know.

Also, there's a good chance my team will continue to grow as we move our apps into production and start ramping up for millions of users. If you're a strong Web or Java developer with social skills and a Ditchdigger attitude, I'd love to hear from you. We probably won't be hiring until January, but that doesn't mean we can't start talking now.

Posted in Java at Oct 21 2010, 09:00:41 AM MDT 5 Comments

My Presentations from The Irish Software Show 2010

This week I've been enjoying Dublin, Ireland thanks to the 2nd Annual Irish Software Show. On Wednesday night, I spoke about The Future of Web Frameworks and participated in a panel with Grails, Rails, ASP.NET MVC and Seaside developers. It was a fun night with lots of lively discussion. Below is my presentation from this event.

This morning, I delivered my Comparing Kick-Ass Web Frameworks talk. This presentation contains updated statistics for various metrics comparing Rails vs. Grails and Flex vs. GWT.

Thanks to all who attended my talks this week!

P.S. I believe audio was recorded on Wednesday night, but I'm unsure how it turned out. I'm pretty sure no recordings were done on this morning's session.

Posted in Java at Jun 10 2010, 07:11:35 AM MDT 9 Comments