The Angular Mini-Book is a
guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and
deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.
Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with
Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.
This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the
plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks
so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.
10 years ago yesterday, I released the first version of AppFuse. It started with XDoclet generating ActionForms from POJOs and became very popular for Struts developers that wanted to use Hibernate. The project's popularity peaked in 2006, as you can see from the mailing list traffic below.
It's possible the decrease in traffic is because we re-wrote everything to be based on Maven. It's also possible it was because of more attractive full-stack frameworks like Grails and Rails. However, the real reason is likely that I stopped working on it all the time due to getting a divorcebecoming an awesome dad.
Below is a timeline of how the project evolved over its first 4 years.
AppFuse has been a great project for me to work on and it's been a large source of my knowledge about Java, Web Frameworks, Spring, Hibernate - as well as build systems like Ant and Maven. We started with CVS, moved to SVN and now we're on GitHub. We've experienced migrating from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5 (thanks Serge Eby!), upgrading to JSF 2 and enjoyed the backwards compatibility of Spring and Struts 2 throughout the years. We've also added REST support, a Web Services archetype and kept up with the latest Spring and Hibernate releases.
Last year, we added Bootstrap and jQuery as foundational front-end frameworks. For our next release, we're switching to PrimeFaces, adding Wicket and changing from jMock to Mockito. Most of these changes are already in source control, we just need to polish them up a bit and add AMP support. I hope to release 3.0 before the bus is done.
Thanks to all the enthusiastic users of and contributors to AppFuse over the years. It's been a great ride!
This week, my lovely fiancé and I traveled to the City of Light. Our journey was designed around some speaking engagements at Devoxx France. Devoxx is one of my favorite conference franchises and Devoxx France has been special to me ever since the Devoxx (Belgium) I spoke at in 2011.
2011 was the year I spoke about my experience with Play, Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade. I wrote the presentation on my flight over, composed the demo video the night before and made it all happen in the nick of time. Of course, this was after 120 hours of research and preparation, so the presentation composition process had all the data I needed. You can imagine my sense of relief after pulling off that talk and getting an enthusiastic applause from the audience for my efforts.
One of the first audience questions I received was from Nicolas Martignole, asking if I'd speak at Devoxx France the following year. I whole-heartedly agreed to do it and was excited for the opportunity. It was with great disappointment that I later found out I couldn't attend Devoxx France in 2012. My client didn't like me taking so much time off and I agreed to scale my two week vacation back to 1 week. This year, I was determined to go, so I submitted some of my favorite talks: Comparing JVM Web Frameworks and The Play vs. Grails Smackdown with James Ward. I was extremely pleased when they both got accepted.
Side Story: I met Martin Odersky shortly when he sat down next to me for the Java Posse presentation in Belgium in 2011. After shaking his hand and introducing myself, I had to politely ask him to leave because it was Trish's seat. Talk about awkward; but Martin was very gracious and promptly found a new seat close by.
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks
Both talks required a bit of updating. For Comparing JVM Web Frameworks, I started reading The Paradox of Choice and found many parallels to the agony that developers experience with choosing a web framework. I described how I didn't think good framework decisions were based on the many, many features that frameworks have, but often on pre-defined constraints. There's those lucky developers that get to choose a Full Stack Framework because they're doing greenfield development. Then there's those that want a better Pure Web Framework that replaces something (e.g. Struts) that's not satisfying their needs. And lastly, there's those that've found it possible to leverage a SOFEA and use a JavaScript MVC framework with an API Framework on the backend. I don't think it makes sense to compare all web frameworks and I tried to use these pre-defined constraints (language, platform and application type) argument to separate into categories and help make choosing easier.
I took out the parts of the presentation that've pissed people off in the past - particular the JSF bashing by James Gosling, the Rails gushing from Craig McClanahan and the Pros and Cons sections of each framework. I added the history of web frameworks and research from InfoQ and
The best part of the JVM Web Frameworks talk was the audience's reaction and enthusiasm. Devoxx always seems to attract passionate developers and Devoxx France was no different. Developers packing the room, clapping after your intro, laughing at your jokes, signifying that they agree with you about JSF. As a speaker, it's an unbelievable experience.
You can view my Comparing JVM Web Frameworks presentation below or on
Play Frameworks vs. Grails Smackdown
To prepare for James Ward and my Play vs. Grails Smackdown, we had a number of goals. First of all, we wanted to update our apps to use the latest versions of each framework. I documented what it took for Grails, James just checked in his code to GitHub. It was interesting to see that Grails 2.0.3 -> 2.2.1 caused a number of issues with testing, while Play 2.0.3 -> Play 2.1.0 required API changes, but nothing for tests. Secondly, we updated all the stats for our pretty graphs and ran load tests again.
This is where the fun started. On Tuesday evening, I decided to challenge the notion that Play was twice as fast as Grails. James had proven this with Apache Bench tests. With Play 2.0 and Grails 2.0 (last summer), we clocked Play at 251/requests per second and 198 for Grails. After upgrading each app to the latest releases, we found the numbers to be 233/second for Play and 118 for Grails.
However, Apache Bench only tests until the first byte is received. Since I've done a lot of browser optimizations recently, I fired up, captured a screenshot and added it to our presentation. The next day, James added a CDN and a bunch of caching to his app and re-ran his AB tests.
Now he was smoking Grails, so I added a CDN and caching as well. However, the best I could do was just over 1000/requests per second, while he was around 2200/second. When he ran live tests during our talk, Play was around 2800/sec and Grails was around 900.
It was great to see how much better performance we could get with caching and a CDN. The best part is this should be available to most applications, not just these frameworks. By adding a CDN (we used Amazon CloudFront) and caching, we were both able to 10x the performance of our apps. You can find our presentation here or view it below.
This was a very enjoyable conference to attend as a speaker. First of all, it was in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but it's also a very special place for Trish and I. We got engaged just outside of Paris in Versailles after the last Devoxx conference I spoke at. Trish has some amazing photos from that trip. Secondly, the Devoxx conference attracts a special kind of developer - one that is passionate about and eager for knowledge. Lastly, speaking with my good friend James, in an exotic city about something we love - that was special. Asking for beers and having them brought to us at the start of our Smackdown. That was magical (thanks Nicolas!).
To all the Devoxx organizers and crew - well done on a great show!
In preparation for my Grails vs. Play Smackdown at Devoxx France next week, I recently upgraded my Grails version of Happy Trails from Grails 2.0.3 to Grails 2.2.1. I ran into a few issues along the way and figured I'd document them here to help others out.
Fixing the source The first issue I ran into was Spock and Groovy 2 incompatibilities.
| Resolving plugin JAR dependencies
| Error WARNING: Dependencies cannot be resolved for plugin [mail] due to error: startup failed:
Could not instantiate global transform class org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform specified at jar:file:/Users/mraible/.grails/ivy-cache/org.spockframework/spock-core/jars/spock-core-0.7-groovy-1.8.jar!/META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation because of exception org.spockframework.util.IncompatibleGroovyVersionException: The Spock compiler plugin cannot execute because Spock 0.7.0-groovy-1.8 is not compatible with Groovy 2.0.7. For more information, see
I posted the problem to StackOverflow and got a response almost immediately. While this pull request helped me quite a bit, it was ultimately caused by my vision: I had two "geb-spock" dependencies listed in BuildConfig.groovy with different groupIds.
At this point, I also moved all my plugin dependencies from to BuildConfig.groovy.
The next problem I ran into was a unit test and functional tests failing. The unit testing issue was caused by my Direction model not being in the tests @Mock annotation. After I added it, validation kicked and I recognized my test was invalid. I added @Ignore and continued.
The functional test seemed to be seemed to be caused by Geb and it trying to use the Chrome Driver. One of my tests didn't work with the default HtmlUnitDriver, so I used the ChromeDriver for the one test.
| Running 11 spock tests... 6 of 11
| Failure: signup as a new user(happytrails.AuthenticatedUserSpec)
| org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Unable to either launch or connect to Chrome. Please check that ChromeDriver is up-to-date. Using Chrome binary at: /Applications/Google Chrome (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 45.66 seconds
Build info: version: '2.27.0', revision: '18259', time: '2012-12-05 11:30:53'
System info: 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.8.2', java.version: '1.7.0_04'
Driver info:
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler.createThrowable(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler.throwIfResponseFailed(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.execute(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.startSession(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.(
at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.(
at happytrails.AuthenticatedUserSpec.signup as a new user(AuthenticatedUserSpec.groovy:25)
Even when running "grails -Dgeb.env=chrome test-app", this still happened. This was caused by the fact that I had GebConfig.groovy in test/functional/happytrails. Move it to test/functional solved the problem. I also discovered that I know longer needed Chrome to get this test to pass. Apparently, the HtmlUnitDriver has issues with Grails 2.2, but it seems to work for me.
After getting the Geb configuration fixed, I ran into a functional test failure:
| Running 11 spock tests... 5 of 11
| Failure: click signup link(happytrails.AuthenticatedUserSpec)
| org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element must be displayed to click (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Even though I could see the "signup" link when I ran "grails run-app", I could see that it didn't show up when running tests in Chrome. This turned out to be caused by an extraneous <div class="nav-collapse"> I had in my main.gsp. Removing it solved the problem. It's strange that this never showed up with Grails 2.0. My only guess is that Geb someone didn't look at the visibility of the element.
The last testing-related issue I ran into was a InvalidElementStateException:
| Running 11 spock tests... 7 of 11
| Failure: add new route to region(happytrails.AuthenticatedUserSpec)
| org.openqa.selenium.InvalidElementStateException: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
I was able to fix this by changing AddRoutePage.groovy from:
And then referencing name, distance and location accordingly (, etc.) in AuthenticatedUserSpec.groovy.
After I had everything working locally, I logged into Jenkins on CloudBees. Since I hadn't used it in a while, I had to wait a bit while my Jenkins server was re-commissioned. Once it was up, I tried to select Grails 2.2.1 to build with, but found it wasn't available. After a tweeting this, I learned about Grails Wrapper, found that the latest Grails Jenkins plugin supported it and got everything working. I later discovered that CloudBees does support Grails 2.2.1, I just needed to setup another Grails installation to automatically download and install 2.2.1.
The last two issues I ran into were with Heroku. Since I was upgrading everything, I wanted Grails to build/run under Java 7 and use Servlet 3. I changed the appropriate properties in BuildConfig.groovy, configured Heroku and deployed. No dice.
Sidenote: I tried building with Java 8 on CloudBees, but discovered the searchable plugin doesn't support it.
Compile error during compilation with javac.
/scratch/jenkins/workspace/Happy Trails - Grails 2/work/plugins/searchable-0.6.4/src/java/grails/plugin/searchable/internal/compass/index/ error: reference to delete is ambiguous
both method delete(CompassQuery) in CompassOperations and method delete(CompassQuery) in CompassIndexSession match
As far as Servlet 3, it was pretty obvious that the Jetty version Heroku uses for Grails doesn't support it. Therefore, I reverted back to Servlet 2.5.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/AsyncContext
at org.codehaus.groovy.util.LazyReference.getLocked(
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
I sent the Java 7 issue to Heroku Support a few days ago but haven't heard back yet.
While upgrading Grails from 2.0 to 2.2 wasn't as easy as expected, it is understandable. After all, Grails 2.2 ships with Groovy 2.0, which has a bunch of new features itself. All the issues I ran into were fairly easy to solve, except for Java 7 on Heroku. But hey, what do you expect from a free hosting service?
If you're at Devoxx France next week, I look forward to sharing our research on Grails 2.2.1 vs. Play 2.1.0.
David Díaz Clavijo sent me an email a couple weeks ago asking me about comparing web frameworks.
David is a computer engineering student at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) in the Canary Islands, Spain. His FYP (Final Year Project) is a web frameworks comparison focused on high productivity frameworks. He's started a blog to help facilitate his work and has been writing some interesting posts.
Four frameworks will be compared. The comparison test is composed by four fixed time tasks for each framework:
Learning the programming language: 5 hours
Making exercises in the programming language: 15 hours
Learning the framework: 25 hours
Developing the website: 50 hours
After all process is done, it can be seen which framework presented a higher productivity and smaller learning curve.
We have decided a cross-language set of frameworks which are: Ruby on Rails, Grails, Django and Code Igniter.
Sorry it took me so long to respond. I think your approach as far as learning the language, making exercises, learning the framework and developing the website is good. As you know, the last one you develop with will likely do well because you're repeated the steps so much with the other ones.
However, there's one thing I think you're doing wrong. In the real world, I don't believe that an architect would look at *all* the available web frameworks and choose one. I believe most of them already have a language bias or there's a target platform (e.g. LAMP, JVM, etc.).
I believe the majority of development happens today where a platform is already in place. Even moreso, the backend may already be in place and the company is simply trying to find a more productive front-end framework. In the first instance, where the platform is already chosen, the chooser's options are immediately limited. For example, if it's the JVM, Django might be eliminated because JPython isn't that up-to-snuff or widely used (this could be changing). However, it could be said that all the frameworks you've chosen (including Code Igniter) can run on the JVM.
I just don't see people identifying web frameworks across such a wide variety of languages. I think folks generally choose a platform, then a language, then a framework. It's possible that startups will do it differently by choosing a language first. However, I imagine most startups have a technical founder that already has some preference towards a particular language.
Now it's your turn, dear readers. Have you ever been in a situation where you've been able to pick a web framework across all languages? Did any of your biases enter into the equation?
How would you recommend David go about choosing web framework candidates?
In early February, as I was creating my Modern Java Web Developer presentation, I came across a training event that was similarly named. Since I happened to know the instructor, I shot him off an email asking more about it. He promptly replied a week later with an intriguing description. The following sentence really stood out for me:
They are NOT beginning workshops -- newbie information is easily found online, in books, at UG meetings, etc. They are targeted at working professionals who want to take their game to the next level.
The other thing that really struck me about this training was it was à la carte; meaning you could pick and pay for just the days you wanted to attend. Scott gave me a two-for-one deal and I signed up for the following workshops:
Normally, attending a training course would have an opportunity cost for me. However, since I work remotely and it doesn't matter where I work, I decided to work from the class. It turned out to be a great idea because it had the same feel of a productive day at the coffeeshop, but it was a coffeeshop full of knowledge. Instead of looking up and doing some people watching or getting distracted by social media, I would look up and learn something new. I actually ended up getting more done in those two training classes than I normally do at my LoDo Office.
Advanced JavaScript The Advanced JavaScript workshop was taught by Kyle Simpson. This was my first time meeting Kyle and I was immediately impressed by his resume, especially his worked on Firefox Developer Tools for 9 months credentials. He started out talking about good JavaScript documentation on sites such as MDN and Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript. Tip: append "mdn" to any searches for JavaScript topics and you're likely to get better results. Not only that, but MDN is a wiki so you can improve it too. From there, we moved onto DOM Events, event propagation (e.g. bubbling vs. capturing), event management, scopes, this, closures and design patterns. It was a very deep dive into JavaScript and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Airplane-Mode HTML5 The Airplane-Mode HTML5 workshop was taught by Scott Davis (his site is currently down, should be fixed next week). Scott talked about many things I was already familiar with, but I still managed to learn a bunch of new tips and tricks. He started by having us install Node, volo and creating projects. He showed how package.json is the JS project's equivalent of pom.xml.
Next, he plunged into viewports, orientation and how to use CSS3 media queries. I've always used min-device-width and max-device-width in my media queries, so orientation: portrait and orientation: landscape was a useful tip. He taught us about CSS3's pseudo-classes (esp. for validation) and pointed us to the Forward Thinking Form Validation article. We learned about using and how it can be a useful tool for finding your browser's capabilities, particularly when you're in a black box environment (e.g. a browser on a TV). I knew about Modernizr, but wasn't aware of has.js for JavaScript feature detection.
Scott talked about many more topics, from HTML5 forms and mobile links to geolocation and maps. He ended the day talking about local storage and application cache.
The Good
First of all, the price was perfect at around $250 per day. The best part for me was that I learned more than I expected to. Not only that, but I didn't have to endure any opportunity cost to attend these workshops. There were times I wish I didn't have to work, but it was cool to have "learning stuff" as a distraction rather than social media.
The Bad
The Location. I ride my bike to work year-round and only sit in traffic a few times per year. So I know I'm biased. The location was in Louisville and while it should be only a 30-minute commute, I spent 2 hours in the car each day. Once I got there, the facility was great, the internet was fast and the lunch choices were splendid.
I've been interested in integrating GWT into AppFuse ever since I blogged about it 4 years ago. A few months after that post, I wrote about Enhancing with GWT and Grails. After Evite, I had a gig near Boston where I developed with GXT for the remainder of the year. When all was said and done, I ended up spending a year with GWT and really enjoyed my experience. I haven't used it much since.
It needs a lot of testing yet but it's getting quite there
As you can imagine, I was very excited to hear about Iván's work. So I cloned his repo, built gwt-bootstrap locally and checked it out. Functionality wise, it was great! However, when I dug into the source code, I found a whole lotta code.
To see how the GWT flavor compared to the other implementations in AppFuse, I created a cloc report on the various web frameworks in AppFuse. I'm sure these reports could be adjusted to be more accurate, but I believe they give a good general overview. I posted some graphs that displays my findings in visual form.
When I sent this to the mailing list, Ivan responded that it was a lot of code and estimated 12 new files would be needed to CRUD an entity. This sure seems like a lot to me, but he defended this yesterday and noted that his implementation follows many of GWT's latest best
practices: MVP pattern, Activities and Places, EventBus, Gin and Guice. He also shared a wiki page with explanations and diagrams of how things work.
The reason I'm writing this post is to get more feedback on this implementation. First of all, does GWT really require this much code? Secondly, are there other GWT implementations that reduce a lot of the boilerplate? SmartGWT, Vaadin* and Errai come to mind.
If you were starting a new GWT project and using AppFuse, how would you want it implemented?
On October 30th, 2012, shortly after I'd woke up, I received an email from my old friend Jess (of Jess and Lili's Legendary Wedding). Its subject: "Wanna go to Mexico?"
We are taking a trip to Mexico Feb 16-24 with some friends from here and have one spot that just came open in the house we are all renting together. It's a sweet spot, 1 hour north of Puerto Vallarta. It has seven bedrooms each with own bathroom, a cook, private beach and nice pool, link below. Works out to about $1100 per week per couple.
As you can imagine, I was immediately enticed by the opportunity. I checked my schedule, verified they had high-speed internet and responded We're IN! a couple hours later.
A couple weeks ago, we embarked on this journey and had a great time. The house was awesome, the company was fantastic and the views were spectacular. Not only that, but the town we stayed in (Chacala) was very authentic. No resorts, hardly any paved roads and nary a tourist in sight.
We didn't take our kids, but a few families did, resulting in 19 people total. Everyone got along swimmingly, the home-cooked meals were wonderful and the weather was beautiful.
For the most part, we didn't do much throughout the week. I had to work, so I spent my days on the computer with an occasional break to play a game of volleyball. I experienced the same issue I did in Maui and Kauai last year, where my MacBook Pro couldn't find my hard drive. Yeah, it's a first-world problem: my laptop tries to stop me from working when I'm on a beach. Luckily, I had a backup (external) hard drive that I could plugin and work from.
We did a whale watching and snorkeling trip on a Catamaran one afternoon. We didn't get any good whale pictures, but we had many sightings.
I only ventured into Chacala once, but found it to have a lovely beach, good music, and tasty restaurants.
Thanks to Jess and everyone else for inviting us to this magnificent place in Mexico. We had a great time, made a lot of new friends and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Last night, I had the pleasure of delivering two talks at the Denver Java User Group. The first talk, The Modern Java Web Developer, was inspired by the book titled The Well-Grounded Java Developer. Ben Evans and Martijn Verburg mention in the beginning of the book that they wrote it as a training guide to get new Java developers up to speed. For my talk, I wanted to do something similar, but for Java Web Developers.
I mentioned that the first thing you have to do to become modern is to change your title from a Java Web Developer to a JVM Web Developer. After doing that, you have a whole slew of new and wonderful technologies at your disposal. From there, I believe the Modern JVM Web Developer:
The second talk was on Java Web Application Security and was largely an updated version of the talk I gave a couple years ago, starting with an appearance at the Utah JUG. It was mostly a live demo session using my Ajax Login application. To prepare the project for this talk, I created branches for each step. This means you can checkout the "baseline" branch and use Git to compare it with the "javaee" branch. You can also compare the "spring-security" branch vs. the "apache-shiro" branch. Finally, you could see what I needed to do to fix many of the vulnerabilities found by Zed Attack Proxy.
Thanks to the DJUG and Thrive folks for providing good beer (especially the Guinness!) and FullContact for hosting. Also, I'd like to thank Manning for the copies of The Well-Grounded Java Developer they sent and No Starch Press for copies of Michal Zalewsky's The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications. Last, but certainly not least, thanks to all the good people who attended and listened to me ramble on about all this cool technology.
... there's a lot of folks praising JSF 2 (and PrimeFaces moreso). That's why I'll be integrating it (or merging your pull request) into the 2.3 release of AppFuse. Since PrimeFaces contains a Bootstrap theme, I hope this is a pleasant experience and my overall opinion of JSF improves.
Shortly after the AppFuse 2.2.1 release in December, Gilberto Andrade contributed a sample project that used Mojarra (the JSF RI) and PrimeFaces instead of MyFaces and its Tomahawk components. Last week, I spent a few hours integrating Gilberto's changes into AppFuse's master branch. You can see all the changes I made (which include a Jetty plugin upgrade and some cleanup) in this Crucible review. Feel free to leave comments on ask questions in the review itself.
The first thing I noticed when integrating PrimeFaces is you have to add a custom repository in order to get its artifacts via Maven.
This is unfortunate since all of AppFuse's other dependencies can be found in Maven Central. It means that if you're using a JSF archetype, the PrimeFaces repo will be checked for artifacts first, causing an unnecessary slowdown in artifact resolution. I hope the PrimeFaces developers fix this soon.
While integrating these two frameworks, I ran into a number of issues.
An IllegalStateException on startup when using "mvn jetty:run" The first issue I encountered was that I was unable to run the app in Jetty. It worked fine in Tomcat but I got the following error in Jetty:
2013-01-31 22:28:07.683:WARN:/:unavailable
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory
at javax.faces.FactoryFinder$FactoryManager.getFactory(
at javax.faces.FactoryFinder.getFactory(
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.init(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.initServlet(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.doStart(
Conditionally rendering a button disables its click-ability
The next thing I noticed was the Delete button didn't work when editing a user. It was hidden correctly when adding a user, but clicking on it to delete a user simply refreshes the page. Below is the code I used successfully with MyFaces. For some reason, this doesn't work with PrimeFaces.
Canoo WebTest doesn't work with fileUpload nor to set checkbox values
We use Canoo WebTest to run integration tests on the UI in AppFuse. For some reason, performing file uploads and setting checkbox values works fine with MyFaces/Tomahawk, but not with Mojarra/PrimeFaces. I'm not sure if this is caused by the JSF core or the component library, but it remains an open issue. For now, I've just commented out the parts of tests that used to do this.
On a related note, getting the real path of a resource from the ServletContext worked fine before the switch, but results in a null value now.
PrimeFaces resources served up at /javax.faces.resource/* not found While I didn't have problems with this in AppFuse, I did encounter it in AppFuse Light. I don't know why there was a difference between the two, but it turned out to be caused by the UrlRewriteFilter and my desire for extensionless URLs. The outbound-rule to strip .xhtml from URLs was the culprit. Adding a condition to it solved the problem. Yeah, the condition seems backwards, but it works.
The initial switch to Mojarra/PrimeFaces was pretty easy thanks to Gilberto's sample project. However, the small issues encountered after that turned out to be quite frustrating and you can see that several are still not fixed. I guess it just goes to show that not all web frameworks are perfect. Hopefully we'll get these minor issues fixed before the next release. In the meantime, you can checkout the updated demos for AppFuse JSF and AppFuse Light JSF.
In December, the AppFuse Team released 2.2.1. Right before that release, I decided to wait on enhancing its "light" modules, a.k.a. AppFuse Light. I'm glad I did, because it took some effort to get jQuery and Bootstrap integrated, as well as to make it more secure.
The good news is AppFuse Light 2.2.1 is released and it's sitting out on the Central Repository. This release is a refactoring of all archetypes to be up-to-date with the AppFuse 2.2.1 release. This means Java 7 compatibility, Servlet 3, Bootstrap/jQuery integration, Tapestry 5.3.6 upgrade and security improvements. I integrated Bootstrap and jQuery using WebJars Servlet 3 support since it was simple and straightforward.
You can create projects using AppFuse's light archetypes using a command such as the following: