Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.
You searched this site for "free sex movies for men non blog". 1,223 entries found.

You can also try this same search on Google.

Refreshing Taleo's UI with HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap and CSS3

Back in December, I wrote about what I've been working on at Taleo. Shortly after finishing up the Profile Picture, Talent Card and Org Chart features for TBE, I spent two weeks doing page speed optimization. By following Web Performance Best Practices, I was able to make the TBE application twice as fast and improve its score into the low 90s.

Next, I started working on a new project - refreshing the UI. Nick, the Lead UX Designer at Taleo (at the time), had developed a number of mockups and presented it to the developers and product folks in early November. I listened to a WebEx of that meeting and learned that everyone thought it'd take 6-9 months to complete the work. They figured they could release the new design in Q3 2012.

Since I like to provide high-value for my clients, I offered to help with the redesign and do a spike to help estimate. They agreed it'd be a good use of my time and I started working on it the week before Christmas. Since I'd used Twitter Bootstrap for my Play More! app, I recommended we use it as a foundation of the redesign. They agreed and I went to work. By the end of the week, I'd made good progress and told them I thought the redesign was possible in 2-3 months (including QA and cross-browser compatibility).

When I came back to work in January, we decided to split the redesign into two phases. Rather than moving elements around and introducing new features, we decided to do that in the 2nd phase. The 1st phase would entail simply re-skinning the existing UI, with minimal HTML changes. I spent a week refining my spike and integrating it into a branch. The next week, I switched images from individual images to CSS sprites. Next, I implemented a new theming system with different colors/icons and got everything looking good in Chrome, Safari and IE8/9.

The result is something I'm quite proud of. IE8 doesn't have the rounded corners (via border-radius), but it still looks good. Forms look much better thanks to Bootstrap's styling and even jQuery UI's widgets look good thanks to jQuery UI Bootstrap. I did have to override quite a few Bootstrap styles in the process, but the result is something that doesn't look too bootstrappy.

One technique I found to be extremely useful during this process was to pair with Nick (the designer) as mentioned in Building Twitter Bootstrap. At one point, when we were trying to refine slight nuances and spacing in the UI, I paired with the Product Manager and found this to be a real time-saving effort as well.

Taleo's UI Refresh project has been a great experience for me in sharpening my CSS skills. I used quite a bit of child and sibling selectors, which work great in all the browser's we're supporting. Also, by using CSS sprites and colors (vs. images), I was able to get the manual theme-creation process down to around 15 minutes. After getting the manual process greatly reduced, I wrote a Theme Generator (based on Ant, LESS and wro4j) and got it down to mere minutes. I found Sprite Cow to be an invaluable resources for working with CSS sprites.

Below are some before and after shots of what we've been able to accomplish in the first quarter of this year.

Old UI - My View Old UI - New Employee

New UI - My View New UI - New Employee

I originally wrote this post at the end of January. We ran into some stumbling blocks shorty after its original composition: Nick (the designer) moved onto greener pastures and Oracle bought Taleo. What I didn't expect when I wrote this was to spend the next two months fixing slight bugs that occurred with spacing, alignment and dependent applications I didn't know about at the time. And then there was IE7. We didn't realize we needed to support it until mid-March. Then it took us around a month to make it all work good enough.

The good news is the UI Refresh was released a few months ago and seems to be humming along just fine. Sure, there were slight nuances and customizations we had conflicts with (clashing CSS classes), but overall it seems to have gone well. I can't thank the Bootstrap developers enough for motivating us to move to HTML5 and CSS3. Also, cheers to the excellent co-workers that helped make this happen: Murray Newton (Product Manager) and Vladimir Bazarsky. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Posted in The Web at Aug 20 2012, 12:27:21 PM MDT 5 Comments

New Look and Feel, Designed by Gillen's Army

As part of my 10-year blogiversary, I was hoping to refresh this site with a new look and feel. A few months ago, I contacted my friend Mark Waggoner to see about getting his design help. We promptly worked out a logo/business card/website deal and Gillen's Army went to work.

I picked a logo from numerous choices in late June, finalized a business card for printing in July and received the HTML and CSS for the site on August 2nd. I started converting it to a Roller theme last week and did a whole bunch of other modifications in the process.

  • Upgraded to Roller 5.0.1.
  • Upgraded wro4j to the latest version ( to workaround using a → (\2192) in CSS.
  • Changed to use jQuery and Lightbox2 for pictures.
  • Upgraded to the latest version (3.0.83) of SyntaxHighlighter. You might notice there is no longer a toolbar in this version. However, you can still double-click on code and easily copy/paste it.

In addition to these upgrades, I made a few enhancements. I converted to HTML5 (by switching the doctype), added Modernizr and a feature that detects if the sun is up in your location. If you allow your browser to send me your lat and long, I'll give you a dark theme when the sun is down and a light theme when it's daylight. I used Preston's Hunt's JavaScript Class for Sunrise and Sunset Calculations to determine isDaylight. You can also change the theme to light or dark using the small rectangles above the search box on the right. This sets a cookie and overrides the HTML5 Geo check. You can see the implementation of this logic in site.js.

The stylesheet switching doesn't happen as fast as I'd hoped (there's a flash even if using cookies), so I'll likely be converting some theme-setting logic to the server-side. The HTML5 version of the FaceBook Like Button requires you to specify the "data-colorscheme" in markup so this further supports moving to the server.

I have other minor adjustments I'd like to make, but more importantly - I wanted to get it out to you all. Tell me what you like and don't like. Among other things, the form inputs for comments and contact forms have backgrounds that might not be great for those color-impaired. Also, you can see how the iframe on the contact page has a white background instead of one based on the theme.

Here's some stats comparing my old andreas08 theme to the new darklight:

Metric andreas08 darklight
Size and Speed 167 requests, 3.6MB, 9.89s 148 requests, 3.2MB, 7.34s
YSlow 76 87
PageSpeed 91 96

Sweet! It looks like this site is faster than ever. Cheers to Mark and Gillen's Army for the new design. I dig it!

Posted in Roller at Aug 14 2012, 10:58:11 PM MDT 6 Comments

10 Years Ago...

Wouldn't you know it, I missed my 10-year blogiversary. 10 years ago yesterday, I wrote my first blog post. This was shortly after reading Dave Johnson's article about Roller. I originally started this blog to share a bunch of tips and tricks I'd learn while doing web development, particularly with Java and Struts. Since then, I've written 3,086 entries and received 13,462 comments.

I found that writing technical blog posts was a great way to remember things and share knowledge. According to Google Analytics (which doesn't track my RSS/Atom feeds), here's my most-visited blog posts since 2006.

I also started it to document my life, so I could remember the details of significant life events and fun family vacations. I wrote about Abbie's and Jack's arrival. I penned a story about growing up at the cabin, twice. In April 2004, I wrote about buying a 1966 21-window VW Bus. Yes, I'm still restoring it. No, I don't know when it'll be done. This year I hope.

I blogged about Abbie and Jack's first day of school, I wrote about almost all of Abbie's birthdays; Jack's 5th, 4th, 3rd and 1st. Some of my favorite comments are on Jack's got a bead stuck in his nose! I blogged about getting a divorce 5 years ago. I wrote about visiting the real Oktoberfest the next year.

I wrote about my Dad's retirement, my sister's wedding and my Mom's retirement.

I met Trish in June of 2010 and mentioned her name for the first time in September 2010. I introduced her to the kids in November and we started traveling the world together. We journeyed to Antwerp/Amsterdam, Fort Lauderdale/Key West, Crested Butte, Alta, Las Vegas, a hut trip in the Rockies and Kraków. And that was just in the first 6 months! We got engaged last November.

I summarized the years several times, in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to thank the ones that made the last 10 years possible:

  • Keith at KGB Internet. Hosted here since day 1, for $20 month*.
  • Dave Johnson, for creating Roller and continuing to maintain it all these years.
  • Java and Tomcat, for your rock-solid stability through the years.
  • The Open Source Movement, for providing so much to write about.
  • My Family, for giving me with so many adventures and memories.

* Thank goodness he doesn't charge me for bandwidth. It's a little heavy on the bits.

Update: As part of this 10-year celebration, I've updated the look-and-feel with help from Gillen's Army.

Posted in Roller at Aug 02 2012, 12:47:19 PM MDT 3 Comments

Summer Vacation 2012 in Montana and Maui

I started writing about my summer vacations in Montana as soon as this blog gave me an opportunity: July 2003. In July 2004, I didn't travel to the cabin for the 4th, but I did in 2005. Then, 5 years ago, I started writing longer blog posts about our trips. 2008 was Raible Road Trip #12. In 2009, I spent a whole month in Montana. In 2010, I visited after my parents moved there full-time. Last year, I took Trish for the first time.

I don't know what Raible Road Trip number this year's trip was, but I'm going to go ahead and assume #17. This year wasn't exactly a vacation for me. It was what I like to call a workation. I tried to take the whole month off, but my current client needed my services. As a compromise, they agreed to let me work 20 hours per week during July. While I didn't get a chance to fully unplug, I did enjoy the reduced workload and time to spend with friends and family. And the views from The Cabin and Sugar Beach weren't bad either. ;)

Below is our trip itinerary in condensed form, complete with photos from my incredibly talented fiancé.

We embarked on our drive to Montana on June 30th, stopped for fireworks in Wyoming and spent the night in Yellowstone park. Arrived at the cabin, got to sleep in the new house for the first time, built a cabin float, drove it in the parade, went boating at Holland Lake, played golf. Journeyed to West Glacier to celebrate Dr. Barton's PhD at his sister's house. Rafted the Middlefork of the Flathead all weekend. Played some more golf and went waterskiing.

Abbie at The Cabin My Dad Happy 4th! Raible Homestead in the Swan Valley Parade
Holland Lake Patio The Girls at Double Arrow Hard to believe I caused this guy to move to Montana in 1997 Holland Lake Sunset Soy Fields in Montana
→ Trish's Montana Summer 2012 Album

On July 14th, we flew to Maui and continued to explore. Our good friend's parents have a timeshare on Sugar Beach and got us a screaming deal on lodging. We had beachfront accommodations with a pool, hot tub and sauna. We played golf on my birthday (July 16th). Visited the Old Lahaina Luau, Maui Aquarium and Coconut Festival at Grand Wailea. Drove to the summit of Haleakala. Sipped cold handcrafted ales while watched the kids boogie board. Embarked on a sunset cruise, hiked in Iao Valley, did some horseback riding along the beach, sea kayaked and snorkeled with sea turtles. Savored Shawn's excellent cooking. Flew back to Missoula (Montana), slept for 6 hours and drove 12.5 hours back to Denver on July 27th.

Api, Makao and Keaka. My Hawaiin name is Pualani I'm going to call him Honu! Abbie with the Stingray Wahoo! We did it!
Sunset sail from a catamaran in Maui. Epic! Where we stayed for 2 weeks! Epic Maui Ride Kayaking with Turtles
→ Trish's Maui Summer 2012 Album

Mahalo Montana and Maui. Thank you to our awesome friends: Mom, Dad, Owen, Jason, Ryan and Shawn. It was an incredible adventure.

Posted in General at Aug 01 2012, 09:30:27 AM MDT Add a Comment

Play vs. Grails Smackdown at ÜberConf

Play and Grails have been hyped as the most productive JVM Web Frameworks for the last couple of years. That hype has recently grown thanks to both frameworks' 2.0 releases. That's why James Ward and I decided to do a presentation at ÜberConf comparing the two. In April, we proposed the talk to Jay Zimmerman, got accepted and went to work.

How we did it
In the beginning of May, we met at a brewery in LoDo and sketched out the app we wanted to build. We also came up with a schedule for development and a plan for the presentation. We decided to build two different webapps, each with little-to-no Ajax functionality and a few features that we could use to load test and compare the applications.

We started out with the name “Happy Trails” since we both liked trails and happy hours. Later, James found that was available and purchased the domain. We setup the Grails app to be on and Play/Java to be on We managed our source code on GitHub, continuously tested on CloudBees and deployed to Heroku. Two weeks ago, when we were finishing up our apps, we hired a friend (Linsay Shirley) to do QA.

After fixing bugs, I emailed Patrick Lightbody, got some “cloud dollars” for Neustar Web Performance and started running load tests. The Wednesday before last, at 2 in the morning, I recorded a simple browsing regions and routes script and set it to go to 50 users over a 5 minute period and then sustain 50 for another 5 minutes. It was fun to watch the log messages whiz through my console so fast they got blurry. About halfway through testing the Grails app, there was an OOM issue, but it eventually recovered. Limiting db connections to 4 and scaling to 5 Dynos in future tests helped alleviate any issues.

We took our development experience, the load/performance testing data, and a bunch of ecosystem stats and built our smackdown presentation. We used reveal.js, GitHub Files and Google Charts to make things more dynamic.

What we found
We arrived at a number of conclusions after doing our research:


  • From a code perspective, Play 2 and Grails 2 are very similar frameworks.
  • Code authoring was good in both, but lacking IDE support for Play 2's Scala Templates.
  • Grails Plugin Ecosystem is excellent.
  • TDD-Style Development is easy with both.
  • Type-safety in Play 2 was really useful, especially routes.

Statistical Analysis

  • Grails has better support for FEO (YSlow, PageSpeed)
  • Grails has less LOC! (6 lines less, but 40% more files)
  • 1 Dyno - Grails had 2x transactions!
    • Grails experienced OOM about halfway through.
  • Apache Benchmark with 10K requests:
    • Play: ~10% failed requests, Grails: 0
    • Requests per second: {Play: 170, Grails: 198}
    • Requests per second: {Play: 251, Grails: 198}
  • Load Test with 100 Real Users:
    • Grails: 10% more transactions, 0 errors

Ecosystem Analysis

  • "Play" is difficult to search for.
  • Grails is more mature.
  • Play has momentum issues.
  • LinkedIn: more people know Grails than Spring MVC.
  • Play has 3x user mailing list traffic.
  • We had similar experiences with documentation and questions.
  • Outdated documentation is a problem for both.
  • Play has way more hype!

We figured we spent around 100 hours developing the apps, gathering data and creating the presentation. The good news is it's all open source! This means you can clone the project on GitHub (Grails is in the grails2 branch, Play is in the play2_java branch) and help us improve it. The presentation is in the master branch in the preso directory.

All the data we gathered is open for debate and we’d love to tune our apps to handle more requests per second. In fact, we already had a contributor discover an issue and provide a fix for Play that increases its throughput from 170 req/second to 252 req/second!

Regardless of what the stats and pretty graphs say, we both enjoyed our experiences with Play 2 and Grails 2. If you haven't tried them yourself, we encourage you to do so.

Posted in Java at Jun 25 2012, 07:10:57 AM MDT 19 Comments

Migrating to Play 2 and My ÜberConf Presentation

In my last post about migrating to Play 2, I said I'd write another post on the rest of my experience. While I'm not completely finished with migrating to Play 2, I feel like I've done enough to talk about the issues I encountered.

Validation and Displaying Errors
With Play 1, I can't help but think validation was a bit more intuitive. For example, here's how I populated an object from request parameters, converted a value and validated its data was fit to put in a database.

var workout = params.get("workout", classOf[Workout])

// change duration to time
var duration = params.get("workout.duration")
workout.duration = convertWatchToTime(duration)

Validation.valid("workout", workout)

if (Validation.hasErrors) {
  renderArgs.put("template", "Profile/edit")
} else { // put into db

With Play Scala 2, you have to define a Form structure and bind it from the request. Based on what I was able to conjure up, I ended up writing the following code to accomplish the same thing:

val workoutForm = Form(
    "id" -> ignored(NotAssigned: anorm.Pk[Long]),
    "title" -> text,
    "description" -> text,
    "duration" -> nonEmptyText,
    "distance" -> nonEmptyText,
    "postedAt" -> optional(date),
    "athleteId" -> optional(longNumber)
  )((id, title, description, duration, distance, postedAt, athleteId) =>
    Workout(id, title, description, convertWatchToTime(duration), distance.toDouble, null, 0))
    ((w: Workout) =>
      Some((, w.title, w.description, w.duration.toString, w.distance.toString, null, Some(0))))
  form => {
    Ok(Scalate("/Profile/edit.jade").render(request, 'errors -> form.errors))
  workout => { // put into db

First of all, the Play 2 version is quite a bit more verbose, but most of that comes from the re-defining of my model object as a form. It seems strange that the Java API allows you to do it in one line whereas the Scala version does not. Also, I was unable to figure out how to get the data from my "form" back into the request so I could refill input fields. I'll admit, I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, but it did fail the 10 minute test. Note to self: use HTML5's required attribute to reduce the need for server-side validation on modern browsers.

On a more positive note, I did like the way I was able to use routes in my Jade templates. It was as simple as importing the routes class and using it as you would in Play's Scala Templates:

-import controllers._

form(method="post" class="form-stacked" id="workoutForm"
  input(type="hidden" name="id" value="#{}")

Secure Social
After getting most of my UI working, I started looking at the Secure Social Module for Play 2. Below are the steps I had to go through to install it:

  1. Cloned GitHub project to my hard drive.
  2. Copied module-code/* into my projects' modules/securesocial directory.
  3. Modified project/Build.scala to add secureSocial and dependsOn to my project.
    val secureSocial = PlayProject(
      appName + "-securesocial", appVersion, mainLang = SCALA, path = file("modules/securesocial")
    val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
      // Add your own project settings here
  4. Added a conf/securesocial.conf and included it in my application.conf with the following line:
    include "securesocial.conf"
  5. Added a conf/play.plugins with the following to get Twitter to load as a provider:
  6. Created an InMemoryUserService.scala and referenced it in my play.plugins file:
  7. Added Secure Social's routes to my conf/routes file.

Once I'd finished all these steps, I fired up my app and was pleasantly surprised to find I could navigate to /login and successfully authenticate via Twitter. Installing Secure Social in a Play 2 app is quite a bit harder than adding it as a dependency in Play 1, but I was thankful that I got it to work in under 10 minutes.

The next thing I did was attempt to deploy my app to Heroku. I knew there might be some issues with Scalate after reading Jan Helwich's blog post about Scalate on Heroku. The first things I encountered were 1) a successful startup and 2) an error in my browser.

Action not found

I was able to reproduce this issue locally by running "play clean stage" and starting the app with "target/start". After 30 minutes of banging my head against the wall, I guessed it might be caused by Secure Social. Removing Secure Social solved the problem and I was back in business. However, this time when I deployed, I received the error that Jan had mentioned might happen.

2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: [error] o.f.s.l.DefaultLayoutStrategy - Unhandled: org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateException: target/../tmp/src/app/target/../app/views/layouts/default.jade.scala (No such file or directory)
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: [error] application - 
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: 
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: ! @6amfgf02h - Internal server error, for request [GET /] ->
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: 
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: play.core.ActionInvoker$$anonfun$receive$1$$anon$1: Execution exception [[TemplateException: target/../tmp/src/app/target/../app/views/layouts/default.jade.scala (No such file or directory)]]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at play.core.ActionInvoker$$anonfun$receive$1.apply(Invoker.scala:134) [play_2.9.1-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at play.core.ActionInvoker$$anonfun$receive$1.apply(Invoker.scala:115) [play_2.9.1-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at$class.apply(Actor.scala:311) [akka-actor-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at play.core.ActionInvoker.apply(Invoker.scala:113) [play_2.9.1-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at [akka-actor-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:196) [akka-actor-2.0.1.jar:2.0.1]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: Caused by: org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateException: target/../tmp/src/app/target/../app/views/layouts/default.jade.scala (No such file or directory)
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.compileAndLoad(TemplateEngine.scala:834) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.compileAndLoadEntry(TemplateEngine.scala:691) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.liftedTree1$1(TemplateEngine.scala:411) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.load(TemplateEngine.scala:405) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.load(TemplateEngine.scala:475) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at$fusesource$scalate$layout$DefaultLayoutStrategy$$tryLayout(DefaultLayoutStrategy.scala:77) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]: Caused by: target/../tmp/src/app/target/../app/views/layouts/default.jade.scala (No such file or directory)
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at Method) ~[na:1.6.0_20]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at ~[na:1.6.0_20]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at ~[na:1.6.0_20]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.util.IOUtil$.writeBinaryFile(IOUtil.scala:111) ~[scalate-util-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.compileAndLoad(TemplateEngine.scala:747) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]
2012-06-21T07:07:12+00:00 app[web.1]:   at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.compileAndLoadEntry(TemplateEngine.scala:691) ~[scalate-core-1.5.3.jar:1.5.3]

I tried his suggestion (removing the first slash on my Scalate paths) but it didn't work. I tried adding in Scalate pre-compilation, but that didn't solve the problem either. The good news is I did solve it this afternoon by changing my Scalate object to use a canonical path instead of an absolute one.

iPhone App
In addition to the changes mentioned here, I re-wrote the iPhone app for Play More. I upgraded it to PhoneGap 1.8.1, used jQTouch, developed with AppCode (instead of Xcode) and had a pretty good experience. The only issue I ran into was with the jqt.bars extension from DataZombies. I briefly tried to integrate it and then decided not to. However, I left all its JS and CSS in my page and this caused scrolling to not work and made the app sluggish. Removing the files solved the problem. The other big improvement I made was moving all the static assets (JS, CSS, images) into the mobile app instead of referencing them from This reduced the startup time from 30-40 seconds to 3-4 seconds!

Presentation and Source Code
I presented all of these findings and told my story at ÜberConf this morning. In addition, I announced that the code is now open source and available on GitHub. You can view my presentation below or on Slideshare.

Would I do it again? Learning Scala was my primary motivator for digging into Play. When Play 2 was announced, I thought migrating my app to the new version would be easy. Unfortunately, the Play Developers decided to break backwards-compatibility and wrote a whole new framework that still seems to be in its infancy. I think you can see from my last couple of posts that migrating from Play 1.x to 2.x was not an easy task. It's been nice to learn more about Play and Scala in the process, but living on the bleeding edge was also quite frustrating at times. Play Scala 1.x seemed to be quite a bit more productive than Play 2, especially because of the Magic[T] in Anorm, but also because it required less code in Controllers.

I found Anorm and Scalate to be huge time sinks and don't know if I'd recommend using either one in a Play 2 project. I'm sure Scalate will be easier to use as its Play 2 integration gets more refined, but I don't know if there's any hope for a JDBC abstraction that doesn't produce error messages when things go south.

On the upside, my experience with HTML5 and CoffeeScript was wonderful. They did what I asked them to do and didn't cause much pain. When a browser-based webapp couldn't handle geo running in the background, PhoneGap came to the rescue.

I plan on continuing to develop Play More! If you'd like to help, checkout the open issues and viva la open source!

Posted in Java at Jun 21 2012, 04:09:22 PM MDT 1 Comment

Upgrading to Play 2: Anorm and Testing

This time last year, I decided I wanted to learn Scala. I chose the Play Framework as my vehicle for learning and I added CoffeeScript and Jade to the mix. I packaged it all up, learned a bunch and presented it at Devoxx 2011.

In January, I added SecureSocial, JSON Services and worked a bit on the mobile client. I presented my findings at Jfokus shortly after. As part of my aforementioned post, I wrote:

Right before we left for Jfokus, I was able to get everything to work, but didn't spend as much time as I'd like working on the mobile client. If this talk gets accepted for Devoxx France, I plan on spending most of my time enhancing the mobile client.

I had some complications (a.k.a. too much vacation) with Devoxx France and wasn't able to attend. To make up for it, I submitted the talk to ÜberConf. It got accepted and I started working on my app a couple weeks ago. So far, I've spent about 8 hours upgrading it to Play 2 and I hope to start re-writing the mobile client later this week. I plan on using Cordova, jQTouch and releasing it in the App Store sometime this month.

Upgrading to Play 2
When I heard about Play 2, I thought it was a great thing. The developers were re-writing the framework to use Scala at the core and I was already using Scala in my app. Then I learned they were going to throw backwards compatibility out the window and I groaned. "Really? Another web framework (like Tapestry of old) screwing its users and making them learn everything again?!", I thought. "Maybe they should call it Run instead of Play, leaving the old framework that everyone loves intact."

However, after hearing about it at Devoxx and Jfokus, I figured I should at least try to migrate. I downloaded Play 2.0.1, created a new project and went to work.

The first thing I learned about upgrading from Play 1.x to Play 2.x is there's no such thing. It's like saying you upgraded from Struts 1 to Struts 2 or Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5. It's a migration, with a whole new project.

I started by looking around to see if anyone had documented a similar migration. I found two very useful resources right off the bat:

From Jan's Blog, I learned to copy my evolutions from my Play 1.x project into conf/evolutions/default. I changed my application.conf to use PostgreSQL and wrote an EvolutionsTest.scala to verify creating the tables worked.

import org.specs2.mutable._

import play.api.db.DB
import play.api.Play.current

import anorm._

import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._

class EvolutionsTest extends Specification {

  "Evolutions" should {
    "be applied without errors" in {
      running(FakeApplication()) {
        DB.withConnection {
          implicit connection =>
            SQL("select count(1) from athlete").execute()
            SQL("select count(1) from workout").execute()
            SQL("select count(1) from comment").execute()

Then I began looking for how to load seed data with Play 2.x. In Play 1.x, you could use a BootStrap job that would load sample data with YAML.

import play.Play

class BootStrap extends Job {

  override def doJob() {

    import models._
    import play.test._

    // Import initial data if the database is empty
    if (Athlete.count().single() == 0) {
      Yaml[List[Any]]("initial-data.yml").foreach {
        _ match {
          case a: Athlete => Athlete.create(a)
          case w: Workout => Workout.create(w)
          case c: Comment => Comment.create(c)

This is no longer a recommended practice in Play 2. Instead, they recommend you turn your YAML into code. 10 minutes later, I had a Global.scala that loaded seed data.

import models._
import play.api._
import play.api.Play.current

import anorm._

object Global extends GlobalSettings {

  override def onStart(app: Application) {

 * Initial set of data to be loaded
object InitialData {

  def date(str: String) = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(str)

  def insert() {

    if (Athlete.count() == 0) {

        Athlete(Id(1), "[email protected]", "beer", "Matt", "Raible"),
        Athlete(Id(2), "[email protected]", "whiskey", "Trish", "McGinity")

        Workout(Id(1), "Chainsaw Trail",
            A beautiful fall ride: cool breezes, awesome views and yellow leaves.

            Would do it again in a heartbeat.
          """, 7, 90, date("2011-10-13"), 1),
        Workout(Id(2), "Monarch Lake Trail",
          "Awesome morning ride through falling yellow leaves and cool fall breezes.",
          4, 90, date("2011-10-15"), 1),
        Workout(Id(3), "Creekside to Flume to Chainsaw",
          "Awesome morning ride through falling yellow leaves and cool fall breezes.",
          12, 150, date("2011-10-16"), 2)

        Comment(1, "Jim", "Nice day for it!"),
        Comment(2, "Joe", "Love that trail."),
        Comment(2, "Jack", "Where there any kittens there?")

Anorm's Missing Magic
Before starting with Play 2, I knew it had lost some of its magic. After all, the developers had mentioned they wanted to get ride of the magic and moving to Scala allowed them to do that. However, I didn't think I'd miss Magic[T] as much as I do. Like Martin Fowler, I like ORMs and having to use SQL again seems painful. It seems like a strange shift for Play to reduce type-safety on the backend, but increase it in its templates. Oh well, to each their own. I may eventually move to Squery, but I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison as part of my migration.

Using the aforementioned tutorial from James and Jan's blog posts, as well as Guillaume's Play 2.0/Anorm, I set about creating new model objects. I wrote a bunch of SQL, typed up some new finders and migrated my tests from ScalaTest to the new default, specs2. The Mosh Pit's Migrating a Play 1.2 website to Play 2.0 was a great help in migrating tests.

That's when I started having issues with Anorm and figuring out how its parser syntax works. After struggling for a few days, I finally found yabe-play20-scala. Since I'd used the yabe tutorial from Play 1.x, it was familiar and helped me get past my problems. Now, things aren't perfect (Workouts aren't ordered by their posted date), but everything compiles and tests pass.

To illustrate how little code was required for Anorm 1.x, checkout Workout.scala in Play 1.x vs. Play 2.x. The Play 1.x version is 66 lines; Play 2.x requires 193 lines. I don't know about you, but I kinda like a little magic in my frameworks to reduce the amount of code I have to maintain.

I was pleasantly surprised by specs2. First of all, it was an easy migration from ScalaTest. Secondly, Play's FakeApplication made it very easy to write unit tests. The line count on my UnitTests.scala in Play 1.x vs. Play 2.x is almost identical.

The first few hours of developing with Play 2 were frustrating, mostly because I felt like I had to learn everything over again. However, I was pleased to find good references on migrating from Play 1.x. Last night, I migrated all my Controllers, integrated Scalate and got most of my views rendering. I still have issues rendering validation errors, but I hope to figure that out soon. The last 2 hours have been much more fun and I feel like my Scala skills are coming along. I think if the Play Team could eliminate those first few hours of struggling (and provide almost instant joy like Play 1.x) they'd really be onto something.

As soon as I figure out how to validation and how to add a body class based on the URL, I'll write another post on the rest of my migration. A Play 2-compatible version of SecureSocial just came out this evening, so I may integrate that as well. In the meantime, I'll be working on the iPhone app and finishing up a Grails 2 application for James Ward and my Grails vs. Play Smackdown.

Posted in Java at Jun 05 2012, 08:55:40 PM MDT 7 Comments

School's Out for Summer!

One of the main reasons I started this blog was to document my life. I like writing technical blog posts because it allows me to save knowledge in my brain and open up space for new stuff. It's been a couple months since I wrote any tech posts, but rest assured there will be a flurry in the near future. In the meantime, I'd like to reflect on my kids and how proud I am of them.

They both finished school two weeks ago today and I made sure and played Alice Cooper's School's Out several times that day.


I love how the song tries to capture the "greatest three minutes of your life".

Abbie and Jack had an athletic spring; both participating in their sport of choice. Jack chose lacrosse and learned how to play some mean defense. Abbie chose basketball and scored her first hoop in a game. I think I was in 5th grade before I scored in a game, so she's one up on me. Below are their team pictures. Lookin' good kids!

Jack's loves Lacrosse Abbie loves Basketball

Jack's Lacrosse Team Abbie's Basketball Team

In addition to sports, both kids were involved with Cub/Girl Scouts and performed in the school's talent show. I guess they like to be in front of an audience. I wonder where they get that from? ;)

Posted in General at Jun 05 2012, 10:25:54 AM MDT Add a Comment

How to build a Shot-Ski

At this year's Java Posse Roundup, James Ward, Trish McGinity, Brad Kizzort and I embarked upon a mission to build a Shot-Ski. Actually, we decided to build two. We wanted to show all the things we learned at the Roundup into a 5-minute Lightning Talk and building Shot-Skis seemed like an excellent mechanism. As Skiing Magazine says:

Everyone should have a shot-ski at their disposal. They're versatile, classy, and always appropriate. And, best of all, easy to make.

We spent about 3 hours researching, building, testing and deploying our shot-skis on a quiet afternoon in the town of Crested Butte. Below is a picture of our finished products, complete with stickers to demonstrate modern webapp design, a.k.a. sex sells.


We developed two different types of shot-skis, one that had the shot glasses top-mounted and the 2nd with the glasses mounted in the skis. We A/B tested them and decided we liked the top-mounted ones better. However, the in-ski version has the benefit of built-in brakes, in case you're using it on the mountain.

The whole crew was proud of what we were able to create in an afternoon. You can almost feel our pride as we strolled to that evening's lightning talks.

Strolling through Crested Butte

And now, thanks to The Java Posse, we actually have video footage of our lightning talk!

If you're ever in the town of Crested Butte, we donated these skis to The Secret Stash and Montanya Distillers. We encourage you to stop by and try them out. You can also checkout Trish's photos of our development process.

Posted in Java at May 03 2012, 04:02:41 PM MDT 1 Comment

Cruising around the Western Caribbean

I've heard great things about Disney Cruise Lines from friends, especially as a fun adventure for kids. That's why I was super pumped to talk my family into going on a Western Caribbean Cruise for Spring Break. As you might've read in my last post, we spent a week in Crested Butte before embarking on our cruise.

ShotSki Research at The Secret Stash While in Crested Butte, I enjoyed the Java Posse Roundup, but unfortunately had to do client work most of the week. However, that didn't stop James Ward, Trish and me from building a Shot-Ski and doing a 5-minute lightning talk on it. We had a great time doing research, getting locals to help us out and beta testing it with JPR attendees. I'll write a blog post on what we learned in the near future. In the meantime, you can check out Trish's Making a Shot-Ski photos.

We left Crested Butte on Thursday (March 29th) and drove back to Denver to meetup with my parents (who drove down from Montana). Friday morning we hopped on a plane and flew to Orlando, Florida and took a bus to Port Canaveral. Abbie and Jack were at their Grandma's in West Palm Beach, so Trish's parents picked them up on their drive up from Naples. We all met with near perfect timing and boarded the Disney Magic around 4 o'clock Friday afternoon.

Raible's and McGinity's welcome to our Disney Cruise!

The Joes Maureen and Abbie Leaving Port Canaveral First Dinner!

My Dad's Stateroom We were immediately impressed with our rooms (we had 3 staterooms next to each other on the 5th floor forward) and their nice portal windows. We saw dolphins jumping in Port Canaveral as we departed and witnessed a horn battle between our ship and the Disney Fantasy. The Disney Fantasy was embarking on its maiden voyage and we saw it many times throughout the trip. That evening, we ventured to the first dinner seating (at 17:45). We were pleased to find out we'd have the same servers all week, at different restaurants throughout the ship.

Key West
Saturday morning, we arrived in Key West and had from 12am-9pm to explore. We took a tour in Key West and learned a lot about the history and architecture of the town. Last time we visited Key West, I was super impressed with Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. It was fun to show it to everyone and we savored some tasty beverages at Margaritaville afterward.

Abbie on stage in Margaritaville Key West Florida Jimmy Buffet mural at Margaritaville Key West Florida

We returned to the ship for dinner that evening and enjoyed the service of Omar (our main server) and Marijah (his assistant) once again. A couple hours laster, the boys (minus Jack) returned to shore to do some bonding. We wandered about, set a match to some cigars and made it back on the ship before it departed. We spent the remainder of the evening in the ship's Sports Bar watching March Madness and talking about Trish and my upcoming wedding.

Bonding in Key West Key West Memories Bonding Night with the Queen

Sunday was a day at sea and we made the most of it. Lots of swimming, relaxing, playing with kids and enjoying each other's company. The ship had two different places that you could drop your kids off and Abbie (9) had a lot of fun attending their activities. Jack wasn't that into it and spent most of his day visiting the soft-serve ice cream machine. That evening, Trish and I journeyed to a romantic dinner at the ship's 18-and-older restaurant and celebrated our 1-year "moved in together" anniversary.

Grand Cayman
Monday, we arrived at Grand Cayman early in the morning and were ashore by 8am. We had a snorkeling expedition planned so promptly gathered and headed out to sea on a snorkeling boat. The weather was beautiful, the water was warm and snorkeling around a shipwreck was a very memorable experience.

Abbie and Jack arrive in Grand Cayman Islands Baba is excited to go snorkeling!

Barb and Joe going shipwreck snorkeling in Grand Cayman Abbie is a little nervous about the shipwreck

We visited the Hard Rock cafe to get my Dad a t-shirt, purchased some Tobago Rum Cakes and finished with a tour of the new Cayman Islands National Museum. We were back on the ship by 4 so our parents could have their own romantic dinner that evening.

Raible and McGinity dinner

Tuesday morning, we woke up in Cozumel. Trish and my parents headed to shore for some exploring while I slept in with the kids and ate at the "something for everyone" breakfast buffet. In the afternoon, we all headed to shore for a submarine ride. The submarine adventure was very cool, going down 120 ft. and even taking us to the edge of a cliff on the ocean floor. We got to see several schools of fish, loads of coral reef and even a sea turtle swimming along the bottom.

Cute Kids Submariners

Disney Double Date! Mimi and Baba Monkeys

The highlight of Cozumel was Manuel. After the submarine ride, we took a taxi to a restaurant with a great view and had a couple margaritas and some excellent steak tacos. While we were finishing up, a man walked up to us and asked if we wanted him to play us a song on his guitar. We said yes and gave him our small change ($1.75) for his serenade.

Shortly after, we got up to leave the restaurant and walk back to the ship. That's when Trish came up with a brilliant idea and asked Manuel if he'd be willing to walk with us around town and play music the whole time. She offered him $20 and he quickly agreed.

What followed was lots of laughs, smiling and dancing through the streets of Cozumel. Not only from us, but also from many of the locals. Manuel was an excellent mariachi musician and provided an exciting sense of celebration around us for the next 20 minutes.

Trish paid Manuel $20 to walk with us and play... Trish paid Manuel $20 to walk with us and play...

Our posse with our Guitarrón Amigo in the Plaza Cozumel Mexico

Wednesday was another day at sea as we traveled from Cozumel to Disney's private island in the Bahamas: Castaway Cay. We got a kick out of the ship's activities, from Beer Tasting to watching the John Carter movie in 3D. I snapped some sweet photos that night as we were watching the sun set over the horizon.

A thing of beauty

Long Lasting Love

Castaway Cay
At first, I thought Castaway Cay was going to be like Disney World, just on an island. I was expecting all kinds of rides and an amusement park. I was surprised to find it was nothing like that, but more of a private beach with all kinds of bars, games, water sports and even a water slide. The kids had a blast building sand castles, learning how to play checkers and exploring the island. I had a massage to the sound of ocean waves in the afternoon and we hopped back on the ship around 5 that afternoon.

That night, we had to pack up our luggage by 10 and put it out so it could be checked into our flight the next day. Disney did an awesome job of handling our luggage both to and from the cruise. All we had to do was attach bag tags in Denver and our bags arrived at our room shortly after boarding. On the way home, we gave them our bags on Thursday night and didn't see them until arriving in Denver.

Our crew on the Disney Magic!

The last morning on the Disney Magic was a bit early. We had to be at breakfast at 6:45, were off the ship by 8 and at the Orlando airport by 9. Our flight was at 7 that night, so we suddenly found ourselves with 9 hours of free time and nothing to do.

Last year around this time, Jack was struggling in school and getting in trouble almost every-other-day. In an attempt to promote good behavior, I told him I'd take him to LEGOLAND if he had 10 days in a row of good behavior. This didn't seem to help and we ended the school year with no trip planned. However, when this school year started, he had excellent behavior (which has continued all year) and quickly remembered my promise.

As we were sitting in Orlando's airport, I remembered this promise and 30 minutes later we had a car rented and were driving to see some legos. We spent a joyous day there, riding the few rides they had and marveling over all the things you could build with legos. It was a fun way to end our wonderful vacation.

This cruise was a first for myself, my kids and my parents. We were extremely impressed with Disney's Customer Service and have never felt more pampered in our lives. All the crew we interacted with knew our names by the second days and were some of the most kid-friendly people I've ever met. The food was excellent, the weather was beautiful and the activities were plentiful. It wasn't until the last night that we realized there were 15 bars on the ship, and by that time it was too late for a pub crawl. Oh well, there's always next time. ;-)

For more pictures from our Disney Magic voyage, see our photos on Flickr.

Posted in General at Apr 15 2012, 06:05:57 PM MDT Add a Comment